
New Demon Slayer Jigoku Shinazugawa

When the boys go to the Entertainment District with Tengen and Jigoku buys Zenitsu

CherryBlossom1990 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

The Entertainment District

Tengen was getting upset because he already put Tanjiro and Inosuke in the house, and all that was left was Zenitsu. Tengen had almost paid the house mother to take him. Once she took Zenitsu, Tengen was alone. He saw Jigoku he walked over. "Hey man," he said. Jiguko smiles. "What's up, Tengen," he said, kinda drunk. Tengen laughs. "Go find a house and beautiful man, okay? Get some rest," he told him. Jiguko nods and walks into the house Tengen just left. The house mother smiles. "Welcome, sir," she says. "I would like someone with music skills and yellow hair and a private room, please," he said. The woman nodded and took him to a private room. The house mother called for Zenitsu and told him to go to room six and take some sake and Shamisen with him. He went he walks in and saw Jiguko lying on and floor. "hello, my name is Jiguko," he said. He had the top half of his robe off, and all Zenitsu could see were his tattoos and muscles. "Hello, sir. Would you like some sake or the music first," he asks. "I am going to kill Tengen," his mind said. "No more sake. I didn't ask for that. Music, please," he said. Zenitsu nods and starts to play. Jigoku smiles and yawns. "You play beautifully," he says. Zenitsu smiles and keeps playing. Jiguko looked up at Zenitsu and wanted to kiss him but couldn't. He dampened the cloth and cleaned all the makeup off, and smiled, seeing his face ".That's better," he said. Zenitsu swallows and hears crying. "I am sorry, sir, but I hear crying. I will be right back," he said and went to see. Jigoku was sad, but he soon fell asleep. Zenitsu never came back due to daki taking him into her belt. She sent him to her food supply underground. Inosuke and Tanjiro meet up with Tengen. Jigoku was next to Tengen. "Don't involve me," he said. "You are involved. You were with Zenitsu before he disappeared," he said. Jiguko sighs. "Yeah, he said he heard crying, so he left," he said, waving his hand in front of his face. Tanjiro looks. "Hello again,

Mr. Shinazugawa," Tanjiro said. He looks. "Is your sister in that box?" he asks. He nods. Jigoku looks at Tengen. "Tengen, if I help with the upper rank can I keep Zenitsu," he asks. "God, your gross. He is 16. You're a grown man, no," Tengen said. Jiguko pulls his sword out. "That is fine. I can wait for two years. I will still help. He is so cute," Jiguko said.