
Training Montage

Both Vain and Pops had completely different ideas to the point that the two nearly got into a fight right there and then to which Athena tried her best to stop. Athena was really the turning point for the two men. After Athena begged Pops not to fight it and her words told him that this is the best option.

They ordered something and drank and talked it out more calmly thanks to Athena who was so cute that neither man could say no to her for long.

"I see why you gave in so easily! This girl is way too good looking for her own good! Even my old heart isn't immune to her pleading!"

"She also doesn't act childish so it isn't like a spoiled brat. Hard to say no to a girl like her."

"Indeed!" Pops had finally calmed down and felt sorry for anyone staying with such a girl that is difficult to control.

"Still, let us talk more about what you will do about us going to level 2?"

*sigh* "I now know I can't stop you two from leaving. You both are only one of the few who ever come back to talk to me, so on account that you have come to visit me, I shall help you both to be ready for such a situation."

Vain was very excited since this is what he really wanted from Pops. The knowledge of being able to not die from their first trip there. "Pops please tell us. We really don't want one of us to die."

"Don't worry so much. I told you when I first found you to have a bit of patience." Pops took a sip of his drink.

Athena almost couldn't take it anymore, "HEY! Come on! I haven't lived that long anyway, so why not tell me fast! I grow fast here too! Please!"

Pops sighed one more time and started to tell Athena and Vain his plan for the two of them, "Alright so let's start with the fact that you must wait at least four months if you wish to leave. And let me finish." Pops put his finger to his lips telling them to be quiet. "During that time I will make sure you are ready so I will train you both so that if you get ganged up by creatures, you can at least use your melee weapons enough not to die immediately.

I will tell you that if you meet a Smiler you won't be able to fight against it, so I will prepare you to deal with energy beings. Next, I will teach you both how to shoot with your weapons. I know you both probably believe you have gotten good with your long-range weapons, but I know that you probably can't even shoot without moving. If you receive my OK for being ready you can leave after four months, but if not we shall train for another four months. Understood?"

Vain and Athena were still excited since they had trained quite a bit for level 2, but now with Pops who is trained and knows his way around, they could be sure to survive.

Pops saw both of them nod, and was satisfied, "Alright any questions? If not let us finish this drink and we shall go rest before meeting up for training in 10 hours."

Pops had almost forgotten about the little devil and slipped up asking if they had any questions. Pops deeply regretted it when he heard Athena burst with her first question to which Pops knew he had messed up.

"Why do we have to wait four months? Can't it be until we are ready?"

With a sad sigh, Pops got to answering Athena's questions within sips of his drink, "I need to know how fast you grow since you may have realized you mature faster here compared to where you were before. Children grow at different rates starting at birth to maturing can take, at the shortest five years, while the longest time is ten years to completely mature."

Another five questions were asked until Pops realized a way to stop the bombardment of questions, "Athena since I will be training you you need to understand that only by doing will one learn best, so any question will increase the intensity of your training."

Athena for the first time in a long time became completely silent when someone in front of her had so much information. Leaving the conversation to switch from an old man answering the hundreds of questions of a child to a group having a joyful conversation talking about anything and everything.

The group eventually went their ways and regrouped ten hours later just like promised to be ready for training.


Pops truly meant what he said whenever Athena asked more than three questions she would suffer an extra hour of Pops' close combat training. Pops especially did this since he realized that the pair was decent with their long-range weapons, but can't go close combat for longer than a few seconds.

This training continued for a long time until two months passed. At this time Pops told Athena that she was a rare fast grower and that she would reach her peak height in about six more months, or maybe a couple of months later. Pops also mentioned that for sure she would reach maturity in at most another year past the six months.

Time passed quickly especially with Pops sparing with the pair every day. He made sure to spar with the pair for three hours when they woke up, and three hours before taking a rest. If Athena asked too many questions he would add another half an hour to both of them since he claimed that if Vain is to truly take care of Athena, he must share her pains and work twice as hard as she has to be able to protect her. To prove that point Pops always made sure Vain got a harder challenge that was a great deal harder than whatever Athena had to deal with.

Again another two months passed with both Vain and Athena becoming so afraid of Pops that Athena only asked a question when she hadn't hit her three-question limit, or when she desperately wanted to know something. Vain had to admit that Pops' training was indeed effective, both he and Athena's speed doubled at the most basic amount, while Vain's strength nearly tripled while Athena's strength went a little Beyond tripling since she was still growing.

After the time passed Pops was also surprised at how well the pair did, so although he didn't want to he told them that although they were technically ready they should stay another two months training. The pair kept Pops' story in their head, along with a couple of other stories that he had told them throughout their training. These stories made them far more careful than most, so they agreed to Pops' training for two more months much to Athena's dismay.

Although Pops didn't know how much his story had affected the pair he had indeed grown attached to the pair throughout the training, so he was now happy to stay and help them get a little stronger and a little more prepared.

True to his words Pops made sure that they were going to be prepared for their future adventures. He not only trained them harder this time by going to Five hours of close-quarters combat but also taught them a training regiment that is taught to every officer of M.E.G. that isn't a basic grunt. Although this training can't help the pair become crazy strong like with the training that Pops had done with them, it could make sure that the pair doesn't become weaker when not going to constant battles.


Finally, after six whole months of constant training Pops finally decided that he could no longer do anything to help them without putting them directly into situations. After all, the best teacher is experience.

"Are you sure that you want to move on? You both can live happily here! O' you two just wanted me to get attached to you so I would worry!" Pops had become the pair's parent, he kept making sure that they were sure that they wanted to leave him. The pair that were supposed to be father-daughter become closer to brother-sister under Pops' tutelage.

"Yes, Pops we are really sure that we want to go and see the rest of this place." Vain smiled and comforted Pops.

Athena also comforted Pops, "Pops you taught us well as you could. We will be fine and it is all thanks to you."

Level 2 shall begin with combat and fear being a constant.

I wanted to do it sooner, but I didn't want poor Athena to be such a small child when she entered, and this way they don't have huge impossible injuries because they have already a good strength thanks to Pops.

Please say thank you to Pops!

ObsidianWolfcreators' thoughts