
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

2. Fall from grace

Beelzebub, formerly known as Lily, found herself sitting on the cold, hard ground. She glanced around, taking in her unfamiliar surroundings and the seven others seated around her. The room was vast and ornate, a stark contrast to the void she had just left.

Before them stood a magnificent figure, exuding an aura of authority and otherworldly power. He appeared as a tall, white-skinned man with four eyes floating next to his head. His wide, toothy grin was both welcoming and unsettling. He wore a fancy white button-up suit lined in gold, golden epaulettes that resembled wings, white golden-tipped shoes, and a large white top hat adorned with a golden cross attached by golden leaves. His black gloves, black bow tie, and long cape with a universe design underneath completed his striking appearance.

The figure looked at the nine individuals before him, his smile never wavering. "I'm sorry, children, but you must learn from your mistakes. All of you did something that I can't overlook. And you, Lilith, you will go with my children to learn from what you did too."

Beelzebub, now fully aware of her new identity, gazed at her new father, who was about to cast her into hell. "I have created a new place for those who have erred. I named it Hell. And the one to rule it will be Lucifer, for it is because of him that people can do evil. So for now, my children and Lilith."

With these words, Beelzebub and everyone around her began to fall. They descended and descended, plummeting into the depths of Hell. As she looked around, everyone began to transform. In this moment, Beelzebub's head started to throb with pain. Memories and thoughts forced their way into her mind. She remembered her name—Beelzebub, one of the primary angels. But she was no longer an angel. She had become a demon, just like the other angels around her.

Only Lucifer looked approximately the same.

Beelzebub, on the other hand, had transformed into a striking demon with a humanoid form. Her white hair and crimson irises marked her demonic nature. She wore an almost completely crimson outfit, with a black undershirt, a crimson waistcoat, crimson gloves, and a long crimson blazer. Fly-type trinkets, bracelets, and jewelry adorned her form, completing her transformation. Her white horns and cloven tail, along with chitin spikes jutting through her hair, gave her an imposing presence.

Lucifer was the first to stand. He looked at his sisters, brothers, and Lilith. "I apologize. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here."

Beelzebub felt a surge of anger and sorrow. Her new reality was harsh and unforgiving, a far cry from the life she once knew. As she adjusted to her new form and surroundings, she knew that this was just the beginning of her journey in Hell.


Beelzebub, now more attuned to her demonic nature, stood up and took a deep breath. The air in Hell was thick, hot, and filled with an oppressive sense of despair. She looked at the others, each dealing with their own transformations. Baal's eyes met hers, a flicker of recognition and sorrow passing between them.

Lucifer stepped forward, his demeanor calm yet authoritative. "We need to understand our new roles here. Hell is our domain now, and we must govern it accordingly."

Lilith, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "What do we do first?" she asked, her voice steady but tinged with uncertainty.

Lucifer smiled, though it lacked warmth. "First, we establish order. Then, we learn to harness our new powers."

Beelzebub nodded, her determination hardening. "And what of our previous lives?" she asked, a note of defiance in her voice.

Lucifer's expression softened slightly. "They are gone. This is our reality now. Embrace it, and we can thrive."

Lucifer turned to each of his siblings, assigning them their roles:

Mammon: the embodiment of greed, was to oversee the vast wealth and resources of Hell, ensuring that they were distributed in ways that maintained control and order.

Mammon raised an eyebrow. "Control and order, huh? Sounds like a challenge. But I guess I can manage that."

Leviathan: the manifestation of envy, was tasked with sowing discord among the souls, ensuring that jealousy and rivalry thrived in the hearts of the damned.

Leviathan smirked. "Sowing discord? Now that sounds like fun. Count me in."

Satan: representing wrath, was given the role of enforcing the laws of Hell, his fury serving as a deterrent to any who might challenge Lucifer's authority.

Satan clenched his fists, a dark fire burning in his eyes. "I'll make sure no one dares to defy us."

Belphegor: the demon of sloth, was responsible for the prisons of Hell, where the laziest and most unproductive souls would toil for eternity.

Belphegor yawned, stretching lazily. "Prisons, huh? Sounds like a lot of work. But I suppose someone has to do it."

Asmodeus: the avatar of lust, was to manage the pleasure districts.

Asmodeus grinned, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Temptation? Now you're speaking my language."

Beelzebub: symbolizing gluttony, was given dominion over the feasts and banquets, where the damned would eternally consume but never be sated.

Beelzebub licked her lips, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Eternal feasting? I can definitely handle that."

Lilith: the first of the fallen, was entrusted with the dark libraries and archives, preserving the knowledge and histories of Hell, ensuring that the lessons of their fall would never be forgotten.

Lilith looked thoughtful. "The dark libraries... I will make sure our history is remembered and that the lessons of our fall are not lost."

With their roles defined, Lucifer looked upon his siblings with a mixture of pride and regret. "We have our duties. Now, let us begin to shape this realm into a place where we can rule with power and purpose."

One by one, the demons nodded in agreement, accepting their new roles. Beelzebub felt a mix of emotions—anger, sorrow, determination—but most of all, a strange sense of belonging. 

(If the characters don't seem like those from Hazbin Hotel yet, don't worry. Their emotions and personalities will change as they spend time in Hell.)

(End of a chapter)