
Neolypse : chaos mind

One thing became certain to the world, that no one can escape these phenomena. Sight of blood and violence everywhere, people being ripped apart mentally and shrieks of agony echoed in all directions. This chaos, this destruction and the whole world going insane marked the beginning of the inevitable future, the NEOLYPSE!

Thiruvik · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

The crossroads

Surya was floating in a void of absolute darkness and his body was paralyzed. The darkness was frightening enough to push anyone to the depths of despair and helplessness. Surya felt extremely forlorn. He was slowly giving up, "Ah...! Is this the afterlife? It seems rather peaceful than what I expected it to be. So, is this how it's going to end? Floating away towards an endless void of darkness, dying a meaningless death, and fading away to nothing?". Surya chuckled and slowly closed his eyes even though it didn't make a difference.

A few moments passed and he suddenly started shouting, "You fucking assholes, did you really think I'd accept this kind of stupid death so easily? Let me out already!". He was waiting for some reaction, but nothing happened. He waited and waited. It started to feel like an eternity. He was feeling He almost gave up and started to close his eyes. But he saw a light at a distance. It was faint, but it was slowly getting brighter.

"Is it finally over? Am I actually not dead yet? Wait, why is there another light? What the hell is happening?", he was alarmed. Multiple light sources were getting brighter slowly. It was coming right at him. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. He felt completely helpless once again and that got on his nerves. He wanted to see what would have happened this time, so he didn't close his eyes this time. He waited for the light projectiles to hit him. But as soon it hit, his mind was drowned with memories. So many memories that, it was really hard to catch up with the flow. But something felt strange to him, the memories were undoubtedly his, but many events that he was remembering did not happen.

"Huh? Is that Renjia? Wait, why the hell am I making out with her?? I clearly rejected her because she wasn't my type! What the hell is happening? Is this some kind of illusionary joke???", he was confused. But the next memory confirmed that it was not a prank. It confirmed to him that the memories were not from his world and were from a different timeline or reality or universe, he didn't know what it was. "That was Françoise wasn't it? Am I on an assignment with him? Wait a minute, this is the same operation I just came back from! What in the world is this? Wait a minute, why am I wearing an extra tag with Jiya's name inscribed on it?", Surya was utterly confused.

His face grew pale suddenly looking at the words in the tag below her name 'KIA (08-11-7032)'. "This can't be; how did she die that soon? And why is Françoise alive? He died on his third operation in Kezintos while I and Jiya tried to save …..".

He finally figured out what these memories were. He was frozen. Suddenly he could move his body. He blinked and the next thing he knew, he was in a magnificent hall which was decorated. Oddly the whole hall was painted in black and grey. There were a few chairs arranged around. The chairs were rather grand too. It felt a little ominous but also familiar. It was as if we were around an acquainted atmosphere. He thought this might be the trial of the afterlife. He couldn't care less about it. He was still stuck thinking about the memory with Françoise.

He was drowning in guilt until a voice startled him. "There's no use pondering about those memories, they did not happen, and whether it might happen or not is in your hands and partially on theirs too.", Said a voice next to him. Surya turned around to look at him. He was a man around his age, he had smooth black hair. He was tall with an athletic body. He was heavily wounded, the fact that he can still survive is a miracle.

"Why did I just think of the word survive? Am I not dead yet? Wait, why am I even here in the first place?", Surya was glancing at his hand and body and the place around him in confusion. "Who's this guy next to me? Should I ask him about what is happening, and what this shithole is this?", He stared at the guy as he continued pondering. He was planning a futile escape plan.

"I'm sure you have a bunch of questions," said the guy and continued. "First things first, you're not dead and this is not some bullshit trial of the afterlife. Also, you thought of the word survive because you sensed my life source subconsciously. Oh! And another important thing, this is not your real body, your physical body is still in the place where you were before you blacked out. So be sure to get prepared to stand immediately after you fall."

Surya was about to interrupt, but the guy next to him spoke before he could say anything "Before you can ask me how I know about the wave, let me say what this place is first. This is a space which we call the 'knot'. Don't get me started on how it was named. A guy who had too many theories about the universe came up with that name and we just kind of used it in the heat of the moment. You'll meet him the next time, so you can directly ask him about his naming sense".

"Next time? Seriously?", Asked Surya with a blunt face. He was just relieved about the fact that he can go back, but now for him to have to come here again was like a 'surprise MF!' moment. He asked the guy, "Can you explain in detail? The ride here isn't so pleasant". The guy started replying to him, "Yes, I know it's unpleasant the first time, but don't worry, you won't have to float in that black void or go through the memory wave again, it's a bit different. And we'll be meeting each other a lot for a while, so let's get along, can we?"

"Yea... I hope so", as Surya was about to continue with another question, he looked at the guy again, he was suddenly covered in mud with scars and fatal wounds all over his body. Surya was alarmed! He was sure that his skin had a fair complexion and that he looked healthy. He was unsure if his mind was playing tricks because of his hazy memories or if he was injured.

"Hey mister, what the hell happened to you suddenly? Where did those wounds come from??", Asked Surya in a tense voice. The guy started replying without any change from before, "Don't worry about it, I was already in this state when I came to the knot. We are limiting the information you get so that you don't get dumped with info more than what your brain can handle."

He continued after a small pause, "Since there is a lot of information that has to be passed to you, there is a possibility that you can go crazy, and we can't have that can we? Anyways, this place is something like a crossroads between realities where communication between beings is possible. Also, the knot can be accessed only by people whose personality is intact after the memory flood. And this also depends on luck as not every person who fulfills the condition can come here.".

"So, if I stay sane, I'll keep coming here? No thanks, I'll rather die"

"You can't die, the fate of our worlds depends on the knot. So you have no choice but to come again. But if your personality gets twisted because of some event in the future, you would lose yourself and won't be able to return ever, at least according to what we know."

"Okay, so what am I now, something like a superhero who saves the planet from baddies, alright, I'll play along."

The guy smirked at Surya and started to talk in a tense fashion. "The time for this cycle is almost over you'll be going to your reality soon. In 1 year, there's a grand cycle coming up and I'll make sure you are ready to receive the data everyone gathered. Okay, that's already too much information so see you in the next cycle, and there will be a few more if us waiting next time, good luck surviving"

Things became clear for him for a short while until the guy confused him again. "You surely know your way to confuse people! Anyways, I at least hope that you figure out the so-called factor of luck, I hope you figure out the other conditions next time, Mr.… ah what's your name? I never asked"

"Ha-ha, you're a quick one. Yes, we are figuring out the other conditions, you're more than welcome to assist us. Anyways times up, remember to be quick, see you next time!" The guy waved at Surya as he said it.

There was a sudden feeling of a wave passing through him and once again he was in the black void. He let out a deep sigh and let his body loose. He had no idea that he had his body this tensed until he relaxed. Even though it wasn't his physical body, it felt extremely real. He felt relieved physically, but he was still utterly confused. His mind was clouded with doubts and questions, but he knew there was no one who'd understand or give him an answer. He was frustrated and started shouting, "What the hell did that sly man mean by 'be quick'? Should I quickly head somewhere?"

Surya was completely exhausted; he closed his eyes and took deep breaths to calm down. He cleared his mind and decided to think when he gets back home. As soon as he thought about going back, the wounded guy's words popped into his mind, 'get prepared to stand immediately after you fall.'. He wondered as to why he said to stand up immediately. There was a sudden blinding light right in front of him. He felt his body being accelerated towards the bright distortion. As he advanced, the bright light started to surround him and he had to close his eyes. As the acceleration halted instantly, he opened his eyes and saw he was back at the train, and time was frozen "Uh-oh!". Before he could place his hands, he fell right on his face with a loud thud.
