
New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Disclaimer- Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling. Transmigration into Harry Potter world as Harry, hell yeah. There’s so much to explore in magic that other’s never did. Dumbledrore? Fuck him. Canon Plot? Fuck that too. Voldemort? Hmm… how to best make use of that dumb cunt who turned me into his living horcrux. Ah… and there are a few girls in here that I always fancied so tagging them along is just a natural thing to do. Not too many. Just two or three would be best. Now that I’m here, I’ll carve my own path for the future and if I fuck up everyone else’s life in the process. Who cares? Average number of words in a chapter- 1500 Number of chapters I'll release every day- 2 Please support me at - https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · อื่นๆ
158 Chs

The things I do for power

After the Horcrux cleaning ritual, it did not take Harry very long to realize that Rowena Rawenclaw's Diadem was a treasure on it's own.

Just like how the legends had told, the diadem did not make you wiser, but then again, it was never intended to do such a thing in the first place.

Instead, it was supposed to increase your brain functions to the level where you get a memory compared to that of an eidetic memory.

You still need to read everything properly and not just skim through the pages if you want to learn something but once you did, you would never forget it.

After using it a few times, he did realized that using it for long times brought immense headache so he had to use it in spurts of time with a gap of a few hours in between but the headache was totally worth it in his opinion.

With the time turners, he had a lot of time in his hands. Time that he spent in either the library, the room of requirement of some other empty room adding charms on the handgun to make it an even deadlier weapon.

After all, he would have to fight a troll in the near future and and that was a fact that he had not forgotten even now.

And as smart and powerful as he was, even he was not stupid enough to think that his hexes and curses would have much effect on a mountain troll whose skin is said to be so highly resistant that even most adult wizards and witches are not able capable of killing it.

Not that he would ever try to charge on a mountain troll from the front like that anyway. There was a reason he was not in the Gryffindor house.

So it would be best for him if he completed his handgun project as soon as possible.

And he would only work if he had a lot of knowledge about charms and it's theory. A problem that he was able to solve with his time turners and the diadem.

He still didn't understand how someone could be so foolish as to discard such a treasure and make it into a horcrux instead of truly using it

Was Voldemort really that blind that he didn't see the usefulness of the diadem. Or was there some other reason behind him not using the diadem.

Is it possible that he hated the four founders for some reason or another. Is that why he took their treasures and instead of putting them to good use, he defiled them by turning them into a horcrux instead.

Or maybe after making the first horcrux, he started turning into an idiot so as to treat the founder's artifacts as trash.

Well as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

And the Diadem was a treasure if he ever saw one in his life.

He was sure that he would put the diadem to good use in the coming future.

With that thought, he put the diadem on his head and started reading 'Advanced Charms Theory' in the quietness of the Room of Requirement.


"You know, you really should pay more attention in the class." Hermione said in her bossy attitude and Harry wondered once again how long he'll be able to tolerate her I-know-better-than-you attitude because by now it was seriously starting to grate on his nerves.

But then again, he had chosen to sit with her in all their class together so he had to suffer the consequences as well.

Maybe once he saves the girl from the mountain troll she'll change her attitude and be more subservient to him.

Most likely not. Since her bossy attitude remained in the movies even when Ron and Harry saved her. But then again, it was part their fault that she was in danger in the first place plus they were never really as smart or as studious as her so her bossy attitude was kinda explainable to them.

But still, he had hearing her go on and on about the importance of all their classes for some time and that was seriously starting to grate on his nerves by now.

"And tell me." He said and turned to face her for the first time in their classes with a grim face "Why should I be paying so much attention to Binns instead of reading something much more important."

"But… there's nothing more important than the course work and if you don't get good marks then you won't get a good job in the future. Plus, Binns is a teacher so it's obvious that we should listen to him." Hermione said in a single breath and Harry held the urge to pinch his nose and held his irritation.

"First of all Hermione, Binns is not a very good teacher."


"No but. And for once in your life listen to me. No truly… listen. If you take a poll of all the students and ask them if Binns is a good teacher or not, then how many students do you think will say that Binns was a good teacher."

"But… he's a teacher."

"Yes. He's a teacher. Not a god. Just because he's an authority figure does not make his perfect Hermione."

"But… he…" for the first time since the school started, Harry had the privilege to look at her being confused and he wondered if even her parents had ever seen her looking like that.

"Hermione. Sit down for a moment and think about it. If Professor Binns was not a teacher and simply a upper class student who was tutoring you for the end year exams, then would you truly want to learn from him. Don't think of him as an authority figure and tell me if you'd still want to learn from him."

That got Hermione thinking and he wondered if her teacher worship will decrease a little because of this or if he was just wasting his time once again.

She would most likely not changer her perception in a single day but he was sure that it would be worth it in the long run.

At least he hoped so.


There are times in life when you have to do something especially stupid and hope that you won't die as a result of your stupidity.

And as Harry stood in front of the sink in the haunted girls' bathroom at midnight, he realized that this was one such moment for him. And he might succeed in his venture or he might fail.

He won't know until he tried.

With that in mind, he carried his trunk, which was filled with four cows kept in stasis and jumped inside the dirty slide with the hope that the basilisk with be more inclined to talk with him after having it's fill.

The things he does for power.

Hermione won't change her authority worship after a single meeting with him. It'll happen over a long period of time.

As always.

Thanks for reading.

Fortunate_Soulcreators' thoughts