
Back in class

Knowing that Rin Tin Tin stalked him wasn't pleasant. Shudders ran through his spine, even more so than when he executed his half-dead enemies. Should I confront her about it? Would I gain anything from it?

The answer was no.

He would say nothing about it, for now. Good thing that on Terra the only way to block cuckoo girls wasn't blocking them on your phone and praying for them to find someone else.' Here, you could become so strong her status wouldn't allow her to approach you.

Personal power. The gap between him and Rin Tin Tin was a wide one, and then there was Sect Master Rin. Yet, this was the world of magic, and he could triumph over anyone.

"Fairy Feng, are you okay?"

Bo, Feng Huling, and Rin Tin Tin turned towards him with three different facial expressions.

"Bro, did you get them?"

"I'm so sorry, Ku Lo. This wasn't supposed to happen, I endangered you and… and… I ran as fast as I could to the guards."

Rin Tin Tin stood silent, gazing at him with indifference.