
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

11. Bored

Beelzebub lounged on her throne, her goblet of wine in hand, observing the frenetic preparations for her next grand party. The hall buzzed with activity as hellhounds and demons ensured everything was in order. She sighed, feeling a wave of boredom wash over her. The party was still three days away, and without something to entertain her, she grew increasingly irritable.

The large doors to the hall were flung open, and Justice entered once again, her steps determined and her expression resolute despite her blindness. She walked straight towards Beelzebub, her finger pointing accusingly. "Beelzebub, I challenge you to a fight once more. Justice will not be silenced!"

Beelzebub sighed, a mix of amusement and irritation crossing her face. "You again? Haven't you learned your lesson?" She waved her hand dismissively, and the crimson contract chains materialized, wrapping around Justice and lifting her off the ground. Beelzebub tightened the chains just enough to make her point. "I decline your challenge, Justice. You're bound by our contract."

Justice gasped for breath, her spirit unbroken despite the constriction. "This isn't over, Beelzebub. I will find a way to stop you."

Beelzebub chuckled, loosening the chains and letting Justice fall to the ground. "Oh, but it is, for now. Run along and find something else to occupy your time." She waved her hand, and the chains vanished.

As Justice was escorted out, Beelzebub leaned back on her throne, feeling a twinge of boredom. Her eyes scanned the room, landing on the Cerberus girls who were jumping around excitedly.

Their hyperactivity grated on her nerves. "Stop that," she snapped, her teeth grinding in frustration. The sudden shift in her tone caused the other demons to pause, and the Cerberus girls, sensing her mood, giggled nervously before scampering away.

Beelzebub sighed deeply, her mind racing for an idea. "Come on, brain, I need something entertaining," she muttered to herself. 

She pondered, letting her mind wander through various possibilities. The upcoming party would certainly be a grand affair, but it wasn't enough to satiate her current need for excitement. She considered throwing a smaller, impromptu gathering, but dismissed the idea. It would lack the grandeur and planning that made her parties legendary.

Perhaps she could instigate a new game or competition among the demons? But no, that would require too much effort on her part, and she preferred to be entertained rather than be the entertainer. She needed something more... spontaneous, something that would provide immediate satisfaction.

Her thoughts drifted to her siblings. She had already dealt with Mammon and Belphegor, and while those encounters had been amusing, they were not enough. She needed something that would not only entertain her but also shake things up in Hell. Something unexpected.

Her mind returned to Lucifer. Her elder brother was always so composed, so in control. It annoyed her to no end. She imagined the look on his face if something were to happen to his beloved Lilith. The thought brought a wicked smile to her lips. Yes, that could be quite entertaining.

But how to execute it? She couldn't just take Lilith without a plan. She needed to ensure that the abduction would be flawless, and that it would cause maximum chaos without putting herself in too much risk.

Beelzebub tapped her fingers against the armrest of her throne, her mind whirring. What if she could use this to teach Lucifer a lesson about control? The idea began to take shape. She would abduct Lilith, keep her hidden in her domain for a week, and then release her somewhere random in Hell. Lucifer would be frantic, searching for his beloved, while Beelzebub watched from the shadows, savoring the chaos.

The plan was perfect. It was entertaining, it would rile up Lucifer, and it would give her something to look forward to in the days leading up to the party. She would need to be careful, of course. Lucifer would be furious, but as long as she played her cards right, she could avoid any serious repercussions.

Beelzebub called for Cerberus. The three-headed guardian approached, each head alert and eager to serve. "Cerberus, I have a task for you," Beelzebub began, her voice laced with anticipation. "We're going to abduct Lilith. Keep her hidden for a week in my domain, and then we'll release her somewhere in Hell. But make sure no one finds out until it's too late."

Cerberus grinned, their eyes gleaming with mischief. "Yes, mistress! We'll make sure everything goes according to plan."

Beelzebub leaned back, satisfied with her new scheme. "Good. Now, go and prepare. I want this to be flawless."

As Cerberus left to make the necessary arrangements, Beelzebub sipped her wine, feeling the thrill of anticipation. This would be her most entertaining game yet, and she couldn't wait to see the look on Lucifer's face when he realized his beloved Lilith was missing.

The days until the party would pass quickly now, filled with the planning and execution of her scheme. Beelzebub smiled to herself, already imagining the chaos and delight that would follow.

(End of a chapter)