
General Zas

Tidas chuckled loudly as he stepped forward, and pulled his hood back. Upon seeing the prince's face, General Zas returned the smile and said in a deep, raspy voice; "Tidas! What are you doing here?! I thought you were on your honeymoon? Hey there, Ronnie boy, Klaus, And?"

General Zas eyed Skye as she stepped forward. When she'd removed her hood, Zas whistled loudly before saying; "Damn, Tidas! Got yourself a pretty one!"

"You must be Lady Skye Moonstone. I'm General Zas of the Royal Mages Corps. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, young lady.. Or should I address you as Princess Skye?" Zas flicked an ear as he spoke.

She grinned at him before saying; "Skye will be fine, if ye don't mind. I just cannot seem to get used to the title.."

Zas laughed loudly before saying; "Skye it is, then. What brings you all in on this fine day? Did you hear about the sickness over at the hospital yet?"