
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

6. Secretary

Beelzebub reclined on her opulent throne, sipping a glass of fine wine as she overlooked the wild party below. The room was filled with the cacophony of music, laughter, and shouts, creating a symphony of chaos that resonated deeply with her soul. Her parties had gained quite a reputation in Hell. On one hand, she was known as the chill host who threw the best, most memorable parties; on the other, she was feared for her wrath when displeased, her fury bordering on insanity.

The hellhounds swarmed the party, reveling in the madness. They were born, lived to satisfy Beelzebub's insatiable hunger, and died, all for her pleasure. She had created special ponds for them, adding an air of elegance to their short, tumultuous lives. The entire race existed solely for her satisfaction.

Lucifer no longer visited her, a fact that delighted Beelzebub. With him out of the way, no one could disrupt her hedonistic reign.

As she savored her wine, the door to her chamber burst open with a resounding crash. Beelzebub's eyes narrowed as a woman strode in aggressively. She was short, with pale skin, red irises, and silvery-white hair styled in distinctive curls. Her professional attire and the dark circles under her eyes suggested exhaustion, as if she might fall asleep at any moment.

"Hmmm, what do we have here?" Beelzebub drawled, her voice dripping with mock curiosity. "You are quite far from home."

The woman paused, her expression unchanging. "My name is Pandemonica."

Beelzebub's eyebrows raised. "A goat demon from the Sloth Ring? How intriguing. What brings you to my domain?"

Pandemonica straightened, a glint of determination in her tired eyes. "I wish to work for you."

A smirk played on Beelzebub's lips. "And what makes you think I need your services?"

Before Pandemonica could answer, Cerberus appeared, the three identical girls circling the newcomer and sniffing her curiously. Their wide, enthusiastic eyes took in every detail, assessing her.

Pandemonica remained unfazed. "I can organize your parties, manage the chaos. You need someone to bring order to your revelries."

Beelzebub's interest was piqued. "Interesting. And why would you, a demon of sloth, want to work for me?"

Pandemonica's tired demeanor didn't waver. "Because I believe in efficiency, even in chaos. Your parties could be legendary, truly unparalleled, with the right touch."

Beelzebub considered this, swirling her wine thoughtfully. She had never needed anyone to manage her parties before, relying on her hellhounds to do her bidding. But there was something about Pandemonica's offer that intrigued her.

"And what do you want in return?" Beelzebub asked, leaning forward slightly.

Pandemonica met her gaze steadily. "My soul. I want to make a deal."

The room fell silent. Cerberus ceased their circling, their attention fixed on Beelzebub and Pandemonica. Beelzebub's smirk widened into a grin.

"You're willing to sell your soul to me? Interesting indeed. Very well, Pandemonica. You shall be my secretary."

Pandemonica nodded, her expression unchanged. "It's a deal."

With that, Beelzebub extended her hand, and Pandemonica took it, sealing their pact. The room seemed to pulse with energy as the agreement was made, a new bond formed in the fires of Hell.

Cerberus, satisfied with their inspection, returned to their mistress's side. Beelzebub leaned back once more, her mind already buzzing with the possibilities. With Pandemonica's organizational skills, her parties could reach new heights of excess and delight.

"Pandemonica," Beelzebub said, her voice dripping with satisfaction, "welcome to my court. Let's see what you can do."

Pandemonica gave a slight, tired smile. "I won't disappoint you."

As the party below continued, Beelzebub felt a surge of excitement. With Pandemonica by her side, her reign over the Gluttony ring would be unchallenged, her hunger endlessly satisfied by the never-ending cycle of hellhounds and revelry.

Lucifer's absence was a distant memory, a negligible loss in the face of her growing power. Beelzebub's throne room buzzed with anticipation as the night wore on, promising even greater excesses to come.


The following weeks saw an unprecedented transformation in Beelzebub's domain. Pandemonica's efficiency brought a new level of sophistication to the parties. Invitations were meticulously crafted, sent out to every corner of Hell. The events were planned with military precision, ensuring that the food, music, and atmosphere were always at their peak.

Beelzebub's mansion became the epicenter of hedonistic delight. Lavish banquets adorned every room, and fountains of the finest wines flowed freely. The hellhounds, now more numerous and better trained than ever, served with unwavering devotion. They seemed almost happy in their servitude, a testament to Pandemonica's influence.

One evening, as Beelzebub sipped her wine from a balcony overlooking the grand hall, she noticed a peculiar change in the atmosphere. The hellhounds were more lively, the guests more exuberant. The emotional energy was palpable, feeding her insatiable hunger in ways she had never experienced before.

Beelzebub's gaze drifted to Pandemonica, who stood near the entrance, clipboard in hand, overseeing the festivities with a calm, watchful eye. The goat demon had proven to be an invaluable asset, her presence ensuring that everything ran smoothly.

As Beelzebub savored the sight, she heard a commotion at the door. Her eyes narrowed as it swung open with a crash, revealing Lucifer standing in the threshold. His expression was one of shock and dismay, his eyes scanning the room with disbelief.

"Beelzebub," he called, his voice a mixture of sorrow and determination. "What have you become?"

She laughed, a sound filled with both joy and madness. "What you see is the Queen of Gluttony at her finest, brother. Isn't it magnificent?"

Lucifer stepped forward, his gaze filled with concern. "This isn't you, Beelzebub. The madness, the chaos... it's consuming you."

Beelzebub's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with defiance. "I have embraced what I am, Lucifer. This is my nature, my destiny. You should try it sometime."

He shook his head, his expression pained. "I came to offer you redemption, a chance to return to Heaven and reclaim your true self."

She laughed again, the sound echoing through the hall. "Redemption? In this place? You're more deluded than I thought."

Cerberus, sensing the tension, moved closer to Beelzebub, their eyes fixed on Lucifer. Pandemonica watched from a distance, her expression unreadable.

Lucifer sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I can't watch you destroy yourself, Beelzebub. Please, let me help you."

Beelzebub's gaze hardened. "I don't need your help. I don't need anyone's help. I am the Queen of Gluttony, and this is my domain."

With that, she turned her back on him, signaling to Cerberus and Pandemonica to escort him out. The three hellhound girls approached Lucifer, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and aggression.

Lucifer took one last look at his sister, a mix of sorrow and resolve in his eyes. "I'll always be here if you change your mind."

Beelzebub didn't respond, her focus already back on the party. As Lucifer was led away, she felt a pang of something deep within her, quickly dismissed as irrelevant. Her desires were her everything now, and she had no room for doubt or regret.

As the doors closed behind Lucifer, Beelzebub raised her glass to the room. "To the greatest party Hell has ever seen!"

The guests cheered, the hellhounds howled, and the music swelled to a fever pitch. Beelzebub took another sip of her wine, her eyes scanning the room with satisfaction. She was the Queen of Gluttony, and her reign would be one of unending excess and indulgence.

Pandemonica approached, her clipboard tucked under her arm. "Everything is running smoothly, my Queen. Is there anything else you desire?"

Beelzebub considered for a moment, then shook her head. "No, Pandemonica. You've done well. Keep it up."

The goat demon nodded, her tired eyes gleaming with a hint of pride. "Of course, my Queen."

As the night wore on, Beelzebub allowed herself to be swept up in the revelry. The emotional energy, the food, the wine—it was all a heady mix that fueled her insatiable hunger. She had everything she wanted, everything she needed.

For now, at least.

But deep down, somewhere in the depths of her soul, a small part of her wondered if Lucifer had been right. If there was still a piece of her that longed for something more than this endless cycle of indulgence and excess.

She quickly buried the thought, raising her glass once more and toasting to her own hedonistic delight. She was Beelzebub, the Queen of Gluttony, and nothing else mattered.

(End of a chapter)