

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · ตะวันออก
40 Chs

Vying For Throne

In the aftermath of their family tragedy, In Hyuk and Jiho found themselves tasked with organizing a funeral for their uncle, King Kim Jung Woong, who killed their parents .

Jiho withdrew into solitude within his room, abstaining from social interactions for days.

Meanwhile, In Hyuk actively participated in the funeral proceedings, personally laying his uncle to rest with his own hands.

In the shadows of night, Hyuk stood before the grave, his gaze filled with contempt.

"Are you content, now that I've laid you to rest with my own hands?" He chuckled incessantly for a moment before his tone turned somber. "It was a necessary step to ascend the throne."

Leaning closer to the grave, he whispered, "Once I seize the throne, I'll ensure that no one can find your grave"." An ominous madness gleamed in his eyes.

In Hyuk trudged home with teary eyes, haunted by memories of his parents. Each step bore the weight of unbearable sorrow, as if the pain rested solely on his weary feet.

Upon entering the room, Jiho hurled salt at him from a bowl, discarding it in anger.

"How could you conduct the funeral for the person who took your parents' lives? You even laid him to rest with your own hands!" he shouted. "How could you?"

In Hyuk retorted with a strained voice, "Me too," his tone softening to reveal the depth of his pain. "I felt disgusted with myself as well. But, tell me, was there any alternative? If I were to sit here with you, you know what would happen."

Quietly, In Hyuk approached his bed, removed his shoes, and lay down, closing his eyes as his heart weighed heavily. Jiho stood frozen, a sense of helplessness enveloping him, realizing he was powerless to change anything.


Government officials supporting the Prime Minister gathered, seated on cushions in front of laden tables with snacks and drinks. The Prime Minister occupied the central seat on one side.

Prime Minister Jung Myeong proposed, "We should select a Prince who is weak and controllable." After taking a sip of tea, he added, "I believe the second Prince is the ideal choice. What are your thoughts?"

Official Dong Chul concurred, "You're correct. The Second Prince is tender and naïve, lacking significant knowledge of governmental affairs. I share your opinion."

Official Byeong Heon chimed in, "Certainly, all of us concur with your perspective."

Official Dong Chul added, "No one is wiser than you, my master. Just make a decision, and we'll follow your lead."

The officials smiled and expressed unanimous agreement as the Prime Minister enjoyed another sip of tea.

The following day, officials assembled in the Palace, facing an empty throne. Prime Minister Jung Myeong stepped forward, inquiring, "Which Prince is more suitable to take over the Throne? We should collectively decide on this matter."

Defense Minister Chang Hoon proposed, "Undoubtedly, it's the first Prince, who was once Crown Prince. He remains the optimal choice to ascend the throne."

Official Dong Chul asserted, "I have a different perspective. The second Prince embodies kindness and consideration, making him adept at managing state affairs."

Minister of Finance Dae Won countered, "Yet the First Prince excels in martial arts and warfare, making him the ideal candidate for the throne."

Official Byeong Heon interjected, "That was in the past. It's been three years. How can we be certain he still possesses those skills?"

Observing the complexity of the situation, Prime Minister proposed, "Why not have a competition between the two Princes? The victor shall ascend to the throne."

The two princes received Orders for the upcoming competition. Jiho was summoned by the Prime Minister, to exhibit staunch support.

"Come to the Pavilion tomorrow. I have hired the best warrior to train you in martial arts. Put your everything to win over your brother," instructed the Prime Minister.

"Why do I need to win over my brother? Whoever takes the Crown, it doesn't matter to me," Jiho questioned with a displeased expression.

"Right, you are right," acknowledged the Prime Minister with an awkward voice. He then adopted a serious tone, "Still, you need to compete with your brother with all your might, even if it's for your brother's victory, so that no one takes him as an easy target."

Jiho, understanding the underlying message, responded, "Yes, I will make sure to undergo the training."

As he walked away, Jiho couldn't help but think, "You want me to be trained just to take down my own brother? In your dreams."

Approaching the Palace, Jiho observed In Hyuk entering the court. He followed suit, entering through the door to find In Hyuk seated on the throne, wearing a smile.

His brother's murderous past suddenly flooded back into his mind, overshadowing the memories he had been suppressing.

The once-friendly smile now bore an ominous undertone, evoking a chilling image of his sibling drenched in blood.

Envisioning In Hyuk wielding a deadly sword and laughing maniacally after a massacre, Jiho recoiled in horror.

Fearing that In Hyuk's dark deeds might be linked to a throne usurpation plot, Jiho whispered, "Is that why he seeks the throne?"

In Hyuk, seemingly unperturbed, asked Jiho to observe the throne " Jiho, look….. .

Overwhelmed by dread, Jiho hastily retreated to his room, where he sank to the floor. The haunting thoughts of his brother as a murderer tormented him, sending shivers down his spine.

After a prolonged inner struggle, Jiho rose with determination, fixating on his sword hanging on the wall.

"I must stop him at all costs," he declared, clenching his fists with unwavering resolve.

In the pavilion, Jiho stood, clutching his sword, gazing into the distance. A familiar voice broke the silence, addressing him as "Your Highness."

It was Kim Ki Moon, Jiho's childhood friend. Jiho greeted him with joy, embracing him warmly. However, he remained motionless and devoid of expression.

"How have you been? What about Uncle Ki Joon?" Jiho inquired.

In a solemn tone, Ki Moon revealed, "He was killed by Jung Min as he posed a threat to the throne, concerning his loyalty for King Jung Hoon."

The weighty confession prompted Jiho to sigh, his face reflecting the pain within.

"I am now working for the Prime Minister," he stated.

Jiho, still contemplating his father, looked down.

He inquired, "Shall we start practicing?"

"Right, let's begin," Jiho responded, looking up and taking a deep breath.

Jiho practiced martial arts daily with Ki Moon, who excelled in the martial arts from a young age, inheriting his skill from his father, General Ki Joon. Ki Moon, tan with long curly hair and two locks framing his eyebrows, was a formidable partner.

In Hyuk refrained from martial arts training, meticulously engaging officials in discussions about state matters to discern their true colours. As anticipated, the court revealed a prevalence of corruption.

Two days remained before the competition, and In Hyuk found solace in practicing archery. Jiho approached, questioning, "What are you doing here instead of practicing martial arts?"

"Just felt frustrated," In Hyuk replied, releasing an arrow that expertly hit the wooden target.

"Hyung (brother)", Jiho called him, and In Hyuk looked at him, still holding the bow.

"Can't you hand over the throne to me so that we don't have to compete for it?" Jiho suggested.

In Hyuk surveyed the surroundings with a faint smile before meeting Jiho's gaze. "And why don't you drop from it?"

"I want to," Jiho exclaimed. "It's just…"

"It's just that you don't trust me," In Hyuk interrupted, a claim Jiho couldn't deny.

In Hyuk chuckled, saying, "Let's compete and let the result decide who takes over the throne."

Once again, he stretched his bow, holding the arrow, while Jiho observed him with a sense of helplessness. For Jiho, In Hyuk held greater importance than the throne.

On the day of the competition, In Hyuk was adorned in a distinguished dark blue robe, his meticulously tied hair framing his face with a front lock gracefully cascading down to his eyebrows, as was his customary style.

Jiho, on the other hand, presented a contrasting image in a serene sky blue robe, creating a visual harmony between the two participants.

Amidst the grandeur of the palace, officials and royals congregated outside the court. Prime Minister Jung Myeong, with a veneer of impartiality, feigned support for both princes. The air was thick with intrigue as political alliances unfolded beneath the watchful eyes of the court.

In the tense standoff, In Hyuk and Jiho faced each other, their swords poised for action. In Hyuk's hands, a finely crafted blade with a deep significance—he clutched the sword gifted by his father upon his appointment as the Crown Prince.

As he gazed upon it, memories of his father's words echoed, instilling in him the responsibility of becoming a resilient future king. Across from him, Jiho observed In Hyuk's firm grip on the sword, sensing the anticipation in the air as they stood ready for the impending clash.

In a swift exchange, Jiho's sword sliced through the air, aiming for In Hyuk. Reacting with skill, In Hyuk blocked the assault, countering by pushing Jiho back. Seizing the opportunity, Jiho bent low as In Hyuk retaliated, narrowly evading the oncoming sword that passed over his head. In the ensuing moment, as In Hyuk regained his stance, Jiho launched a rapid and precise attack, successfully cutting through In Hyuk's shoulder, leaving a slight but impactful wound.

In a riveting exchange, tension fills the air as their gazes lock with intensity. In Hyuk launches a fierce assault, targeting Jiho's left shoulder. Displaying remarkable skill, Jiho manages to block the initial attack, but In Hyuk persists with a relentless barrage of swift strikes, leaving Jiho struggling to keep pace. Despite Jiho's valiant effort to counter, In Hyuk's speed prevails, forcing Jiho to exert all his strength to push In Hyuk back, the clash unfolding in a flurry of calculated movements.

They panted heavily, beads of sweat coursing down their faces and necks as the intensity of their exertion lingered in the air.

In a subtle display of mockery, In Hyuk's lip corner curls into a sly smile, a prelude to his swift assault on Jiho. Strike after strike, the rhythmic clash of blades fills the air. With precision, In Hyuk's fourth strike lands on Jiho's sword, forcing it to slip from his grasp, clattering to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, In Hyuk swiftly positions his own blade at Jiho's neck, effectively asserting dominance before Jiho can reclaim his fallen weapon.

A subtle distance separated In Hyuk from Jiho. Gazing into Jiho's eyes, In Hyuk acknowledged, "You have improved your skills."

A subtle smile graced his face, His hands bore the evidence of a prior shoulder injury, blood trickling down in a sombre display, silently narrating the aftermath of the earlier ordeal.