
Let's Play dress up?

Zhi Ruo:Not today copper...

Hearing that Zhi Ruo pushed Lu Feng off.Her force was STRONG, more than Lu Feng thought

Gay Boy was capable of.

Zhi Ruo didn't waste one bit of her time, she could feel the danger of the situation.She quickly ran

towards the end of the alley.But, as she was about to exit, two men appeared.Worst part was the black limo that blocked her escape route...

That Damn Lu Feng was fast!

She looked around and saw a garbage can.The walls of the alley were only 4-5ft apart.

She quickly jumped onto the trash can, and bounced from side to side on the walls.

Fripping Ninja status!

But as the smile on her face slowly grew she gained height and speed.But, to her surprise she felt a sharp pain in her lower calf.She quickly looked back and saw a dart.

Zhi Ruo:Oh No...

Her world darkened as she became paralyzed, slowly falling down.Before she hit the ground,

her world darkened....

"I don't want to be accused of murder!"

"Shut your mouth, he's fine..."

"We should at least dress his wounds."

"Good point.."

A cold hand started to unbutton her shirt...

Zhi Ruo:#$%^&*(!

She Grabbed the hand and twisted it.Her eyes were slowly starting to open.Feeling molested, she flip the guy over.Ain't nobody 'gon know TODAY!

Zhi Ruo:Not Today...

Lu Feng go tback to his feet.What the hell was up with this gay boy today?His eyes were cold...suddenly he wore a a sly smile...Oh yes, he would have his revenge...

Sorry for the short chapter, i'll be updating tomorrow 3 or 5 chapters!I've still got unfinshed buisness to attend to!

Lafayette_Redcreators' thoughts