

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · แฟนตาซี
137 Chs

CH. 77.22

Silence, that's how it felt right now in this interacting hallways, the stuck elf didn't feel anything, he was expecting to feel pain from the attacking large hound but he didn't feel anything.

"Was it a painless death?", Thought the stuck elf while breathing heavily (he was still closing his eyes).

"Why do I feel that I'm standing close to an iceberg? Why does it feel so cold out of sudden?", Thought the stuck elf curiously before deciding to open his eyes slowly to look in front of him.

Gradually he started to realize the overwhelming crystal blue color dominating the view in front of him.

"Wait, is that ice?", Thought the stuck elf before his eyes widened from fear after realizing that the demonic hound is now frozen just above him in a leaping position.

"Divine magic?", Said Nigel in surprise, his other two friends that were trying to pull him away were also surprised, the spell was suddenly casted below the demonic hound in the air while it was attempting to attack their stuck elf friend.

While the silence was still dominating the atmosphere around the elven students, the sound of upcoming footsteps were heared from the same hallway that the demons were coming from (which means that Nigel and his two friends by his side aren't able to see the person coming closer since they are still in the intersecting hallway as before).

"Someone is coming!", Said the female elf in worry.

"NIGEL!", Shouted the incoming person while the getting even more close.

"That voice, I know it.", Said Nigel calmly while taking a step forward.

"Oh my god, it's her, Nigel!", Said the stuck elf in excitement while peaking from beside the ice blocking most of his view, Nigel's heartbeats grew faster after finally seeing her, Elviera finally made it to them!

"ELVIERA!", Shouted Nigel while smiling in relief, she's safe and sound, suddenly all the fear and worry that were occupying his heart and mind completely disappeared as if they were never even there from the first place.

"Thank the gods, I was worried that you were hurt by those demons.", Said Elviera in relief while approaching Nigel.

"I guess you should worry about the demons more than Nigel, the bloodbath that you were walking in was actually done by his idea.", Said the stuck elf in a sarcastic tone, Elviera stopped and looked back at the stuck elf in surprise.

"What?!", Said Elviera in surprise.

"Yes, Elviera, believe it or not, Nigel is the hero behind this.", Said the female elf while walking closer to Elviera from behind.

"It's a relief to know that you are safe, someone was going crazy about your safety.", Said the female elf while tapping on Elviera's shoulders and smiling, Nigel's face turned red immediately, he was thankful that Elviera wasn't looking at him now.

"I can see.", Said Elviera calmly with a faint smile.

"Thanks for saving my life by the way, that was a good spell.", Said the stuck elf in respect.

"You're welcome, I know that you can't use your divine magic inside the buildings so don't feel bad about it, I'm sure you can cast even stronger spells.", Said Elviera politely too.

"Anyway, I would really appreciate if someone came and help me cause if you have forgotten I'm still stuck, so, would you kindly free me, I hate looking at this stupid demon from down here.", Said the stuck elf in a sarcastic tone that made all of them smile.

"Fine, fine, stop whining, we're coming.", Said the male elf beside Nigel while walking ahead but he leaned a bit over Nigel's ear for a quick second.

"I advise you to confess for her now, believe me this is the best moment.", Said the friendly male elf before walking straight forward like nothing happened, Nigel was surprised after hearing his friend.

"Come on, leave Elviera to have a rest and a good talk with her best friend, both of them were worried about each other, don't you see?", Said the friendly male elf while ushering for his female elf friend to follow him and giving her a wink that she understood immediately.

"Of course, excuse me, Elv.", Said the female elf politely before following her friend towards their stuck friend.

"Guys, you're exaggerating a bit, we can help you, and we still got a lot to do.", Said Elviera calmly.

"Nope, we insist, we were already going to search for you, at least you have saved us the effort.", Said the female elf proudly while waving her hand back at Elviera without looking back this time and continud walking towards their friend.

Elviera sighed while closing her eyes before opening them and turning back to face her friend.

"I'm waiting.", Said Nigel while raising an eyebrow seriously, Elviera looked surprised a bit and narrowed her eyes while faking a smile.

"For what exactly? ", Said Elviera incomprehensibly with a quizzical smile.

"Don't act stupid now, Elviera, you know what I'm meaning.", Said Nigel, he was still maintaining his serious gesture.

"Maybe if you told me why it would make things easier for both of us.", Said Elviera seriously now.

"An apology.", Said Nigel seriously.

"What? An apology for what, Nigel?", Asked Elviera while looking annoyed.

"Maybe for trapping me alone in the research department and going on rampage like a lunatic thinking she can end the endless war between the humans against the dark casters and demons, even though I told you not to go, especially alone, that's the brief version, if that's not convincing enough then I can give you the full angry version.", Said Nigel angrily.

"Whoa! Nigel is not letting her go away easily.", Said the female elf in a low voice, the three of them now are inspecting the lid of the injector that is trapping their friend.

"If you were in his shoes you would even do more, she literally tricked him into a prison, thank the gods she is safe or he would have kept blaming himself all the time.", Said the stuck elf in sympathy.