
New Dawn (The First Of The Dark Age)

"He is the one who stabs the sword through Earth He is the one that Hell and Heaven have to fear He isn't a normal Hybrid He is Langress Mcloucht! Half vampire half Werewolf! The Dark Knight of Chaos! A only thing on Earth who dare to kill the Gods!" "Archangel Michael" A revenge journey filled with hatred, anger, tragedy, blood, and tears of a person betrayed from reality and the dark world. A world where humans don't have the power to decide their own fate by the gods.

AkumaDark · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 9: The Deal Is Done

Langress dragged Josh back to base and suddenly someone blocked his way, it was Emma. She looked at Josh coldly and said calmly:

"You have a new prey?"

Langress replied:

"Yeah, and mind you, I need to go now."

Emma said:

"What's wrong? Don't worry about what I'll do when I'm here?"

Langress replied:

"No, I don't. What can you do to me?"

Emma held out her spear and said:

"For example, capture him, anyway the main task of the Predator faction is to capture him so I can catch him too."

Langress dropped the net with Josh inside and grumbled:

"Then step over my body first."

Langress and Emma immediately went into battle with each other. Emma quickly stabbed through Langress's chest and pulled out her spear. She controlled the spear to stab continuously and Langress and the fact that his power was reduced because of the goddamn bracelet so he was a bit weak from the constant injuries. Langress attempted to swing his sword to parry the attack and was able to resist Emma for the time being, but was still a bit weak. Josh slowly opened his eyes and said:

"My head."

And he saw the fierce battle between Langress and Emma. Langress threw the knife at Emma but she quickly dodged and stabbed into his left arm. Emma spun the spear in the flesh of his arm to cut the ligaments and dismember the arm. Langress took the pain and retreated, he gasped and continued to fight with one hand sword. Josh grew claws and cut the net to get out and run to Langress. Langress and Emma noticed Josh approaching and Langress shouted angrily:

"Damn it, you fucker! If you want to get revenge at me, do it now!"

Suddenly Josh had hurled ice at Emma causing her to back down to dodge and expose an opening. Langress immediately threw his sword then caught Emma's spear and pulled it down for them to get closer. Emma was suddenly attacked so she didn't have time to react and Langress immediately knocked her unconscious on the left cheek. Josh gasped at Langress's actions. Emma fell to the ground and lost consciousness and Langress slowly recovered but this time he felt more pain, he said with pain:

"My God, damn this fucking bracelet!"

Josh approached Langress and said:

"Hey, are you alright?"

Josh was about to touch Langress but he pushed his hand away and grumbled:

"I'm fine, don't mind that."

Josh said:

"Alright then. So, who is she?"

Langress stood up and replied:

"Emma Overheat, the assassin of the Predator faction. She was sent to kill me and capture you too."

Josh said:

"But we already knocked her out, should we just leave her here? It looks weird."

Langress replied:

"Yeah, just leave her here, she'll survive easily. And..."

Langress immediately punched Josh in the stomach but he caught it, he said:

"Don't try again."

But Langress quickly launched a hook punch to knock Josh out, he said:

"We? Fuck that, just me is enough. Don't meddle in my affairs while you're a prisoner."

Langress then dragged Josh back to base and left Emma in the woods. Later, Langress had returned to base and was dragging Josh around, everyone was talking about how he had captured the werewolf prince. Bryant and Arenyx ran out and Bryant said:

"Langress, who did you bring here? Wait, it's the traitorous werewolf prince Josh Lymcan!"

Langress replied:

"Yeah, it's him, I'll bring him to Boss Luca in exchange for information on the Predator faction's location."

Arneyx said angrily:

"Hey, you fucker, are you stupid? Do you believe that Boss Luca will keep the deal? He's been called the most cunning vampire of the century."

Langress replied:

"Of course I don't completely believe it, but in order to kill Lancerlord I would use all of you to do it. Besides, who needs a traitor like this guy?"

Langress said nothing more and carried Josh back to his room in anger and hatred for himself even more, they were offended that Langress only saw them as sacrifices. Back in his room, he tied Josh with silver chains and left him in the corner of the room. Langress then took off his shirt and opened the mini fridge. He took a beer bottle and opened the cap with his claw. After finishing the cold beer in one gulp, Langress lay on the bed and said:

"Ha, I'm about to find that bastard. I'll surely kill Lancerlord soon to avenge my brothers."

But Langress thought further:

"Then the Predator faction will also be annihilated. All the evil vampires will be gone. So then what am I going to do with this boring immortal life?"

Langress looked over at Josh and thought about the moment he saved him even though Langress only saw Josh as prey, he thought to himself:

"Fuck that, why am I thinking like that? I should rest so I can hand him over first."

Langress closed his eyes and slept. Back to Emma, ​​she woke up. After touching her injured left cheek and pulling out a broken tooth, she angrily said:

"That bastard, tomorrow he will find Boss Luca, I have to follow him!"

Emma picked up the spear and drove it away. The next night Langress dragged Josh on a silver chain into the forest, he held out Luca's card leading to a mansion in the woods, he said:

"Mozart Mansion of Luca Benquimost. Ha, he also has an interesting mansion, in the woods near a literary waterfall? That sounds ridiculous."

Josh could only reply coldly:

"Do you really know the way?"

Langress grumbled:

"Oh, shut up! Of course I know the way, I have the best ability."

Josh replied:

"Then lead the way."

Langress and Josh continued on and they came across a tree branch with a bird's nest on it. But after a while they went back and forth to the same spot. Later they returned to the old spot again. And every five minutes they went back and forth right that spot again. Then they stopped and the bird on the nest was asleep to incubate the eggs, Josh said calmly:

"Looks like we've lost our way in the forest."

Langress grumbled:

"Oh shut up! I forgot that my power has decreased a lot. Fuck, from feeling ten kilometers around to one, that's not fair!"

Suddenly a bat flew towards them and it turned into a vampire right away, he said:

"Mr. Langress Mcloucht, welcome here, please follow me to the Mozart mansion of Boss Luca."

Langress replied:

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up, you should have come here first to lead us."

The three then followed a special path that led to Luca's Mozart mansion. And they finally arrived at the Mozart mansion, a lavish and magnificent mansion deep in the woods. They passed the iron fence with the guards outside, Langress sniffed their scent and thought:

"Don't smell like vampires, they are humans?"

Outside the mansion was a fountain with a stone statue of Luca on top. Nearby were six trucks parked outside and several people were loading goods into the vans. Then Langress and Josh were led inside the mansion, inside there were many people preparing various guns and putting them in the cargo box. They then moved those boxes onto the truck outside. Luca came out dressed in polite and aristocratic suits, he said:

"Bonjour Mr Lelouch, welcome to my little mansion. Looks impressive, all these weapons will be delivered to all vampires around the world. Thugs, mafia, gangsters? I don't know but this is a perfect business. Now, tell me how is our deal?"

Langress pulled the chain and replied:

"Here he is. Say no more and get this deal done."

Langress threw Josh over to Luca, and Luca snapped his fingers and called two of his bodyguards to pull Josh up. Luca and Josh looked at each other, but neither of them showed any emotion or thought at all, he said:

"So this is the traitorous werewolf prince? It's easy to have someone help me with this precious bounty and better business. Take him away, please."

Josh struggled while being taken away by two bodyguards, he said with all his grievances:

"You don't know anything, I'm not a traitor! The traitor is the new king! Langress, I trusted the wrong person, you can be better than that!"

Josh was just like that and was taken away while Langress seemed to think about his words, he himself only did everything for his own good first. Luca said:

"So Mr Langress, as agreed, I'll give you some clues about the Predator faction's base, all of which will be on this USB stick."

Luca held out the USB stick to Langress but he hadn't received it yet, he looked in Josh's direction and replied:

"So, you just go ahead and hand Josh over to the Predators? Do you know what they'll do to him?"

Luca said:

"Well, not sure but maybe they'll kill him right away, or bring him back to the kingdom for public execution, torture, enslave him, tarnish his honor, that's a punishment of any traitor. But I don't have time to care about that, I'm just a businessman, time, money and business come first. Or are you thinking of something else?"

Langress replied:

"Yeah, sorry, but the deal didn't work out."

Langress immediately rushed over to Josh and punched the two bodyguards instantly. Josh stood up in surprise and said:


Langress replied angrily:

"Shut the fuck up, I don't give a shit about how poor you are being a traitor. I don't fucking know why I'm doing this too."

Langress swung the silver chain off and continued:

"You want to join the Heroic faction to find a way to prove your innocence? Then do it yourself, but then don't ask me for help or find me doing any more crap!"

Josh grew wolf claws and replied:

"Okay, thank you, but we're surrounded here."

Luca snapped his fingers and all of his men immediately raised their guns to attack Langress and Josh. They immediately opened fire on them. Josh immediately created a wall of ice to protect both sides, Langress said:

"Hah, that's a useful ability."

But the guys outside were using the butt of a gun to smash the ice, Josh said:

"Hurry, let's get out of here quickly."

But Langress raised her sword and replied:

"Oh never, The World's Strongest Hybrid never run without leaving the death of the enemy."

But Josh immediately pulled Langress out of the window and said:

"There's no time for killing."

Langress replied with shock:

"No! It can't be that humiliating."

Langress and Josh jumped out into the front yard of the mansion and quickly jumped over the fence to escape into the woods. Luca stood on the second floor holding a loudspeaker and said:

"Mr Langress and Mr Josh, it's too bad our deal didn't work out but I'll still be happy to help you two."

Langress and Josh were still running, Langress said confusion:

"That guy loves business that much?"

Josh then got to meet Bryant and talked to him. After understanding Josh's situation, Bryant said:

"Yes my prince, I understand everything. In the Heroic faction, you will be safe from the Predator faction."

Josh replied:

"Oh, I don't want to be protected. I want to hunt vampires, so I can prove my innocence and become better fighter, like Langress."

Josh then joined the Heroic faction and began his journey to prove his innocence and revenge his brother for turning himself into a traitor. Langress and Josh also slowly became friends after several hunting trips.