
chapter 3

Mount Olympus

 Within the various halls and abodes of the  Olympian Gods there was a singular abode that many of  the Olympians were familiar with, it was a palace belonging  to the well renowned Goddess of love and Beauty. The abode was among the most beautiful palaces within Olympus and the Goddess that resides within it is the most desired Of them all.

In any normal day, there would be various Gods lining up on her front porch to present gifts to her so that they may lay in bed with her, Unfortunately today The Goddess  accepted no guest, she was far too distraught to entertain them.

Within the palace of love and Beauty, in its deepest parts lay the personal  room of  the Goddess Aphrodite and today  she was not feeling very good, her mood was at its lowest point and the nymphs that served as her caretakers doubted She would be leaving her room for at least  a year.

The inside of her room was heavily decorated, with the colors of white and pink being the most prominent with some shades of red here and there. Various art pieces, instruments and parts of beast were used as decorations all over the room, some were gifts from her past affairs while other were gift  from those who coveted her body.

At the center of the room was a large canopy bed with white sheets and drapes and atop the bed was a woman, her face was hidden but her illustrious pale red hair was visible, the hair  glistened as the bright light of Helios struck it making apparent it's silk like appearance.

From underneath the covers, if one listened closely they  could hear the faint sounds of sniffling, the Goddess beneath the covers was silently crying.

Aphrodite could not accept such a thing. Her, the Goddess of Beauty to be wed to such a horrid creature, how could Zeus and Hera do this to her. Her very image would be associated with the ugliest God of all things, a God so ugly his very own mother threw him off Olympus due to his own hideous features  and yet Hera would condemn her to Marry  that thing, how could she be so cruel.

She wept silent tears a she lowered the covers just enough for her beautiful and delicate hands  to reach  for the cloth so that she may wipe her tears and blow her nose. The reason why she hid under the covers was so she could not be seen by anyone, not even Helios, she could not let anyone see how ugly she looked when she cried.

It has been about 2 weeks since the King and queen announced her being wed to that monster, Her tantrum should have long run its course but she did not feel like appearing before anyone right now. Going to Zeus and asking for a divorce would be quite easy for her, she  could seduce him however she doesn't want Hera's ire to be directed at her, there's  a reason why she never laid with Zeus and that reason is Hera, The queen is to an extent quite crazy.

"This is just great, I'm stuck with that thing as a husband now"

She expressed, her voice  ever so enchanting and melodic though no one was present to hear it. She was stuck with him and the only way to ensure  her image as a goddess of Beauty isn't tainted by that monster is to ensure that he is the one who voluntarily asks for divorce.

"I have to push him to hate me"

As soon as the sentence left her mouth she felt conflicted, as the goddess of love and Beauty being hated was foreign to her how could she make someone who was smitten by her hate her?

Unfortunately she wasn't given Enough time to further think about it as one of the nymphs in her palace, knocked on her door.

"My lady you have a guest"

The nymph informed, causing  Aphrodite to peal over her covers  revealing her gorgeous rosy crystals of eyes, the mere peak of her eyes would drive the imaginations of  all men to wild and unholy thoughts.

"did I not say that I will not be accepting any visitors?"

"Yes my lady but it's a man claiming to be lord Hephaestus"

At the mention of the name of that creature her anger grew as she spoke with venom in her tone.

"I do not wish to see that monster, send him away"

"My lady, he has come bearing gifts and says he wishes to talk about the marriage, he is open to the idea of divorce he simply wishes to meet with you first"

Aphrodite furrowed her eyes listening to the nymph, her eyes regained their splendor at the mention of divorce.

"Bring me a water basin, I need to wash my face first".

She commanded, she did not wish to meet the God that is supposed to be her husband, she hated him, it would have been fine if he simply lived his life away from her, he didn't even need to be away from her just live his life that's all, why did he have to ask for her hand in marriage why must he taint her image with such a thing

Aphrodite sat upright on her bed before wiping off some tears and waited for the nymph to return, even if she hated Hephaestus, she needed to let him know that she's the greatest beauty  in all of Olympus.


After having prepared herself, Aphrodite walked out of her chambers to meet her supposed husband, she was to an extent happy that he  came here to discuss the divorce, she figured he must have felt remorseful about what he had done to her so he wishes to make amends and terminate this farce of a marriage.

Making a turn she entered into her palace hall way that stretched all the way to  the living area near the Entrance, the hall way was decorated with pictures of herself gifted to her by various gods and Gifts given to her in hopes of laying in her bed. After walking the hall way for a minute or two Aphrodite arrived at the living area where Hephaestus was supposed to be waiting.

The first thing she noted was that the living area was cluttered with various types of gifts that she assumed were from Hephaestus, one of the things that caught her eye however was the unique assortment of dresses she has never seen before and the other thing she noticed was the lack of Hephaestus but instead a red haired individual stood before her

"Evening my lady, I hope this day finds  you  well"

The deep yet smooth voice of  the individual was pleasing to hear, his red haired was oddly striking and she like it. His facial features were handsome to say the least, with a chiseled angular Jaw and polished straight nose, his golden eyes looked at her with adoration rather than the lust she usually receives

His body was exactly as it should be for the body of a God, well crafted and fit, his muscles were lean unlike that of Ares or Zeus, his aura was not domineering but it was warm Similar to Hestia but it lacked the homely feel usually felt from Goddess of the hearth but instead there was a rawness to it like an untamed fire.

"Who are you?!!"

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