

"I can't wait to show ye what a real man can do..." Jacob stated as he looked at Skye's face, then her breasts.

When Skye saw her opening, she barely had to move her hand. In an instant, she was grabbing the corner of the sack that had Maevis in it. She reached up and yanked down on Jacob's left ear with her right hand as her left knee came into contact with his groin. As she pulled her knee back, Skye placed her foot back down on the floor with her leg extended behind her. This gave her stability as she sprang backwards with her other leg; taking the captive Maevis with her.

  When Jacob fell to his knees in pain, the floor beneath him gave way, sending him plummeting to the bottom of a hole six-feet deep. Skye had compacted all the sides, but not the top foot and a half. In case he decided to try and climb out. She quickly went over to the edge, but only close enough to peer down.