
New Game++ (Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5)

(Disney's Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5) "New Game++?" That’s the mysterious message that pops up on Ren’s screen after he updates Persona 5 Royal, the game he thought he had finished. What does it mean? Is there more to the game than he realized? He decides to check it out, curious about what new challenges await him. *ding dong* Someone or something is outside, and it doesn’t sound friendly... somehow. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s about to begin a new adventure, one that will test his skills as the Trickster, the one who can defy fate and change reality. He will need to use his advantage: keeping his stats, skills, items, and Personas from Persona 5 Royal. Is he prepared to embark on this new journey, to face the malevolent being and protect the world from its clutches? He was ready to start a new game. New Game++ A game where he has to be the ultimate Trickster. A game where he has to use his New Game++ edge to its limits. The stage is set, the game is afoot. Brace yourself, Trickster, for a new chapter awaits. His choices will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the entire universe. The world is counting on him. This is NOT a BL story.

Aeogical · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs

Prologue | Chapter 6 - Memories...? A Fight for the Future

Author's Notes: From Chapter 6 onwards, I'll be suggesting some background music tracks from the games to enhance your reading experience.

Example: [ ♫ Persona 5 ¦ Phantom ♫ ]

So bust out your playlist and play them along as you read.


The Phantom Thieves are on their grand final mission. They had infiltrated Masayoshi Shido's Palace, the twisted manifestation of his distorted desires in the metaverse. They had sent their final and most daring calling card, challenging the corrupt prime minister candidate to a showdown.

But they were not prepared for what they saw in his cognition. In Shido's Palace, the very fabric of Japan had been transformed into a submerged wonderland, where towering skyscrapers now served as submerged relics of a bygone era.

The only thing that stands above the water is the Diet Building, the seat of the Japanese government and Shido's main base of distortion.

However, in his cognition, the Diet Building is not a simple structure, but had morphed into a colossal cruise ship liner, shimmering under the ethereal glow of the metaverse. This grand vessel served as a sanctuary exclusively for Shido's loyal cronies and henchmen, leaving the masses to drown.

After a perilous journey, the Phantom Thieves finally arrive at the assembly floor, where the ultimate target of their heist stands on the podium.

It is the Shadow of Shido, the corrupt politician who has manipulated countless lives for his own gain. He looks like a bald man with a tiny black goatee, giving him a sneering appearance. On his face, he wears a pair of orange-tinted square glasses that conceal his glowing yellow eyes, which betray his twisted nature and his lust for control.

"It seems the ignorant masses are doomed to remain as such..." Shadow Shido, sneered with a false facade of pity, his head shaking disapprovingly while looking down on the Phantom Thieves, who were standing on a lower platform.

"I thought you were smarter than that." His piercing gaze bore into the Phantom Thieves, conveying his disdain. "This is unfortunate... I have no choice but to eliminate you all."

Adjusting his vibrant orange glasses with a deliberate motion, he maintained his intense glare, his eyes like fiery embers burning with malice. "A small leak will sink a great ship. Great nations have fallen to such lenience."

"I will not make such incautious mistakes." He declared, punctuating his speech by clenching his fists, his determination palpable.

Suddenly, as if materializing from thin air, a multitude of individuals clad in immaculate suits appeared in the once-empty seats of the Diet assembly. Their expressionless faces betrayed no emotion as they erupted into a synchronized applause, their mechanical claps resounding within the grand chamber as if programmed to do so.

"Huh?" Confusion swept over the Phantom Thieves, their bewildered gazes darting around to comprehend this inexplicable turn of events. "Uh..."

The air was thick with confusion, and even Mona, a curious amalgamation of cat and monster, couldn't help but voice his astonishment.

"There's tons of them." He remarked, his tone a blend of incredulity and disbelief.

"Since when!?" Exclaimed a young woman with brown hair, donning a rebellious biker ensemble, her eyes darting frantically around the surroundings.

The assembly of suited men continued their ovation for a brief moment, until a signal from a bald figure commanded their applause to cease.

As the applause faded into oblivion, a chuckle escaped his lips, and the very podium beneath him began ascending, causing tremors to ripple through the chamber.

Platforms materialized, converging upon the assembly floor, effectively obliterating the seats and desks that had once filled the space. Joker, the leader of the Phantom Thieves with his intuition acute, swiftly commanded his comrades.

"Everyone, move!" His voice infused with unwavering determination.

With a leap that defied gravity, he soared high into the air with extraordinary agility, executing a graceful flip before landing effortlessly on the now-moving platform. His acrobatic feat completed, he assumed an observant stance, carefully studying the bald man's every move.

Inspired by their leader's resolve, the remaining thieves exchanged determined glances and nodded in unison. One by one, they followed suit, their bodies propelled through the air, gracefully landing beside their leader.

As the platforms closed in, enveloping the floor, all traces of the once-dignified seats and desks vanished, leaving behind a level expanse adorned with a striking red and white striped radial design, accentuated by bold Japanese lettering.

A faint sound of approaching footsteps caught the attention of the Phantom Thieves, their heads swiveling towards the source.

"Let me make myself clear." The bald man spoke, his voice laced with an eerie authority.

"Do not think of me as you did my foolish son, who acted so brashly." Shadows, a swirling maelstrom of red and black, encircled him, amplifying his menacing presence.

Step by step, he ascended a shimmering golden lion, a grotesque amalgamation of human sacrifice personified, its form crafted from the very souls of his victims, sacrificed to his twisted desires.

A flicker of anger flashed across the blond teen's face, his skull mask adding an enigmatic allure to his fierce countenance.

"You little..." He muttered through clenched teeth, his frustration palpable.

The bald man's attire underwent a dramatic transformation, now adorned in regal military regalia, replete with intricate flourishes on his shirt. A gleaming spiky helmet concealed his shiny head, adding an air of ominous authority. As he turned to face the group, he deliberately swayed his vibrant red cape, as if to taunt his adversaries.

"Die... without further delay." He declared arrogantly, crossing his arms with an air of finality.

The blond teen, unable to contain his fury any longer, gestured emphatically towards the black-haired teen among them, who had faced countless tribulations as their leader

"Our leader's gone through shit 'cause of you," He bellowed, his voice resonating with a mix of determination and righteous indignation.

Pointing directly at the bald man, he proclaimed. "It's on!"

[ ♫ Persona 5 ¦ Rivers in the Desert -instrumental version- ♫ ]

The air crackled with tension as the golden lion, the embodiment of sacrificial suffering, let out a deafening roar. The Phantom Thieves, unyielding in their resolve, braced themselves against the overwhelming force, standing their ground in defiance of their formidable foe.

In this grand theater of distorted cognition, where reality melded with imagination, the fate of Japan and the entire world hung in the balance. The stage was set for an epic showdown that would determine the course of history, and the Phantom Thieves, with unwavering resolve, prepared to confront their nemesis.

"Now you will die, so my nation may rise!" The bald man's words rang with a delusional fervor, his warped ideology laid bare.

Joker, the indomitable leader of the Phantom Thieves, met Shido's gaze head-on, his eyes shimmering with a hint of cocky defiance. With a commanding presence, he addressed his companions, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere.

"Everyone, you ready?"

A resounding chorus of nods and affirmative gestures followed, a testament to the unbreakable bond that united them. They leaped into action, each landing gracefully in their designated positions, their personas materializing around them in a breathtaking display of supernatural power.

Oracle, the girl with long dyed orange hair, assumed her role as the team's navigator and support. She was floating above inside her persona, Necronomicon. It was a large UFO-like device with a green eye on its front and several monitors inside. It had the ability to hack into the metaverse and manipulate its rules.

[ Necronomicon - Hermit ]

[ The grimoire which contains vital information of the Cthulhu mythos by Lovecraft. Its original name is Al Azif. It is said the book itself is alive. ]

Oracle was typing away on her keyboard, she sought out hidden loopholes within the metaverse, tapping into its intricate coding to provide vital buffs and advantages to her comrades.

A mischievous smile played upon Oracle's lips as she tapped a floating window, her fingers dancing across the interface.

"Time for secret weapon: Ultra Charge!" She exclaimed, her voice brimming with playful enthusiasm.

A satisfying chime echoed through the air, signaling the success of her hacking endeavor. In an instant, a surge of brilliant red aura enveloped the Phantom Thieves, enhancing their strength and multiplying their damage output.

Skull, the blond-haired rebel with an eternally fiery disposition, pointed an accusatory finger at the corrupted politician before them.

"We're here to pay you back for treating our leader so 'well,' you jerk!" His voice dripped with righteous anger, shattering the stillness of the battlefield.

As he spoke, a subtle sound of shattering glass echoed, and his mask transformed, wreathed in swirling blue flames that danced with an otherworldly intensity.

Skull's persona emerged, a fearsome pirate with its face nothing but a skull adorned with a single red-yellow eye. It rode a majestic flying pirate ship, its jet-black wooden hull. The ship, stripped of its mast, bore an intimidating motif—a grinning face, with manic red-yellow eyes, sharp white teeth stretching into a toothy grin that seemed to taunt their adversaries.

"Captain Kidd!" Skull roared triumphantly, pointing an accusatory finger at the corrupted politician.

The pirate persona, Captain Kidd, sprang into action, swerving with calculated precision.

With a swift motion, the pirate persona aimed its gleaming golden arm cannon, a replacement for its right hand, and unleashed a torrent of electricity. The burst of crackling energy, manifested as a devastating [Ziodyne], surged forth, striking Shido with unrestrained power.

[ Captain Kidd - Chariot ]

[ A 17th century privateer who eventually became a world-renowned pirate. At his execution, he declared he had hidden a treasure, leaving behind many legends. ]

The impact of the attack was tremendous, enveloping Shido in a cloud of swirling dust. As the particles settled, a perplexing sight greeted the Phantom Thieves. To their astonishment, Shido stood unscathed, his arms casually crossed.

"My mighty nation has no need for thieves, you are obsolete." Shido declared, his voice dripping with arrogance, his words piercing the air like icy daggers.

From the depths of her unwavering determination, Oracle's voice resonated through the communication channel, breaking through the tension.

"Risking our lives to stop rotten adults… That's why we're phantom thieves!" Her unwavering conviction echoed with a resolute resolve, reminding her allies of their shared purpose and the importance of their mission.

Undeterred by Shido's dismissive words, Queen, the girl with short brown hair and a rebellious biker outfit, commanded her persona with unyielding authority.

"Let's ride, Johanna!" She exclaimed, her voice a melodic blend of determination and defiance. As she summoned her persona, Johanna, its form materialized as a sleek silver motorcycle, adorned with the fierce face of the ancient priestess.

[ Johanna - Priestess ]

[ The mysterious female pope of the Middle Ages. She posed as a man and eventually made it all the way up to pope due to her unrivaled intellect. Her existence shook the history of the Catholic Church. ]

Engines roared to life as Queen accelerated toward the golden lion, leaving trails of dust in her wake. With an expertly timed leap, both Queen and her persona soared through the air, aiming to strike the beast from above, a resolute determination etched upon their faces.

The beast of human sacrifice, sensing the impending danger, it retaliated with a powerful leap, colliding with Queen and Johanna in a spectacular clash of wills. A clash of titans ensued, as the sparks of their collision illuminated the battlefield. The tempestuous struggle between light and darkness held the onlookers in awe.

In the midst of this epic duel, Queen seized the upper hand. A radiant blue explosion erupted between them, a testament to her mastery over the nuclear element. Her persona unleashed the devastating power of [Freidyne], unleashing a torrent of nuclear damage upon the golden lion. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the metaverse, leaving an indelible mark on the battlefield.

But the corrupted politician remained undeterred, his delusions unyielding. "I am the only one that matters and my loyal servants are the only people I need." He declared, his voice dripping with self-righteousness.

A hush fell upon the battlefield as the golden lion, wounded but unyielding, stood before the Phantom Thieves, its oppressive presence radiating like an aura of defiance. The time had come for the thieves to unleash their full power, to reveal the true extent of their indomitable spirits.

"You need to step aside." Fox declared, his voice resonating with unwavering determination. In a mesmerizing display of transformation, his mask burned away, dissolving into ethereal embers that coalesced into a majestic Persona.

[ Goemon - Emperor ]

[ Ishikawa Goemon was a thief who stole from the rich and gave to the poor in Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama period. The kabuki scene of him sitting on the gate of Nanzen-ji is famous. ]

"Or deal with us." Panther chimed in, her voice filled with a fierce resolve. As her mask dissolved into ethereal blue flames, her persona, Carmen, emerged from the depths of her being. Carmen, a tall and alluring figure with fuchsia-colored skin and a flowing red ballgown, exuded an aura of captivating charm and volatility.

[ Carmen - Lovers ]

[ A gypsy thief from the novel by Merimere, which became famous through the opera by Bizet. She is a femme fatale who is beautiful but also very capricious. ]

In perfect synchrony, both Goemon and Carmen charged their hands, radiating an icy blue and fiery red glow. Their palms extended towards the behemoth before them. With a final surge of power, they unleashed their devastating attacks. A blizzard of freezing energy, [Bufudyne], and a torrent of scorching flames, [Agidyne], collided with the lion, dealing heavy damage that engulfed it in a whirlwind of elemental chaos.

The lion, its majestic form momentarily engulfed in swirling clouds of ice and fire, struggled to withstand the onslaught. Its mighty frame trembled, its footing faltering under the weight of the elemental assault.

"You lowlifes! I hope you understand what it means to turn your back on me!" Shido's voice seethed with disdain, echoing through the battle arena.

"I don't wanna understand!" Oracle's voice rang out, dripping with defiance, as she observed the scene from her vantage point above.

"…Then you shall perish!" Shido's proclamation thundered through the battlefield, his voice resonating with sinister intent.

But then, a sudden transformation overcame the lion. It leapt into the air, its form shrouded in dark shadows that swirled around it. The once-mighty creature sprouted majestic golden wings, casting an ominous silhouette against the backdrop of the metaverse. The Wings of Human Sacrifice.

"It changed!?" Oracle exclaimed, her voice tinged with shock. The unexpected metamorphosis of the lion took the team off guard, forcing them to reassess their strategy.

"I will destroy you!" Shido's roar echoed through the chamber, his determination unwavering.

"Everyone! His affinities have changed. He's now strong against magic. Use physical or gun attacks instead!" Oracle's voice crackled with urgency, relaying crucial information to her comrades.

"Noir, that's your opening! Go for it!" Joker called out, his voice laced with a mix of urgency and determination.

"Is that it's weak point? I'll get it with my axe!" Noir, a fierce female thief wielding an axe, charged forward without hesitation. With unwavering resolve, she sprinted toward the reeling lion, capitalizing on its momentary vulnerability.

In a stroke of brilliance, Oracle discovered a glitch in the metaverse, creating a breach through which she could provide vital support. "Here I go, speed up!" The arena shimmered, glitching momentarily as Oracle exploited the tear in the metaverse's fabric.

With a click of holographic controls, a shimmering green aura enveloped the Phantom Thieves, enhancing their accuracy and evasion—Oracle's [Moral Support] granting them an edge in the battle.

"Higgh!" With a swift and agile leap, Noir soared through the air, her axe descending upon the golden lion's forehead with a resounding impact. The beast recoiled, its massive form struggling to maintain its balance, its powerful paws desperately gripping the ground to avert toppling.

But the show was far from over. A new player emerged, his presence commanding attention.

"Show us your power." Mona, the enigmatic monster cat, whispered, his voice tinged with a sense of anticipation. He raised his trusty machete high above his head, bowing slightly as he did so.

"Zorro!" In response to Mona's call, glass shattering could be heard as a masked swordsman materialized—a figure shrouded in mystery and justice. Zorro, stepped forward, his rapier glinting with an ominous sheen.

[ Zorro - Magician ]

[ A masked swordsman of justice who fought in California against corrupt officials during the era of Spanish rule. He always left his "Z" mark with his rapier wherever he appeared. ]

Zorro's rapier became ensconced in a tempest of vibrant green winds, swirling with an otherworldly power. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as a furious tornado encircled Shido and his beastly companion. A mighty [Garudyne] erupted from the tornado's core, assaulting the golden lion with overwhelming wind damage.

Bits and pieces of the lion's form were ripped away by the ferocious winds, scattered like confetti in the tempest. The creature growled in frustration, its once-mighty stance diminished under the onslaught of the gale.

As the battlefield crackled with anticipation, Joker, the leader of the Phantom Thieves, seized the opportunity to showcase his own power. With a confident grin, he called forth his formidable Persona, Arséne, the embodiment of his rebellious spirit.

"PERSONA!" He exclaimed, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve. With a swift gesture, Arséne materialized, his presence exuding an enigmatic charm.

"You're mine." In a stunning display of agility and precision, Arséne unleashed a devastating skill known as [One-Shot Kill] a heavy gunfire punctuated by a high chance of delivering critical hit.

The crack of gunshots filled the air as Arséne's bullet tore through the fabric of reality, striking with deadly precision and a high chance of critical impact.

A blinding flash of light erupted, engulfing the room in a brilliant radiance. The Phantom Thieves shielded their eyes from the intense luminosity, momentarily blinded by the sheer brilliance of their combined might.

As the light gradually subsided, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The mischievous cat, unable to contain his excitement, voiced the question on everyone's mind.

"Did we get him?"


[ ♫ Music End ♫ ]

A resounding thud shattered the stillness, reverberating through the chamber. Its golden mane dulled, and its body devoid of the menacing aura it once exuded. The golden beast, once a symbol of sacrificial suffering, now lay motionless, defeated. To its right stood Shido, seemingly unscathed, his arms casually crossed, as if tossing aside the remnants of a failed tool.

"Useless, ignorant masses!" Shido's words dripped with disdain as he sneered at the defeated lion, his voice laced with contempt for those he believed to be beneath him.

Suddenly, like whispers caught in a gust of wind, the lion burst into a flurry of shadows, dissipating into the ethereal realm of the metaverse. Its essence scattered, lost to the depths of distorted cognition.

Shido, undeterred by the loss of his once-mighty companion, strode forward with a renewed air of irritation. "It seems thieves should not be taken lightly if they come in great enough numbers…"

Skull, his face etched with defiance, could not contain his disgust. "Once you're losin', you're puttin' all the blame on the masses, huh!?" He retorted, his voice laced with a mix of anger and frustration.

Shido's gaze shifted, his eyes narrowing as they settled upon Joker, the frizzy-haired leader of the Phantom Thieves.

"So, you're the one unifying them…" He mused, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and contempt.

Panther, her voice tinged with sarcasm and distaste, added her own biting remark. "A touching reunion, isn't it?"

Fox, with his calm and measured tone, added his own words of reproach. "The next time you crush a foe, I suggest you do it in a more certain manner."

Oracle, the ever-brilliant hacker, couldn't resist adding her own biting remark. "Not that there'll be a next time for you!" She retorted, her voice tinged with confidence and a touch of mischief.


Shido, seemingly unfazed by their verbal onslaught, turned his gaze back to Joker, his eyes filled with a flicker of recognition.

"You…" He began, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and recognition. "…You're more than just a member of the Phantom Thieves, aren't you?"

Joker, a smirk playing upon his lips, chuckled softly, his amusement spreading across his face like a flickering flame.

"Remember me?" He taunted, his words dripping with a sense of playful superiority.

With a smooth and confident motion, Joker stood tall, removing his mask to reveal his face—a face that had left an indelible mark on Shido's memory.

"Long time no see." Joker greeted, his voice carrying a blend of casual nonchalance and subtle confidence.

Skull couldn't help but interject with a wide grin on his face, his words carrying a hint of mischief. "This ain't the first time you failed to finish this guy off."

Queen, her disbelief evident in her voice, spoke her mind. "You took him to court and yet you don't remember? You truly don't care about the fate of others." She accused, her words laced with righteous indignation.

"!" A flicker of realization crossed Shido's face as Queen's words struck a chord within him.

"Wait.. Could you be… the one from back then!?" He exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of shock and disbelief.

Joker's devilish smirk deepened, serving as an affirmation, his gaze locked on Shido, every movement calculated and deliberate. The irritation emanating from Shido only seemed to fuel his amusement. The tension between the two adversaries was palpable, their shared history adding an extra layer of intensity to their present confrontation.

Shido berated Joker like a cantankerous old man, his voice dripping with annoyance. "That damn brat who showed up and stood against me when I was with that woman!"

Joker, his mask now back in place, narrowed his eyes, an enigmatic glint in his gaze. "Just a pain in the ass, aren't I?" He quipped, his voice brimming with confidence and a touch of playfulness.

Shido chuckled, amusement and irony intertwined in his laughter. "I see… So it truly is you." He mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of fascination and annoyance. "Haha… What an interesting turn of fate."

"…But your efforts will be worthless in the end." He declared with unwavering conviction, his voice echoing with the self-assuredness of a delusional tyrant.

Skull couldn't contain his incredulity. "What!?" He exclaimed, his voice betraying his disbelief at Shido's warped perspective.

"Small sacrifices are inescapable for those wishing to be powerful, competent leaders." Shido proclaimed, his voice carrying an unsettling mix of conviction and derangement.

He posed a rhetorical question to the Phantom Thieves, his words dripping with callousness. "How would you ever reach your destination if you stopped to count every ant you crushed on the road?" His voice carried a hint of madness, a reflection of the twisted logic that fueled his actions.

Noir's eyes widened in shock as she processed Shido's words. "Are you saying that the people you killed deserved to die!?" She exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of horror and righteous anger.

"He's totally insane…" Panther whispered, her voice filled with a mix of horror and disdain, a testament to the darkness that had consumed Shido's soul.

Joker narrowed his eyes, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Just corrupted to the core." His words carried a solemn judgment, a declaration of their unwavering determination to bring down this embodiment of corruption.

Shadow Shido shook his head, a mirthless laugh escaping his lips. "I wouldn't expect the ignorant masses of this country to understand." He sneered, his words dripping with a toxic blend of superiority and contempt.

Unfazed by the righteous indignation of the Phantom Thieves, Shido made a chilling proclamation. "Thus I will offer proof." He declared, his voice laced with a twisted sense of determination.

[ ♫ Persona 5 ¦ Rivers in the Desert ♫ ]

As if shedding his facade, Shido discarded his clothing in one swift motion, revealing a heavily built physique adorned with springs resembling an exercise harness. An ominous red aura emanated from his being, adding an air of menace to his already formidable presence.

"By forcefully crushing the Phantom Thieves!" Shido's voice thundered through the metaverse, his words punctuated by the weight of his power.

A collective gasp escaped the lips of the Phantom Thieves, their eyes widening in disbelief as they witnessed Shido's transformation. The stakes had been raised, and the battle against this corrupted and deluded man had only just begun.

"Let anyone oppose, come forward! I'll send them straight to hell!" With a newfound vigor, Shido assumed a boxing pose, his fists clenched tight, ready to unleash his newfound power upon his adversaries.

The thieves, undeterred by the overwhelming presence before them, raised their weapons with unwavering determination. Each member of the group exuded an aura of unwavering resolve, their personas pulsating with energy, ready to face this formidable foe head-on.

"I… shall win this game!" Shido proclaimed, his voice echoing with a mix of arrogance and desperation.

But the Phantom Thieves were not about to back down. Oracle, their ever-resourceful hacker, couldn't help but voice her astonishment and curiosity amidst the chaos. "What is this power!?"

The stage was set for an epic clash, a battle that would determine the fate of not only the Phantom Thieves but the very soul of society itself. The air crackled with anticipation, and the echoes of their personas resonated through the metaverse, a symphony of strength and resilience.


==[ Author's Notes ]====

So, guess who's in need of some serious sustenance? Yup, yours truly. I'm craving those power stones.


Yo, what's up, readers? It's your boy Diamond_John... wait, scratch that, I'm going by Aeogical now. Yeah, new name.

So, how did you all dig that fight scene?

Here's a fun fact for you: Chapter 8 was originally meant to be Chapter 6, but I decided to shake things up and throw in some extra action. That's also why there was a bit of a delay, but hey, it's all worth it, right? Don't forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!

Now, for those of you who might be wondering, "Wait, haven't I read this already?" Well, guess what? Webnovel's timer accidentally uploaded it early. Yeah, my bad, guys. It wasn't supposed to be released yet because it was still unfinished, like only half of the chapter was done. Oops!

Now, let's switch gears and talk about gaming news real quick...

First off, let's have a moment of silence for the intern who leaked Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Tactica. Oof, someone's definitely getting fired, and Phil ain't too happy about it.

On the bright side, how about that new game from Atlus, huh? Metaphor: ReFantazio is finally coming! Finally, after what feels like forever (seriously, since 2016?). Can't wait to dive into that one!

By the way, if you're curious about my profile picture, it's currently showcasing the main protagonist.

Alright, that's it for now, folks. Keep those comments coming. I'll catch you in the next chapter!

Oh yeah... the Nintendo Direct will go live in a few hours so see you there!

4209 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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