
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

15. Nothigness

Beelzebub drifted through the void, the endless expanse of nothingness pressing in on her from all sides. Her monstrous form had reverted to her demonic visage, her grotesque fly-like features contrasting sharply with the ethereal emptiness around her. The silence was deafening, but within it, echoes of her past began to stir.

Out of the void, three figures materialized: her human self, the angel she once was, and her current demonic form. They stood in a triangular formation, each representing a fragment of her existence. Beelzebub's heart pounded as she faced the manifestations of her past and present, the battle lines drawn within her own psyche.

The human Beelzebub looked innocent and fragile, a stark contrast to the powerful demon she had become. Her eyes were filled with determination, though tinged with fear. "Is this what you wanted, Beelzebub?" she asked, her voice trembling. "To become this monster?"

The angelic Beelzebub radiated purity and grace, her wings glowing with a divine light. Her eyes bore the wisdom and sorrow of ages. "You were once a beacon of hope, a symbol of light," she said softly. "How did you fall so far?"

The demon Beelzebub snarled, her six arms twitching with barely restrained fury. "Enough of this sentimentality!" she roared. "I am power! I am chaos! And I will destroy anyone who dares to challenge me!"

Without warning, the battle began. The human Beelzebub launched herself at the demon with surprising speed, her fists crackling with the remnants of mortal strength. The angel followed suit, her divine light forming a blade that slashed through the air with precision.

Beelzebub's demonic form countered with ferocity, her six arms moving in a blur as she parried and attacked. The void around them echoed with the clash of their struggle, each strike resonating through the emptiness.


Hours turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks into years as the three Beelzebubs fought an unending battle. The void itself seemed to stretch and contract with the intensity of their conflict, timeless and unyielding. 


The human Beelzebub fought with desperation, each punch and kick a testament to her will to survive. She knew she was outmatched, but her spirit refused to yield. She ducked and weaved, landing blows where she could, even as the demon's claws raked her flesh.

"Is this truly what you wanted?" Human Beelzebub gasped between attacks. "Power at any cost? Is this worth losing yourself?"

The angelic Beelzebub was a vision of grace in battle, her movements fluid and precise. Her blade of light sliced through the darkness, each strike aimed at weakening the demonic form. She fought with a calm determination, her eyes never wavering from her goal.

"You were created for greatness, to bring light and order," the angelic form intoned. "Now, you're a harbinger of chaos. What have you become, Beelzebub?"

(Unknown years later)

The demon Beelzebub was relentless, her power overwhelming. She absorbed their attacks with ease, her monstrous form regenerating almost instantly. Her laugh was a cruel mockery, echoing through the void. "You think you can defeat me?" she taunted. "I am Beelzebub, the Great Fly! I am eternal!"

Despite their best efforts, the human and angelic forms began to falter. The human Beelzebub was thrown back, her body bruised and battered. The angel's light began to dim, her wings losing their luster.

But they persisted. The human and angelic forms, realizing they could not win alone, began to coordinate their attacks, moving with a synchronicity born of desperation and hope.

(Another eternety later)

As the years wore on, the boundaries between the three forms began to blur. Each strike, each parry, each moment of shared struggle started to weave their essences together. The human Beelzebub's mortal determination, the angelic Beelzebub's divine grace, and the demonic Beelzebub's raw power began to meld into a single, more formidable entity.

The angel spoke between blows, her voice filled with both sorrow and resolve. "You are not beyond redemption, Beelzebub. Even now, there is a chance to find balance, to reclaim the light you lost."

The human form, battered but unbroken, echoed the sentiment. "We can be whole again. We can find a way to live with all parts of ourselves. We don't have to be a monster."

The demon Beelzebub hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her grotesque features. But the battle continued, the three forms slowly merging as they fought, their strengths and weaknesses blending into something new.


After a century of relentless conflict, the merged Beelzebub stood alone in the void. She was a fusion of human, angelic, and demonic aspects, yet the demonic side remained dominant. Her monstrous form was tempered by the grace of her angelic past and the determination of her human origin.

She looked around the void, her eyes filled with a newfound understanding. The battle had not been just about power or survival; it had been about coming to terms with all parts of herself. She had faced her fears, her regrets, and her darkest impulses, and she had emerged stronger for it.

A voice echoed through the void, a whisper of the angelic and human Beelzebubs now part of her. "Remember who you are. Remember what you can become."

Beelzebub nodded, a small, determined smile forming on her lips. She had won the battle within herself, but she knew her journey was far from over. The void around her began to shift, the nothingness giving way to a new reality shaped by her resolve.

(End of a chapter)