
New Dawn (The First Of The Dark Age)

"He is the one who stabs the sword through Earth He is the one that Hell and Heaven have to fear He isn't a normal Hybrid He is Langress Mcloucht! Half vampire half Werewolf! The Dark Knight of Chaos! A only thing on Earth who dare to kill the Gods!" "Archangel Michael" A revenge journey filled with hatred, anger, tragedy, blood, and tears of a person betrayed from reality and the dark world. A world where humans don't have the power to decide their own fate by the gods.

AkumaDark · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 8: The Werewolf Prince

Back in history, the werewolves, after retreating from the war and living in silence in the jungle and caves, they lived peacefully for a thousand years. By the time of werewolf king Abram Lymcan, he had a new policy of reform that would change the kingdom forever. King Abram wanted werewolves to coexist with humans, which meant werewolves would have to give up their ability to transform into werewolves and become a normal human. This new policy was adopted by the elders and approved by many residents. The new policy was to be adopted and commenced next month, but the king did not know there were traitors in secret, led by Prince Robzin Lymcan. King Abram had two princes, they were: Robzin Lymcan was known as "The Black Wolf of Hell", the king's eldest prince and heir to the throne, and Josh Lymcan was known as "The Ice Gray Wolf", was the king's youngest son. Robzin was a hot-tempered and brutal man with his enemies, because his blood mutation turned him into a two-headed black werewolf with the hot flames of hell. Josh was on the contrary, he was the coldest, most benevolent and intelligent person, Josh was also very supportive of his father's opinion. Robzin could not accept the humiliation of having to live with humans, who were supposed to be subservient to werewolves. He hated humans for forgetting them and treating them as legends and monsters on the screen. One dark night, Robzin went alone to meet Lancerlord at the Predator camp. Robzin sat in a chair and put his feet on the table. In his hand was a glass of wine, he sipped slowly while Lancerlord looked at the map of the werewolf kingdom. Lancerlord said:

"So, prince, what's your plan?"

Robzin put down his wine glass and replied:

"I hate humans, I don't accept my father's new reform. So a new suitable ruler is needed and that must be me. Let's start a fire in the residential area and sneak out the kingdom by underground tunnel. And tomorrow, a new king will be crowned."

Lancerlord said:

"Perfect. But what about the other prince?"

Robzin confidently replied:

"Don't worry, I'll let that stupid little brother be hunted for the rest of his life."

Lancerlord and Robzin toasted and began their plan. That night, Lancerlord and his men secretly started a fire in various parts of the kingdom. Markets, residential areas and barracks caught fire in the dark night. The people and soldiers frantically put out the fire and the Lancerlord quickly left. At the castle, King Abram was sleeping with Queen Samantha, heard a howl in the middle of the night, Abram quickly woke up and looked outside the castle. He witnessed a great fire burning throughout the kingdom. Samantha also woke up and looked at the fire outside, she worriedly said:

"Fire? Fire is burning everywhere."

Abram replied:

"Probably Robzin and Josh are outside by now."

While the royal soldiers were hurrying out of the castle to put out the fire, Robzin slowly walked up the steps towards the king's room. The situation outside is very tense, the fire is burning more fiercely. A family was trapped inside their house during the fire. The father covered his family with his body in the corner of the house. Suddenly the burning roof collapsed on them but suddenly the fire went out. The family rushed outside to find Josh using his ice element to put out fires everywhere. Josh has the white hair and golden eyes of a werewolf, the people excitedly say:

"Great Prince Josh!"

Josh replied:

"Continue to put out the fire, now!"

People continued to frantically put out the fire. Josh was a special werewolf because his blood mutation gave him the ability to control ice, but Josh had not mastered it. Robzin approached the king's room, two guards there were surprised to see Robzin, one of them said:

"Prince Robzin, you should have-"

Robzin quickly cut the throats of the two guards and pushed open the door. Abram and Samantha looked at Robzin, he said:

"Robzin, what are you doing here? Aren't you helping your brother save the people?"

Robzin replied:

"Oh old father? How stupid were you? Living with humans, how ridiculous?"

Abram said with confusion:

"Robzin, what are you saying?"

Robzin replied:

"I said I would become king, ushering in a new era where werewolves are masters. Even if you have to cooperate with the vampires themselves."

Angry Abram said:

"What madness are you talking about?"

Robzin locked the door of the room and replied with cruelty:

"Goodbye mom and dad."

Josh was putting out the fire when suddenly he heard a loud scream coming from the castle. Josh looked at the king's window and saw a large bloodstain on the glass. Josh rushed back to the castle in the surprise of everyone around. Josh ran as fast as he could up the stairs and to the king's room. Seeing the two soldiers's corpses, Josh knew something bad had happened. Josh pushed the door open but the door didn't move. He quickly froze the door and smashed it to get inside. Josh worriedly said:

"Father, mother. What happened?"

Then Josh witnessed a haunting scene he would never forget. In the bed, the skin of Queen Samantha's face was torn and her neck was gnawed, her body lying in a pool of blood. The fate of King Abram was equally terrible, Robzin was still gnawing half of his head with the left one. Right head turned to look at Josh, he said:

"Josh, my little brother, just in time."

Robzin dropped his father's body and turned to look at Josh. Josh was still amazed, he said fearfully:

"Josh, what did you do to our parents?"

The two werewolf heads licked the blood from their lips like they tasted sweet candy. Robzin replied with his right head:

"I kill our parents because it's time for me to become king. I will wage war on the humans and make them submit to us. I will make sure of that by partnering with the Predator faction."

Josh turned into a gray werewolf and replied:

"So you've been planning to betray for a long time. I will kill you to avenge our parents."

Robzin said:

"The battle for the fate of the werewolf brothers. As everything has been recorded throughout our history."

Robzin and Josh howled and lunged at each other. Robzin and Josh clashed and scratched each other. Robzin punched Josh right in the chest, causing him to back down. Josh immediately jumped up and scraped down Robzin's right head, leaving a scratch on his right eye. Robzin stepped back and said:

'Very well, let the anger take hold of you, you are just like me.

Josh replied angrily:

"I was never like you!"

Josh and Robzin continued to rush and push each other. Robzin grabbed Josh's back and lifted him up and threw him into the closet. Josh stood up and growled, he continued to lunge at Robzin and punch him in the chest. Robzin turned around and punched Josh in the back. He shoved Robzin's leg and he fell to the floor. Josh quickly kicked Robzin in the chest to push him down and bit his right hand. Robzin threw his left fist at Josh, but Josh grabbed it back. Josh grabbed his other hand and said:

"Freeze it."

Josh slowly froze Robzin's hand, thinking he was about to win. Robzin just laughed and replied haughtily:

"Your frost is nothing."

Robzin ignited hellfire all over his body and burned Josh's hand. Josh painfully released Robzin's hand and the man immediately bit his shoulder with his two heads. Robzin lifted Josh up and bit harder. Robzin said:

"You're too weak, little brother. That's why you can't survive in this harsh world."

Robzin spun around quickly and threw Josh through the glass and down from the castle. Josh howled in anger and fell hard to the ground, cracking the ground. Josh was bleeding all over but he was still breathing. People approached the crater to see Josh, who was badly injured. At this time the soldiers also entered the king's room, seeing that the king and queen had been killed, the general said worriedly:

"Prince, what happened to our beloved king and queen?"

Robzin turned back to normal and replied:

"Prince Josh betrayed and killed the king and queen to take the throne. I tried to get here but couldn't make it in time. I defeated him to avenge them."

The general said in confusion:

"No way, just now Prince Josh helped us put out the fire, he couldn't kill the king."

Robzin replied emphatically:

"He did it to trick you, he pretended to put out the fire so that when all the soldiers came out to help the civilians, he immediately ran back to the castle to kill the king. Prince Josh is a traitor."

Robzin stood in front of the big broken glass and said out loud:

"Listen, people of Lymcan kingdom, Prince Josh has betrayed us and killed our beloved king and queen. It is with sorrow that I must become the new king of the kingdom. But first, let's punish Prince Josh first for his heinous crimes."

People started talking about Josh's betrayal. Several people had turned into werewolves to prepare to take Josh away. Knowing he was at a disadvantage, Josh quickly created an ice snowflake and crushed it to create smoke around. Josh takes advantage of the smoke screen and tries to run away from the kingdom. He carried severe wounds and fell into the underground water in the cave and followed it to leave the cave. Josh drifted with the current and swam to a large lake where the groundwater came out. Josh swam ashore and lay down to rest. Josh thought to himself:

"Damn it, I failed again. I'm sorry father."

Before he could rest, Josh heard a werewolf howl in the distance and was coming towards him. Josh quickly got up and ran deep into the woods like a fugitive and couldn't explain himself. This was also when Josh took on the name of a werewolf traitor, becoming a exile from his homeland. Josh had since lived in the forest, he taught himself to hunt animals to eat and drink river water. The times he sat by the bonfire to warm up, Josh looked at the fire with anger and hatred towards Robzin and the drive to prove his innocence. Knowing that only the Heroic faction could help him, Josh had traveled far to the forest where the Heroic faction's base was hidden. But Robzin already knew Josh was here, so he sent his soldiers there first to hunt him down. It's been three days since Josh had not been able to get close to the base but on the night he witnessed the greatest power of the world's strongest Hybrid, Langress. He knew he would need his help. One evening, Langress once again went into the woods to hunt for Josh. As he walked he whistled like he was walking instead of hunting. Josh jumped down from the branch behind Langress. Langress turned around to look at Josh and said arrogantly:

"Hmm, confident enough to come see me too?"

Josh replied:

"I saw you fighting werewolves last night. Who are you to have such power?"

Langress said:

"I have to introduce myself again. I'm The World's Strongest Hybrid, Langress Mcloucht."

Josh replied:

"Langress, I know you're a very strong person. So I'm begging you to help me fight my brother and the Predator faction. You're a Heroic warrior, aren't you?"

Langress said:

"First, I'm not really on the Heroic side, I just need a place to eat and sleep until I know where the Predator faction is. And two, to know where I have to catch you first."

Josh was a little surprised, he replied:

"Wait, why did you do that? I thought we were on the same side against the Predator faction?"

Langress drew his silver sword and said slyly:

"Never, I don't care who's on my side. I only care that I can defeat the Predator by myself first."

Josh turned into a werewolf and replied:

"Calm down, I don't want to fight."

Langress rushed forward and said:

"And that's what I want!"

Langress swung her sword quickly at Josh, but Josh immediately leaned back to dodge. Langress slashed down, but Josh dodged immediately. Josh said:

"Stop Langress, then we can talk."

Langress replied:

"You won't be able to survive if you can't fight."

Josh hastily climbed up the branches to be able to retreat, but Langress also quickly cut down the trees to make Josh fall. Josh slipped and fell with a tree trunk on his head. Josh immediately released a blast of ice that froze the tree trunk and he easily destroyed it. Langress rushed forward suddenly and said:

"Mutant werewolf? It's rare."

Langress quickly slashed at Josh in midair. That instant slowly slowed down. In a timely and decisive action, Josh scratches Langress's blade and freezes it and destroys it quickly. Josh landed on the ground and smacked Langress with his tail causing him to back down. Langress immediately threw away the broken hilt and roared with his Hybrid teeth (Both teeth were werewolf fangs but two were long vampire fangs). Langress put on brass knuckles and said:

"We're just getting started."

The ground around Josh radiated ice, a large snowflake appeared at his feet. Josh strongly said:

"If persuasion is not possible then violence is the only way. If I win, you must listen to me."

Langress replied:

"Do I look like I care about every word you say?"

Langress and Josh lunged at each other. Josh threw a frost ball at Langress but he immediately smashed it. Josh threw another frost ball at Langress but he quickly slid down to dodge. Langress charged, but frozen under his feet, he was unable to move. Josh breathed a sigh of relief and continued to slowly freeze Langress up from his feet. Josh turned back to normal and approached Langress, he said:

"Now will you listen to me?"

Langress replied:


Langress immediately slammed his head hard on Josh's head and knocked him out. The image before Josh's eyes darkened.