
New Gamer's Multiverse

Author: TheGodSage Type: Original ... [Synopsis] They say games are meant to end... but this one might be hard to. Zinon, a translator in his past life for a fanfic called Marvel's superman, dies and is instantly disrupted in his peaceful rest by the sound of a system... "Congratulations! You have been chosen by TheGodSage to be the host of the Gamer system... Oh, wait... TheSmutSystem!" Follow Zinon in his life of Games and debauchery, all while getting stronger to kill his good old friend TheGodSage! ... Join Server: Discord.link/bingetranslations

BingeFics · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
44 Chs

Chapter 022 | “Sorry Inoue, This is for the greater Good”

(E/N: Sorry y'all, since the location is in Japan I'll add the things I forgot to add honorifics like -san, -chan, -sama etc so yea, please forgive this insolent Editor)

"U-Uh… No" Zinon said after a small internal battle and swatted Inoue's hand away. "I am fine…" Zinon finished as he coughed seeing that his dick hadn't gone down yet. He was barely fighting the urge from his stupid bastardly trait.

"Hm? Why? Dad always says when it's hard I have to-'' Inoue stopped as Zinon's emotions spiked all of a sudden, causing her to sharply inhale as she looked up at Zinon's angry expression.

"Did you just say… your father tells you that?" Zinon said, regaining his calm as Inoue nodded, her blank expression never changing. "Yeah, he always feels like you do right now, when he does I am supposed to help… Right?" Inoue said calmly as she looked down to see Zinon wasn't hard anymore.

"I see… thanks for the thought Inoue-san… but I am fine now… you wanna spar?" Zinon asked with a soft smile on his face as the girl shook her head and he just let her go.

'Ugh… this world isn't supposed to be so fucked up…' Zinon thought before his eyes gained a violent glint as he too left the room, activating his shadow step…

"There has to be something the boss has left… No way he's clean… not with a brother like that... right?" Zinon muttered to himself as he dug in the drawers of Momo's father's office.

"Dear brother!" A voice sounded out from behind the door making Zinon widen his eyes as he jumped back in the shadows using [Shadow Steps].

*Shadow Steps- Lv. 1→ Lv. 2*

"Hm?... Could have sworn that jerk was in here…" A man who looked similar to Momo's father said as he turned and looked all around the room. Zinon sighed inwardly at the Bs coincidence.


Name: Hirito Naraka

Job: Full-Time Lackey

Quirk: Summon (Can summon objects to his hand at any time)

Lv. 3

STR- 6

END- 3

DEX- 2

INT- -3

CHA- 1

LCK- 2

Thoughts about you- Null


'Ah I see… So this is Mr.Yaoyorozu's brother huh… wait' Zinon, calm and collected, began to smile as he realized. If this was Mr.Yaoyorozu's brother… This meant he was also Inoue's father.

'I'm such a genius... ' Zinon thought as he had an idea, as he was thinking and planning things out, Hirito Naraka left the room in search of his brother.

'Mr.Yaoyorozu… how could you fuck up this bad…' Zinon thought as he started to stand up, only for the drawer he was using to get up slid open causing him to fall.

"Crap!" Zinon said annoyed before stopping and looking at the files that had fallen out.

[Mikoto Shigaraki -Deceased]

'Mikoto… huh?' Zinon's face twitched before he shook himself out of it. 'W-What was that' Zinon thought to himself before looking at pictures of the woman, who seemed to always have a smile.

In other pictures she was holding a kid with red hair, then there was also her husband, a man who also had red hair. "What a nice little family… Welp, I should get going" Zinon said to himself, leaving the room and the file back in its original place.

"Haha, Momo-chan you've grown so much!" Hirito said to Momo later that day as they were all getting ready for dinner. Pulling her into a deep hug his eyes slightly wandered before he let go and went sitting down at the table.

"So… Who's the kid?" He asked to see Zinon on the other side, minding his own business as Inoue sat next to her father. Zinon, looking up after being addressed, let his eyes shift to Momo who was sitting down next to Hirito, an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"Hello it's VERY nice to meet you sir" Zinon said with a fake smile as he held out his hand. After a short handshake they sat back down, Hirito already not caring about Zinon.

'Hm…' Zinon thought as he dropped his fork and widened his eyes as he saw the older man's hand slipping into Inoue's panties, she wasn't reacting at all, being used to it, but seeing Hirito bring his hand toward Momo Zinon couldn't do anything.

"Momo-chan look your favorite!" Zinon said with a smile as he grabbed a platter of french cuisine, why were they eating this shit in Japan? He had no idea.

Momo, who had been uncomfortable with her uncle's touchy touchy personality, immediately jumped up at the call from Zinon and walked over without looking back.

"Tch" Zinon turned his head to see Hirito already turning away from them and looking at Mr.Yaoyorozu with a smile, glancing down at his daughter every so often.

'Sorry Inoue… But I need to do something important' Zinon thought to himself as they went through dinner without any interruptions…

Later that night, Zinon walked with his phone camera, right outside of the room Hirito was staying at. It would be easy to frame Mr.Yaoyorozu for not only cheating, but since he had influence in other countries as well, pedophilia.

The United States took this kind of thing very seriously. Though Zinon was left stumped, Hirito was nowhere in sight.

"Phew I needed a break like this" A not so loud voice, but loud enough to where Zinon could hear reached his ears, coming from Mr.Yaoyorozu's office…

"What… The hell" Zinon said, opening the door slightly to see Inoue with her blank expression, having a dick jammed in her mouth as her father rammed her from behind.

Mr.Yaoyorozu, the man he had thought would need to be falsely framed… was laying down with his hand on the back of Inoue's throat, forcing his dick into her throat.

'I see… Just hold out for tonight Inoue… I truly am sorry' Zinon thought as he hit record using the system tab that was connected to his phone, getting several different angles…

"Phew~…" Mr.Yaoyorozu sighed as he woke up in the morning, Inoue, cum all over her and flowing out of her pussy was laying face down on the floor as his brother was sleeping in his chair.

Getting dressed and walking out, Mr.Yaoyorozu was surprised to see that on the bottom floor in the living room, his wife was crying on the couch, comforted by Momo and Zinon as something was playing on the T.V.

"Honey what's wrong?" Mr.Yaoyorozu said. This was his job, to comfort her and do whatever she wants, thankfully he had control over everything else otherwise he'd find something else to do.

Even though she said they were close, the fact they didn't talk much and usually spent hours sitting in a room silent indicated otherwise to him. Maybe she could read his mind but that didn't mean he could read her's.

"Ahakao Naraka, also known as Yaoyorozu, has been caught in several different angles cheating on his wife… and worst of all this doesn't look like normal cheating, this all seems forced… I can not show the video ladies and gentleman… but believe me when I say this all looks truly disgusting…"

Hearing those words from the man on T.V, Mr.Yaoyorozu stopped as Momo and Zinon looked at him, Momo in anger and Zinon in fake surprise.

"H-Huh?" Mr.Yaoyorozu said just as glass shattered and a man with blonde hair and buff body looked down on him with a noticeable frown. "Do not worry anymore random Girl! I am here!" The man said as Mr.Yaoyorozu backed up in fear.

*Objective Complete*