

"You're still asking for more?" Rin Tin Tin's finger played with the short blade as her head turned to look at her.

"Defeat is the best teacher," Huling spoke while getting up from the arena's ground.

"Just stay down, I'm sure your oh so good friend Yao Khange will have time for you later. In the meantime, I'll go look for Ku Lo."

Yao Khange…

After being harshly told off by Ku Lo, she had spent a lot of time thinking about his words. But the more she thought, the less things made sense to her, regardless of whether she stuck to her position or his.

Her initial theory of having someone pose as Yao Khange to incite conflict between the two suffered from a fatal flaw.

An enraged stranger seeking vengeance for a beating that Khange had no memory of would be unnecessarily suspicious.

On the other hand, the two faced Khange in Ku Lo's eyes had no apparent reason to let him off the first time, only to take more action later.