
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

23. New food

Beelzebub sat regally on her throne, a mischievous glint in her eye as Lilith stormed into the room. The air crackled with tension, and the other demons instinctively moved back, knowing that a confrontation was inevitable.

"Beelzebub," Lilith snarled, her eyes flashing with anger. "What do you think you're doing? You were supposed to be sealed, not hosting parties and causing chaos!"

Beelzebub leaned forward, a lazy smile spreading across her face. "Oh, Lilith, always so quick to anger. You should really learn to relax a bit. Maybe attend one of my parties and let loose for once."

Lilith's fists clenched, her body trembling with barely contained rage. "You think this is a joke? You've overstepped your bounds. Do you have any idea what you've unleashed?"

Beelzebub chuckled, clearly enjoying Lilith's frustration. "Unleashed? I've merely been enjoying my freedom. Maybe you're just upset because you couldn't keep me locked away forever."

Lilith took a step closer, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "I will not let you undermine my authority. Remember your place, Beelzebub."

"My place?" Beelzebub's smile widened. "My dear Lilith, my place is wherever I decide it to be. And right now, it's right here, enjoying the fruits of my labor. If that bothers you, well, that's your problem."

Lilith's composure cracked, and with a frustrated growl, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut behind her, leaving a lingering tension in the air.

Beelzebub's smile faded as she turned her attention to Pandemonica, who stood nearby with a curious expression. "Pandemonica, have you acquired what I asked for?"

Pandemonica nodded and held up a small, shining ingot of angelic steel. "Yes, my lady. This is angelic steel, used by the angels on Extermination Day. It's said to be capable of killing even royalty."

Beelzebub's eyes gleamed with interest. "Perfect. Let's see just how potent this material is."

Without warning, Beelzebub grabbed the steel and sliced her wrist. Blood began to seep from the wound, causing gasps from the demons around her. She let out a manic laugh, reveling in the sensation.

"It's been so long since I felt vulnerable," she said, her voice tinged with madness. "Hahahaha, I want the steel liquefied."

Pandemonica quickly set to work, melting the steel into a liquid form. Once it was ready, she handed the vial to Beelzebub, who eyed it with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

"Let's see what this does," Beelzebub murmured, dripping a small amount of the liquefied steel onto her tongue. Instantly, her body began to pulse with power, and she doubled over in pain. But even through the agony, a twisted smile remained on her face.

The other demons watched in horror as Beelzebub's body writhed and contorted, her laughter growing louder and more unhinged. Finally, the pulsing stopped, and she straightened up, her eyes glowing with a sinister light.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I need to control this a little better," she said, her voice filled with dark amusement. "I don't want to kill my retainers, after all."

The demons took another step back, unnerved by the sight before them. Beelzebub's power had always been formidable, but now it seemed to have reached a terrifying new level. And they could only wonder what their queen would do next with her newfound strength.


Beelzebub sat back on her throne, feeling the new power coursing through her veins. The taste of the angelic steel still lingered on her tongue, and she found herself craving more. The raw, intoxicating sensation of vulnerability and strength combined was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

"Pandemonica," Beelzebub called, her voice dripping with authority and excitement. "Bring me more of that angelic steel."

Pandemonica hesitated, adjusting her glasses nervously. "My lady, obtaining more angelic steel is not an easy task. It is rare and heavily guarded by the angels. Acquiring more will require significant effort and risk."

Beelzebub's eyes narrowed, her hunger for power evident. "I don't care about the risks. I want more, and I want it now. Use whatever means necessary to get it. Am I clear?"

Pandemonica nodded, bowing her head. "Yes, my lady. I will do everything in my power to obtain more angelic steel."

Beelzebub's smile widened, a dangerous glint in her eye. "Good. Now go."

As Pandemonica left to carry out her orders, Beelzebub leaned back in her throne, her mind racing with the possibilities. The angelic steel had shown her a glimpse of imunity, she wondered, if she were to eat more. would she become imune to holy magic. The risks didn't matter. All that mattered was the power she craved.

Hours later, Pandemonica returned, holding another small ingot of angelic steel. Her face was pale, and she looked exhausted. "My lady, I have managed to acquire more. But this is all I could get for now."

Beelzebub's eyes lit up with greed as she reached for the ingot. "Perfect. You've done well, Pandemonica."

Without hesitation, Beelzebub melted the steel and prepared to consume it once more. As she lifted the vial to her lips, she paused, glancing at the demons around her. A wicked smile spread across her face.

"You know," she said, her voice low and dangerous, "gluttony isn't just about consuming food. It's about a hunger for everything. Power, desire, control... even pain."

With that, she poured the liquefied steel onto her tongue, swallowing it eagerly. The effects were immediate and even more intense than before. Her body convulsed, and she let out a guttural laugh, the power surging through her making her feel alive in a way she had never felt before.

The demons watched in awe and fear as Beelzebub's body pulsed with energy. Her eyes glowed brighter, and her laughter grew more manic. The room seemed to vibrate with her power, and the air crackled with a tangible tension.

After what felt like an eternity, the pulsing stopped, and Beelzebub stood up, her body radiating with raw power. She looked around, her eyes locking onto each demon in the room.

(End of a chapter)