
Chapter 22

Originally posted on 13/12/2018.  

"So, you're a member of Roxas' peerage, now." Mirajane remarked, the day after Rias had joined Roxas' peerage, as she, Koneko, Kiba and Isane, who were all sat around the ORC room at Kuoh Academy (Mirajane was sat on a sofa next to Rias, Koneko was sat on a chair eating some chocolate, Kiba was sat on another chair, and Isane was sat casually on the arm of the other sofa). 

"I am." Rias replied. "I told you that I was planning to ask Roxas if I could become a member of his peerage. I did. He agreed to. I am now his second Bishop." she unfurled her eight white Devil wings, and then retracted them. 

Mirajane spread her own white Devil wings (she had six of them), as did Koneko, Kiba and Isane (they all had four). 

"Wait, you all have white Devil wings too?" Rias blinked. "I thought only I would be affected by Roxas' Evil Piece." 

"Then you thought wrong, Rias." Rias looked around, and saw Roxas, dressed in nothing but a black leather jacket, revealing his toned chest to anyone who glanced down at it (Isane definitely did, and blushed, much to the inner amusement of Elsha) and a pair of jeans, appearing through a silver transportation-circle. "Hey, everyone." 

"Hello, Roxas." Mirajane greeted Roxas, standing up and bowing to him. 

"Hey." Koneko looked up from eating her chocolate and gave a small smile to Roxas, before returning to her snack. 

Kiba nodded at Roxas, and Isane did the same, a small smile on her face. 

"Yeah, I guess I did." Rias replied. "i didn't think that all my peerage members would become Nephalems like I did." 

"Well they did." Roxas replied. "Me adding you to my peerage, and making you into a Nephalem, must've caused a chain-reaction through all the Evil Pieces that are bonded to you, Rias." 

"Huh." Rias replied. "That makes sense, since the power that Evil Pieces contain are a portion of the King's power, right?" 

"Yeah." Roxas nodded, as he walked over to Rias and sat down on the sofa beside her. "And synced to it. Permanently." 

"I see." Rias replied. "Hey, whose lipstick is that?" She asked, as she noticed a few kiss-marks on Roxas' chest. 

"Neo's." Roxas replied, calmly. "She needed a new flavour for her ice-cream, and I... uh, was happy to provide one." 

With the small smile on his face, and the lipstick marks that she also noticed on Roxas' chest, Isane was the first to get what Roxas meant, and it only took a second before she was off her perch on the arm of a sofa, and was, instead, rolling on the floor laughing. 

"What?" Roxas shrugged, as he looked around to see Rias and Kiba blushing, Mirajane giggling, and Koneko glaring at Roxas, muttering something about how he was a pervert. "It's not that funny." 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Isane wheezed, as she sat up. "I know, but I didn't think Neo... she's the mute one, right?" 


"I didn't think Neo would be into something like that." Isane finished, her voice slightly calmer as she stood up. 

"Learn something new every day." Roxas remarked, as Isane retook her perch. "Anyone got any questions?" 

"I do." Kiba spoke up, for the first time. "Will we have to move in with you? Since all the members of your peerage do live with you." 

"And they do of their own free will." Roxas replied. "You don't have to move in with me if you don't want to, but you're more than welcome to. My villa's got a few free spaces if you wanna fill them up." Roxas' red eyes flicked to Koneko as he continued speaking. "Kuroka would be more than happy to share her room with you, Shirone." 

Koneko silently smiled, and her glare softened, as she returned to eating her chocolate. 

"Well, I'll be off." Roxas remarked, as he kissed Rias and stood up. "By the way, Rias, I'm coming to your Open House in a couple of days." 

"Wh-what?!" Rias cried, just realising what Roxas said as he walked out of the room, not answering as Rias shouted. "How did you know?!" 

When the door closed, and the sound of Roxas' transportation-circle opening then closing, as he presumably left, Rias sat there, open-mouthed for a moment, before she closed it, and muttered. "Oh, fuck all kinds of duck." 

Line Break  

"I still don't know how you found out that Open House was happening, Roxas." Rias muttered as she walked into Kuoh Academy, with Mirajane close to her on one side and Roxas on the other. 

"Eh." Roxas shrugged. "Serafall mentioned it while we were fucking. Though I'm pretty sure that that was just because she wants a threesome with me and Sona." 

"She would." Rias sighed. "Would you be opposed to something like that?" 

"Fuck no." Roxas replied. "My godmother's insanely hot. As well as incredible in bed. And though Sona doesn't have as big tits as you do, she's still got a nice-looking ass." Roxas gave a small, perverted grin. "I know a few outfits that I'd enjoy seeing Sona in." 

Rias merely sighed and shook her head. As she looked up, she saw three more people stood close to the main doors of Kuoh Academy. 

Sirzechs, who was dressed in a pair of jeans, belt and a white buttoned shirt that had the top two buttons undone, along with a red leather jacket, Grayfia, who was dressed in a casual yellow off-the-shoulder dress that went down to just above her knees, and... 

"Oh, Rias, Roxas." Zeoticus, who was dressed in a standard white suit, spoke. "Nice to see you." 

"Hello, Father." Rias greeted Zeoticus. Roxas nodded to his grandfather, though he was warmer in greeting Sirzechs and Grayfia. "Where's Mother?" 

"She wasn't able to come." Zeoticus replied. "But she sends her best." Rias smiled as Roxas spoke to his parents. 

"You're here to see Rias as well?" 

"Why wouldn't we be?" Sirzechs asked. "I could never miss the chance to see my little sister at school." 

"I thought your duties as Lucifer would be more important than seeing me at school, Sirzechs." Rias muttered quietly, looking very embarrassed. 

"But this counts as doing my duties as Lucifer, Rias." Sirzechs retorted, a smile on his face. "I mean, we're considering this Town as a potential place to hold the Peace Meeting, and I'm having a look around today. I trust you can show me around after school is over?" 

This was a shock to the system for everyone. Even Roxas. 

"Wait, there's a Peace Meeting happening? And you're holding it here?" Rias was the first to react, her eyes as wide as saucers. 

"Well, it's a candidate for where to hold it." Sirzechs replied. "Other candidates include the Westminster Cathedral in London, the Newfoundland Memorial in France and the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, Australia." 

"Fair enough." Roxas replied. "That last one is a kinda weird choice, though." Sirzechs chuckled. 

"It's a personal favourite place of Azazel's to visit." he spoke. "That's why he suggested it, apparently." he shrugged. "Anyway, shall we head off?" 

"Yes, let's." Zeoticus nodded, as the school-bell rang. "Rias, lead the way." 

Her face going as red as her hair, Rias walked off, with Mirajane at her side, while Roxas, his parents and his grandfather followed. 

When they made it into the classroom where Rias had her lessons (they were slightly held up by Asia and Xenovia noticing and greeting Roxas, which resulted in the two former followers of God (who were now, in a sense, followers of Palutena) being introduced to Sirzechs, Grayfia and Zeoticus, Rias' lesson began, which was a maths lesson. 

Roxas was only half-paying attention as the lesson happened, and all the parents (and a few older siblings, he noticed) took pictures and recorded the lesson. One thing that got Roxas to pay more attention (and snigger, slightly) was when Rias realised that Sirzechs was also recording the lesson with a camcorder, and tried to make hushed attempts to stop him from doing so. 

After that little event ended, Roxas was about to zone out again, but he received a tap on the shoulder, snapping him out of it. Looking up, he realised that the tap came from Zeoticus. 

"Roxas?" he asked, quietly. "Can we talk outside for a moment?" 

"Sure." Roxas replied, after a moment's hesitation. He and his grandfather quietly left the room, and stood out in the hallway. "What did you wanna talk about?" 

"Well..." Zeoticus looked like he was considering how he wanted to word his response for a moment, before he spoke. "Roxas, I know you don't want to return to your position as Heir of the Gremory Clan, and I understand that." 

"Good to know." Roxas replied. "It only took you a month and a half to realise it." 

"Yes, it did." Zeoticus replied, having the good graces to look awkward for a second, before continuing to speak. "Anyway, Venelana and I thought that it would at least be beneficial for all of us if you were reinstated into the Clan." 

"Beneficial for all of us how, exactly?" Roxas asked. 

"Well, as a member of the Clan, you'd be eligible for access to a share of our Clan's wealth." Zeoticus replied. "Not as much as you had access to, and then made off with, when you were still Heir to the Clan, but still a portion of it, anyway." 

"Yeah, I kinda left with a lot, didn't I?" Roxas remarked. "How many Souls was that, 15 billion?" 

"I think it was more in the ballpark of 13 billion." Zeoticus replied, with a smile. "But at this point, it's not of the biggest concern. I mean since you left, we've managed to make that 13 billion back with our various businesses, and more." 

"You would." Roxas replied, shrugging. "Though you're not the only one with businesses, Zeoticus." 

"Well, of course I'm not." Zeoticus replied, blinking. "All of the Clans in the Underworld own businesses of some-" 

"I was referring to myself." Roxas interrupted Zeoticus, his look becoming slightly more steely. 

"...Oh." Zeoticus replied. "You own businesses?" 

"Yeah." Roxas replied. "Several. Successful, too. Enough to make me enough money to last me a lifetime, the fact that my lifespan is in the ballpark of 580 years notwithstanding." 

"I see." Zeoticus replied, nodding. "Out of curiosity, what businesses do you own?" 

"A healthcare company, a hotel chain, a private military company, a telecom company, a record label, a film studio, an electronics company, a porn company and a vehicle-manufacturing business." Roxas rattled off, looking unflinchingly at his grandfather. "None of which operate in the Underworld, by the way." 

"Hmm." was Zeoticus' first reaction to Roxas' answer. "A diverse line-up, if I do say so myself. But a vehicle-manufacturing business, do you even have a driver's license?" 

"No." Roxas replied. "What for? Anyway, I thought you'd have more of a reaction to the fact that I own a porn company." 

"Sorry to disappoint, I guess." Zeoticus replied, shrugging. "How many Souls has that generated for you? I can't imagine that it's a particularly small number. 

"Oh, no." Roxas replied. "I think, in all, all those businesses have made me about 40 billion Souls. That's just an estimate, I don't know the exact numbers." he added. "But added onto the money that I still have from when I used to be Heir, and the money made by my investments in several companies through the years, I've got a fuck-load of Souls." 

"You don't say." Zeoticus replied. "How do you even keep track of all your money in Souls, anyway? Since you'll be making money in all kinds of different currencies across the human world." 

"I go through the Heartfilia Clan's exchange-company." Roxas replied, simply. Zeoticus regarded Roxas' answer in silence for a moment, before blinking. 

"Wait, they deal in supernatural currencies as well?" he asked. "I didn't know that." 

"Well they do." Roxas replied. "But in any case, I guess my answer to your original question would be, sure. You can reinstate me into the Clan if you want." 

Zeoticus smiled. 

"Good." he replied. "I'll let Venelana know, and the two of you can work on transferring your share of the Clan's wealth into your possession as soon as possible. Now, shall we go back inside?" 

"Yeah, let's." Roxas replied, as he and Zeoticus walked back inside the classroom and shut the door behind them. 

Line Break  

At lunch time, Roxas, Sirzechs, Grayfia and Zeoticus walked out of class with Rias, who was looking slightly less embarrassed. It seemed that she'd gotten more used to the idea of her father, brother, sister-in-law and nephew/master walking around at school with her. 

"I was thinking of going to eat my lunch in the ORC room." Rias informed her family. 

"Cool." Sirzechs replied, nodding. "We can talk more there. Roxas, you coming?" 

"Nah." Roxas replied, as he looked past his family and saw Asia and Xenovia coming. "I just saw Asia and Xenovia. I'll catch up with you later, though." 

Roxas then walked off (as Rias and her folks walked off in the opposite direction, and greeted Asia and Xenovia when they came towards him. 

"You enjoying yourselves?" Roxas asked the former Holy Maiden and wielder of Durandal, as the three Nephalems stood against a wall and talked. 

"Yes." Xenovia replied. "Though I do wish Griselda was here. But she's probably busy with a mission for the Church..." she looked down, slightly sad, before Roxas put a hand on her shoulder. 

"Hey. It's not the end of the world." he assured her. "I'll try and get a hold of her later, if you'd really want that." 

"Th-thanks." Xenovia replied, going red as Roxas took his hand off her. "I appreciate that." 

"Good." Roxas replied, as he, Asia and Xenovia walked outside. "What were you doing today, anyway?" 

"Oh, we had to make something out of clay in English class." Asia replied. "It was a nice change from just translating things from Japanese to English, though." 

"I can imagine." Roxas snorted, knowing that supernatural beings were naturally omnilingual, when it came to the languages of the human world. "What did you make?" 

"I just made a clay version of Durandal." Xenovia replied. "First thing I thought of." 

"Fair enough." Roxas shrugged. "You do you. Asia?" 

"I made a little dragon." Asia replied. "It was... the first thing I thought of, too. Isane made a figure of you out of clay, though." 

"Wait, what?" Roxas looked at Asia in surprise as the two of them, plus Xenovia, walked out of the gates of Kuoh Academy and made it outside. "Isane made me?" 

Roxas then heard another female laugh, one that he'd only heard a couple of times before. 

"I guess Valian isn't the only Dragon who likes you, Roxas." 

Turning around to the open gates of Kuoh Academy, Roxas saw Imogen Belial standing by the gates, wearing her red trench-coat, grey combat skirt, a Guns N' Roses shirt, and black combat boots. 

"Hello to you too, Imogen." Roxas remarked, as he walked over to the Belial Heiress. "What're you doing here?" 

"I just transferred to the college here." she replied, calmly. "Since I'm the governor of Kuoh Town now, I thought I'd move here. And by I, I meant I and Diehauser." 

"Wait." Roxas blinked, as a little dial in his head switched from the setting 'no clue' to 'gets it'. "You were who Rias was talking about." 

"Sorry?" Imogen raised an eyebrow. 

"When she came asking to join my peerage, she said that she'd sorted out who'll take over as Governor of Kuoh." 

"Oh, she did, did she?" Imogen snorted. "But yeah, she was referring to me." 

"I see." Roxas replied, as Asia and Xenovia left (as they had heard some of their friends calling them). "Why're you here?" 

"Well, since I heard from Serafall that you'd be here today, I fancied heading over, since I don't have a lesson at college for a couple of hours." Imogen replied. "That, and I've... kinda been thinking about something for a while." She swallowed, and continued talking. "Ever since the Rating Game, I've kinda wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date? Maybe?" 

"Sure." Roxas replied, after a heartbeat. "I don't see why not." 

"Sweet!" Imogen replied, mentally punching the air as hard as Saitama could punch something in the anime One Punch Man, before composing herself. "I mean. Uhh. Cool." 

Roxas chuckled. 

"Fancy my number, so we can arrange a time and date for the... date?" he asked. 

"Oh, yeah." Imogen replied. "I'll give you mine, too." 

Within a minute, the Heiress and former Heir had traded mobile numbers, and went their separate ways, as Imogen said she was going to meet Cana and a few of their friends from college in town. 

Roxas walked back into Kuoh Academy, and as he decided that he was going to go and find Rias, he heard another female voice: Serafall's voice. 

"Why didn't you tell me it was Open House today, Sona? I had to find out from Zechs, and even then, I almost attacked Heaven out of shock!" 

"Because I was scared that you'd come and embarrass me, Serafall!" Sona replied, her voice a slight wheeze as Roxas decided to move towards where the voices were coming from. "Tsubaki, help me!" 

As Tsubaki declared that, regrettably, she was nowhere near strong enough to pry Sona from Serafall's grasp, Roxas made it into the corridor that they were in, and gave a chuckle at the sight of Serafall, who was wearing her usual magical girl outfit, hugging Sona from behind 

Serafall looked up, saw Roxas, and with a squeal of delight, she released Sona from her grasp, and ran towards Roxas. 

"ROXAS!" she cried, jumping into the air and landing on Roxas, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad you're here!" 

"Nice to see you too, Serafall." Roxas replied. "You came for Sona?" 

"Mmmhmm!" Serafall nodded. "But she was so mean and didn't tell me that Open House was today! I had to find out from Sirzechs that it was happening!" 

"I heard." Roxas replied, as Serafall released him from her hug. "And I found out from you, which is why I came here to see Rias." 

"Yeah, I guessed that~" Serafall replied. "But in any case, I'm so happy to see you, Roxas!" the current Leviathan wrapped her arms around Roxas and kissed him. "It's been torture, not being able to come and see you since we became a couple! I haven't even had any time to think of ideas for the fun stuff we can do together in private!" 

"I'm sure you could think of a lot of things to do with me while busy with your duties as Leviathan." Roxas remarked in reply. 

"Yeah, I could~" Serafall replied. "But I have a hard time thinking of stuff to do when I'm busy with other things..." She looked between Roxas and Sona, and the pouty look on her face changed to a rather naughty grin. "Actually..." she said, slowly. "I think I've got an idea." 

"Oh, boy." Roxas and Sona said quietly, at the same time as each other. But before either of them could do anything, Serafall had grabbed both of them, and rushed through a door into an unused classroom. Tsubaki quickly rushed in after them before Serafall could seal the door shut. 

"Come on, Roxas, Sona~" Serafall smiled, as she began stripping herself. "Let's have some fun." 

"Wait, what?!" Sona cried, as Serafall finished stripping down to full nudity, pushed Roxas onto one of the desks and perched herself on his lap, grinding her hips on his. "Serafall, what are you doing?" 

"Preparing to have some fun with my boyfriend~" Serafall replied simply, as she reached down and began undoing Roxas' pants. "Wanna join in?" 

"I... uh..." Sona's face went red as Serafall looked expectantly at her, while continuing to undo Roxas' pants, fish into them with one hand and pull down his boxers. "Of course I don't!" she cried, though she didn't sound too sincere. "I mean- why would I want to have sex with someone during school?" 

"Because of how naughty it'd be~" Serafall replied, licking her lips and kissing Roxas heavily. "And the fact that you'd be getting with the guy who managed to get with your best friend. And your big sis~" 

Roxas, along with said big sis, moaned into each other's mouths as Serafall wrapped one arm around his back, pulling him in further, before Serafall pulled away from Roxas. 

"But!" The current Leviathan chirped, as she looked at Sona and her Queen (whose face had also gone red as she began slowly rubbing her legs together). "If you wanna stand there and watch instead of joining in, Sona, I'm cool with that, since it'd just leave more of Roxas' hot body for me~ Same goes for you, Tsubaki." Serafall winked, before returning to kissing Roxas. 

As she fished Roxas' cock out of his pants, the current Leviathan was certain that her darling little sister and said darling little sister's sexy Queen would come around, and join in the fun that she'd have with her boyfriend Roxas. 

And a few minutes later, she was proven right. 

Line Break  

About an hour and a half later, Roxas, Serafall, Sona and Tsubaki, all of whom were dressed (Sona and Roxas had managed to convince Serafall to put on some regular clothes. She was dressed in a light yellow jumper, red and black miniskirt and black thigh-high socks), walked out of the classroom, and into the hallway. 

"Hehe." Serafall giggled, as she held Roxas' hand with hers. "That was so fucking hot, Roxas. And I got Sona to join in with us too~!" 

Roxas and Serafall both looked at Sona, who blushed. They both laughed, and walked out of the corridor into the main hall of the Academy, where they could see Rias, Sirzechs, Grayfia and three more people who Sona, Tsubaki and Serafall instantly seemed to recognise. 

After focusing on them more closely, Roxas recognised two of the three people that weren't Rias, Sirzechs or Grayfia. They were Serafall's and Sona's parents, Sean and Karron Sitri. 

Sean was a tall, broad-shouldered man with black hair that was worn in long dreadlocks, most of which he kept tied into a low ponytail, but one dangled over the right side of his face. He also had thick sideburns, thick eyebrows and violet eyes. He wore a formal black suit with white button-down suit. 

Karron had long black hair with green matching earrings on both of her ears, and blue eyes. She wore a dark pink turtleneck shirt with a white necklace and a green pendant, black short skirt, brown stockings, and black high-heeled shoes. 

The person Roxas didn't know was a young teenage girl, who had long black hair tied in braids. She had blue eyes and wore green framed glasses with circular lenses. She had a slightly shy look on her face. 

"Oh, Roxas." Sirzechs looked up, noticed Roxas and called out to him. "Where've you been?" 

"With Serafall and Sona, Dad." Roxas replied. "Where's Zeoticus?" 

"He had to leave." Sean Sitri replied. "A few minutes before you showed up, actually. But in any case, it's good to see you again, Roxas." 

"Nice to see you too, Lord Sitri." Roxas replied, inclining his head to the Sitri Lord, who just waved a hand, unconcerned. 

"Please, just call me Sean." he replied. "I mean you're dating Serafall now, so there's no need for you to be so formal with me." 

"Fair enough." Roxas replied, shrugging, before he looked at the smaller girl. "Who's the little girl?" 

"Our little sister, Sayuri." Sona replied, turning to Roxas. "She goes to a private school in the Underworld." 

"Oh." Roxas replied. "Well it's nice to meet you, Sayuri." 

Sayuri only nodded in return to Roxas, and she shifted slightly closer to her father. 

"Sayuri doesn't talk much." Serafall whispered to Roxas, before walking over to Karron and beginning to talk with her. It sounded like she was explaining away the reason that Sona had been absent from her most recent class. 

"Hey, Roxas." Sirzechs stepped over to Roxas and grinned at his oldest son. "I've got a load of footage of Rias in class recorded, if you want to see it in your spare time." 

"I'm okay, Dad." Roxas replied. "I get to see enough of Rias when we're alone together. And then we do productive stuff." 

"More like naughty stuff." Rias replied, her face going pink as she recalled the hours-long fuckfest that she and Roxas got up to right after she joined Roxas' peerage. 

With Roxas screwing her in every way she thought possible while she was dressed as a police officer, Playboy bunny (incidentally, Penemue had managed to buy the Playboy brand a couple of years ago, assimilate it into Roxas' porn company and use that brand-recognition to help expand Roxas' porn company to the point that most of the porn in the world came from him, or to be more accurate, his company), Arabian harem girl and a French maid, it was definitely an experience that Rias wouldn't forget anytime soon. 

"Fair enough." Sirzechs replied, looking between Roxas and Rias, and then at his watch. "Oops. Sorry, we should be heading to look around town, Rias. And by the way, before I forget." he gave his little sister a sharp look. "I think now's a better time than any to release your Bishop." 

"Really?" Rias' eyes widened for a second, before she nodded. "Alright then, brother. I'll do it tomorrow." 

Roxas stayed silent, as he knew what Rias was talking about. She had told him in the past that she had reincarnated a Dhampir, a Human/Vampire Hybrid, as a Devil with her Mutated Bishop, but the Bishop's powers were regarded as dangerous, too dangerous for her to handle at the time. Therefore, he (the Bishop) had been sealed away in order to keep Rias safe, until Sirzechs thought it right for him to be unsealed. 

"Very well." Sirzechs replied. "Let's go. See you, Roxas." 

"Later, Dad." Roxas replied, allowing his father to hug him before he, Grayfia and Rias left. After taking a few seconds to walk out of sight, Roxas magic-circled away, back to his Greek villa as well. 

Line Break  

It was the next day. Roxas and Valian appeared through their own transportation-circle into the ORC room, where Rias (who had called Roxas an hour or so ago and asked him to come to the ORC room), Mirajane, Koneko, Kiba and Isane were sat around. 

"Hey." Roxas greeted everyone. "You called me here, Rias?" 

"I did." Rias nodded, standing up. "I'm going to unseal my Bishop, and I wanted you to be here with me when I did so." Roxas gave a small smile as Rias indicated for her peerage to follow her, which they did. 

They walked out of the main ORC clubroom, and walked down a long hallway to an isolated room that looked like it had been abandoned. There were magical chains on the door, sealing it shut. 

"So what's this Bishop like, Rias?" Isane asked. 

"Well, he's a bit of a shut-in." Rias replied. "Though in terms of contract-making, he outclasses everyone in the entire peerage. Even me." 

"How the hell could he do that?" Isane, who had the lowest number of contracts among Rias' peerage, asked, slightly shocked. 

"Computer." Kiba replied, simply. "He usually interacts with people who are bad with talking to others, but still have a wish that they want to be granted by a Devil. It's surprisingly effective." 

"Of course it would be." Roxas spoke up. "More and more people are total introverts these days. It's only natural the number of people who want a wish granted by a Devil would want to do it in a not-face-to-face way." 

"Exactly." Rias nodded, as she snapped her fingers, and blew up the magical chains with her Power of Destruction, breaking the seal on the door. "Shall we get this over with?" 

"Go for it." Roxas replied. Rias stepped forward and opened the door... and Roxas had to suddenly cover his ears as a shrill shriek sounded from within the room. 

"Glad to see you're doing well, Gasper." Rias spoke, as she stepped into the room (and Roxas took his hands away from his ears). 

"Wh-what's going on?!" 'Gasper' cried. "A couple of days ago my Devil wings turned white for no reason!" 

"Hey Rias, what did you mean your Bishop was a boy?" Isane asked. "That looks like a cute girl!" 

"Nope, that's a guy." Valian replied to Isane, calmly. "Wonder why he's wearing girl clothes, though. 

Gasper was an androgynous-looking male with platinum-blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. His hair was styled into a short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead, and he had pointed ears. As Valian said, Gasper was wearing female clothing, specifically, the Kuoh Academy's girl school uniform, along with thigh-high socks. Roxas noticed that Gasper's fangs were pointed, like all Vampires or Vampire Hybrids. 

"Th-they're cute." Gasper replied, looking past everyone and at Valian. "Who're these new people?" 

"I have a lot to bring you up to speed on, Gasper." Rias knelt down to Gasper's level and spoke to him. "If you want to come out, we can explain everything to you." 

There was a flash of light, and before everyone's eyes, Gasper seemed to be sat in the middle of the room for one second, and huddled in a box in the corner in the next second. 

"Okay, what just happened?" Isane asked. "It-" 

"D-don't get mad! Please don't get mad at me!" Gasper pleaded from his position in the box. 

"That was Forbidden Balor View." Mirajane explained. "Known as the Evil Eye that Stops the World. That's Gasper's Sacred Gear. It has the ability to stop the time of anything within his line of sight." 

"Also holds a fraction of the soul of the Celtic Evil God Balor." Roxas remarked, as Rias spoke again 

"Koneko, please get Gasper and bring him to the clubroom, so we can keep talking there." 

"Yes, Rias." Koneko replied. She walked over to Gasper in his box and picked him up, box and all. She wasn't affected by Gasper wriggling around inside the box as she carried him out of the room, following Rias back to the main clubroom. 

Everyone in Rias' peerage followed, as well as Roxas and Valian, the former of whom decided to call his Vampiric wife, as he had the feeling that she could be of some assistance. 

When everyone made it back into the clubroom and sat down, and Rias had explained to Gasper that she was a member of the peerage of her nephew, Roxas Gremory, a pink transportation-circle opened, and Roxas' Mutated Rook, Akasha Bloodriver, stepped through it. 

"Hey, everyone." she casually greeted Rias' peerage, Valian and her King, before bending down to kiss said King. "Who's this Vampire Bishop that my husband's telling me about?" 

"That would be Gasper." Rias replied, gesturing to the box that Gasper sat in, looking terrified at the sight of this new person in front of him. 

"Ahh." Akasha replied, turning towards Gasper. "Vladi Clan, right?" 

"H-how do you know about that?!" Gasper seemed to seize up right before everyone's eyes and shrink away from Akasha. "Are you with those Vampire Hunters?" 

Akasha laughed. 

"As if I would ever be." she replied. "I'm a Vampire, just like you. Or rather, a Vampire in a Peerage, just like you." 

"A-are you?" Gasper looked slightly less fearful at the knowledge that someone like him was here. 

"I am." Akasha replied, as she knelt down to Gasper's level and gave a kind smile. "It's nice to meet you." Akasha then sat down beside Roxas. Rias then made to continue talking, but she received a call on her mobile, which she answered, and a couple of minutes later, ended. 

"Mira, we've got a Stray Devil situation on the outskirts of the town." Rias spoke to her Queen, before turning to everyone else. "Hate to burden you with this, but can you handle Gasper's training until we get back?" 

"Sure." Roxas replied, standing up." Val? Akasha?" 

"Sure thing." Queen and Mutated Rook replied, standing up beside their King. Koneko silently picked up Gasper by his box and carried him outside, with everyone following. 

Line Break  

A quarter of an hour later, Gasper was running around, as fast as he could, almost petrified from fear, as Valian followed closely, a few cloves of garlic in her hand... at a light jog. 

"Hey Gasper, come on. I was just giving you a snack." Valian remarked, trying to casually convince Gasper to stop and eat the garlic, but without any real heart to her words. "Don't be so picky." 

"No! I hate garlic!" Gasper shrieked, as he continued running faster and faster. "Please! Stop!" 

"Valian looks like she's having fun." Akasha remarked to Roxas. The two of them were sat a fair ways away from where Valian and Gasper were jogging/running around (as Akasha too had an extreme distaste for garlic), with Akasha's head on her husband's lap. 

"Yeah, she sure does." Roxas spoke in reply. "Like older cousin like younger cousin, I think the saying goes." 

"Hmm." Akasha hummed, as Roxas gently ran his fingers through her pink hair. "Dosen't roll of the tongue as well as something like 'like mother like daughter'." 

"Meh." Roxas replied, as Gasper tripped over and fell flat on his ass, and Valian stood over him. 

"No!" Gasper shrieked. "Don't make me eat the garlic! Don't make me eat the garlic!" 

"Nah, I wasn't gonna make you eat it." Valian replied. "I just fancied watching you run. If we keep this up, you might be able to run faster than I can jog. In a couple of years." 

Roxas sniggered as Gasper looked like he was going to faint. 

"But in any case." Valian remarked, tossing the garlic up into the air and dispelling it with a snap of her fingers. "I think we'll put the physical training on hold for now. Time to move onto training in your Sacred Gear." 

Gasper squeaked in fear, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. 

"Wait, what the fu-?" Valian blinked, and looked around. "Damn. He did it again." 

"He was trying to run away again." The three strongest members of Roxas' peerage looked up as Koneko appeared, dragging Gasper by his shirt back to where Roxas, Valian and Akasha were, while Gasper cried about being sorry. 

"This could be very difficult." Valian mused, as Roxas and Akasha stood up. "Actually, never mind. Let's scrap the training for today. At least we can say we did some training." 

"Yeah." Akasha replied. "Build up his confidence to the idea of training, then increase the time of the training sessions accordingly. Besides, it's not like Gasper's status of not being married off to KFC's poster boy reject is on the line." 

"True, true." Roxas agreed. "Alright, let's get back in the club room." 

Line Break  

A red transportation-circle opened in the clubroom, and Rias and Mirajane appeared out of it. Mirajane had a cut on her cheek and a bloody nose, which were sustained from their fight with the Stray Devil they were called out to fight. 

Rias looked around the clubroom, and saw Valian sitting on one of the sofas in the clubroom, watching Goblin Slayer on her phone. She looked up from the sound of Rias and Mirajane entering the room, and grinned. 

"Hey." she greeted them. "Roxas and Akasha headed back home, in case you were wondering." 

"Okay." Rias replied. "How was your training with Gasper?" 

"Good." Valian replied. "But not exactly productive. Akasha thinks it's best that we start in small chunks when it comes to training that Bishop of yours, and I'm inclined to agree." 

"I see." Rias replied. "If Roxas and Akasha left, then why are you still here?" 

"Because I wanted to ask you something." Valian replied, locking her phone and standing up. "How did Gasper come into your possession?" 

"Excuse me?" Rias blinked. 

"How did you find Gasper and add him to your peerage?" Valian asked. "And how did he get to the state that he's in?" 

"What do you mean, Valian?" Mirajane asked, curiously." 

"You don't just get to that kind of mental state." Valian replied, her hazel eyes seeming to have darkened. Or it might have just been the lighting of the room, as it was early evening. Mirajane didn't know. "Something had to have happened to him." 

"There is." Rias replied. "Something horrible." 

She sighed, and sat down at her desk. Mirajane and Valian sat down on opposite sofas as well. 

"Gasper's father is Riskel Vladi." Rias explained. "The head of the Vladi Clan, an extremely noble Clan in the Tepes Faction of Vampires. Think of it like the Vampires' equivalent of the Gremory Clan of the Devils. Except they don't have any love for their servants. Or anyone other than pure-blood pedigree Vampires, really." 

Valian listened. 

"However, as Gasper's mother was a human, one of Riskel's many lovers, who died of a curse while giving birth to Gasper, his family didn't just hate him, they feared him as the cause of that curse. Not only that, but he was treated as a monster by those outside his family, Vampires and Humans alike. Not just because of his Vampiric nature, but because of his Sacred Gear, which allowed him to stop time. A power that he had no hope of being able to control. Feared and loathed." 

"I can imagine." Valian replied, looking down. "You don't know what happens to you when you've been stopped." She murmured. 

"Exactly." Rias replied. "But Gasper would never use that power to do anything bad. Anyway, I came across Gasper when he was being hunted by Vampire hunters. From the Belmont Clan, I believe. I reincarnated Gasper with my Mutated Bishop, and you know the rest. He was extremely afraid of his powers and was unable to control them, so Sirzechs had him sealed in that room. Speaking of Gasper, where is he?" 

"I see." Valian replied. "He's back in his room, by the way." she added, as Rias continued talking. 

"I can't imagine how horrible it must have been for Gasper to go through something like that." she spoke. "But I still can't imagine how I can get through to him that we have his back." 

"I think I've got an idea." Valian replied, standing up. 

Line Break  

Meanwhile, at the same time as Valian declared that she had an idea, Palutena lifted herself into the hot-spring situated under Roxas' house, and regarded Asia and Xenovia, who were in the spring with her, with her calm green eyes. 

"So." Palutena remarked to the two Christians. "You both like Roxas, right?" 

"Yes." Asia replied, and Xenovia nodded a yes as well. Palutena hummed. 

"Just wanted to make sure." she replied. "Before I ask: why? What reason do you have for liking Roxas?" 

Asia and Xenovia both looked at each other, before they looked down into the clear water that they were both sat in, thinking for a moment. Palutena waited, as she already knew (or at least, she thought she knew), but she wanted to hear Asia and Xenovia say their reasons out loud. 

"I..." Asia spoke up first, taking a breath before she continued. "I like Roxas because he's a good and kind person. He saved my life, and was able to make it so I was able to spend time with Isane." 

"I see." Palutena replied. "Anything else?" 

"W-well..." Asia blushed slightly. "I was always jealous of how he is with those he loves, like Rias, Kuroka, Akeno, Akasha, Penemue and you." 

'More than just those six.' Palutena thought. 'There's Yasaka, Serafall, Neo and Serafall. Not to mention Serafall's little sister and said little sister's Queen, if what Serafall said about Roxas yesterday is to be believed.' However, she replied with. "Fair enough. You want to have the same experiences?" 

"Y-yes." Asia replied, her face going slightly more red. 

"Understandable." Palutena replied, before turning to Roxas' blue-haired Knight. "Xenovia?" 

"I want to have children with Roxas." Xenovia replied, instantly. The quick way in which she said it took Palutena aback for a moment, before she raised an eyebrow. 

"You do?" she asked. 

"I do." Xenovia replied, looking down into the water. "I was taught during my time in the Church that the one thing I needed to hope for, apart from that God would grant me a place in Heaven, was that I could give birth to strong children to continue God's work. But as I know the truth about God's death, I feel that my first desire should be to give birth to children. And since I've heard from you, and all of the rest of Roxas' peerage, about how strong Roxas is, as well as having seen it first hand, I feel he's the man I should do it with." 

"Fair enough." Palutena replied, nodding with a smile on her face. "Those are both fair enough reasons, in their own right." 

Line Break  

Her hands in her pockets, Valian walked down the corridor leading to Gasper's room in the ORC building, and stopped in front of the door. 

"Hey, Gasper?" she asked, quietly, while knocking on the door of the room. "You there?" 

Gasper gave a squeak, and Valian let out a silent chuckle at his answer. 

"D-don't come in!" Gasper stammered. "Don't force-feed me that garlic!" 

"Gasper, I didn't have any intention of force-feeding you anything." Valian replied, calmly. "It was just for the purposes of training you, and Roxas and I thought it'd be a better option of him jogging after you wielding Excalibur Galatine, which would've been much more deadly." 

"Uhm..." Gasper didn't really know what to say to that answer, as Valian sat down in front of the closed door. 

"But if you don't want me to come in, I won't." Valian continued. "I just wanted to ask if we could talk." 

"I..." Gasper mumbled, his voice slightly quieter than before. "I don't know." 

"Okay, poor choice of words." Valian muttered. "I just wanted to ask if you could listen to what I have to say. Is that better?" 

"Uhh..." Valian heard the sound of Gasper shifting himself closer to the door. Evidently, he had been sitting on the floor in his room. "Okay." 

Valian exhaled, and closed her eyes.