
Nekona Shirofumi shory stories

A series of stories of different characters in the country of Nechi, dealing with fictional nor realistic situations Nekona shirofumi is the writer of the stories (sometimes the main character or playtime is writing or narrating it) Sadly I can't give a better synopsis...I'm tired anyways ty for reading if you did and goodluck in your human daily lives gah I'm at this

Nekona_Shirofumi · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

chapter 4

fellis city,country of Nechi


Nekona Shirofumi (11 years old)

it was the first day of (4th grade) school for little Nekochi and so she was excited,she packed her things,wore her uniform and went to school

as she entered the gate she thought about making a friend so when she saw a lonely girl sitting on a bench,she approached her and said hello to the lonely young girl...

"he-hello" stuttering the lonely girl replied

"what's your name?" Nekona asked

"Shian" she answered

Nekona happily asked "wanna go play before class starts?"

"w-with me?" Shian asked bashfully

Nekona grabbed her by the hand and played games with her before class started...

while at school Nekona had a grand day,made new friends and learned new things "it was fun" she thought as the school bell rang and class ended

Nekona and Shian held hands together walking towards the gate

they said their goodbyes and went separate ways...

as Nekona waited for her parent's car to arrive she sat at the waiting shed...

suddenly a handkerchief suddenly covered her face,she knew what it was and held her breath and pretended to faint...

as the white van drove she peeked every moment she can to remember the way back...

when they had arrived she was tied up and her parents were called for ransom...

(the guardian's phone number was imprinted on her ID)

she tried her best to get out of the rope but it was no use...

she saw the others shivering in fear for the unknown fate that might befall them

after a few hours...her parents came to the rescue with the ransom money needed to free her...

as her was mother was untying her...one of the ransomist shot her mother!

her father took one of the enemy's guns and fought back...he ended up getting shot...Nekona now untied went and took the gun and shot the remaining crooks!

peace came... Nekona stained with blood went to her parents...

her father was not breathing and he had no pulse...

the mother was barely hanging on...she spoke her last words but no sound came out...

Nekona understood those words...

as her mother lost consciousnesses Nekona cried and cried... her parents now gone...she was alone...

the happy and bitter memories flowing through her mind...

she took the ransom money,freed the surviving children and took the belongings of the dead...

she walked home...bloodied and tired...she was interviewed by the authorities and she ended up inheriting her family's last fortune...

enough for her to survive a good amount of time...

Shian always went to visit her everyday to keep her company...but Nekona's pale face never changed...

she talks to herself at night as if she lost her mind...blaming herself for everything...that has happened...

either it was Shian or herself who brought her back to sanity...

every time she saw a happy family going by...she felt envious and painful...

a memory reminding her of happiness that became her regret...

that's all I could tell...

The end

-written by playtime

(story of Nekona shirofumi)