
Need love again (Sonadow Fanfic)

The two hedgehogs find themselves in a trap, a trap of love. Can they break free by loving each other or killing? Shadow needs help and sonic needs to get away. Can chaos help them? Warning: Swearing, Cringe.

shadowxsonic · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Somethings wrong with Shadow...

"Sweet dreams, Faker" Then the pain started. Shadows groan, his back aching he feels like he is dying. 'what the hell is wrong with me?! Shadow started to hyperventilate. Sonic was still asleep, he was a perfect deep sleeper. Nothing can wake him up. Shadow keeps groaning as the pain travels all over his body.

His quills went sharper cutting the rope, dropping both him and Sonic. Sonic woke up from the fall by the height where they were hung. "Shads? What the hell?" He looked around worrying about the other hedgehog who was groaning in the corner of the cave.

"Shadow, if your touching yourself-" Sonic was cut off by a scream of pain. Now he was extra worried. Sonic slowly walks over to Shadow, as the other hedgehog is still screaming. 'when the hell are the others coming!' He thought as he reached out his hand for Shadow's shoulder.

Shadow stops screaming, and slaps Sonics hand away. "Go..." He says in a dark tone, then groaning. "You gotta be shitting me Shadow, Im not leaving" Sonic moved closer but Shadow had different plans. Sonic didn't see it coming but he was flung to the other side of the cave. He whines in pain as he slides down the wall.

"I SAID STAY BACK" Sonic flinches, Sure Shadow was aggressive but never this bad. Sonic stands up, staring at Shadow as the other hedgehog tries to get up. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Sonic started to hear a laugh around the cave. "he told you to stay back" Eggmas voice was heard, making Sonics eyes widen.

Sonic looked around the cave, scooting closer to Shadow to protect him. "Show yourself Eggman!" He yells, still being cautious of his surroundings. The bald man with a very long mustache was out from the corner of the cave with two little red and yellow robots following him. "Aww! it looks like your little boyfriend is under my control now hedgehog!"

Sonic glared at the man. "How did you get in here?" Eggman laughed evilly, looking at the blue hedgehog. The man did not answer the hedgehog, making Sonic angry. "Answer me Eggman!!" He screams making the cave shake. Sonic looked at the ceiling of the cave almost frightened but delighted because it might fall on Eggman and give him an open area to leave.

"I made an amazing teleport watch! So I can anywhere I want. I also planted the power here in the cave. I made the mission, just to get Shadow but I'm even more glad you're here sonic" Sonic rolled his eyes and took a quick glance at Shadow.

His gaze soften to a look of pain as he saw the other hedgehog trying to get up and breathing heavily. "What an evil plan huh, Sonic?" Eggman walked over to Sonic, making the hedgehog backup more into Shadow. "I would be careful about him. He's not in the right time of state."

Eggman laughed once again. "He is in my control now Sonic!" Sonic clicked his tongue, tears filling his eyes. "How? Why? What do you want with us?!" Eggman smirked, responding to Sonics' question. "Your power, HIS power. You both are very powerful."

Eggman walked closer to Sonic and Shadow. Sonic breath hitches as he slammed his back on Shadow and Shadow gets slammed to the wall. " you have nowhere to go and no friends" Eggman takes a remote, pointing it at Shadow. The black and red hedgehog stands up, pushing Sonic making him groan. "Shadow! No!" Sonic grabs Shadow's arm trying to pull him back.

"His no longer your Shadow! He is my Metal Shadow." Cubot chips in "Actually Half-Metal Shadow" Eggman shot a glare at the smaller yellow robot. "Shut up with you!" With his noticing, Sonic gets up and drop-kicks him. ¨Agh! Sonic, you bastard¨ Sonic smirked but then stopped as Metal Shadow looked at him like a dog who wanted human flesh.

¨Shadow, buddy come on. It's me Sonic...¨ M.Shadow lifted up his hand pointing at Sonic, a glowing bright red chaos emerald coming out of a socket in his glove. ¨Mission: Eliminate Sonic the Hedgehog¨ Sonics eyes widen as the emerald glows brighter, meaning it's going to be used. Sonic looks over to Eggman who is controlling Shadow.

¨Stop this Eggman. Just state your reason¨ Eggman ignored Sonic, still looking at Shadow. Sonic sighed and looks back at Shadow, the other hedgehog had a blank metal face but what he was really feeling? The Shadow inside was screaming, yelling to no one to stop what was going down.

Sonic sighs, wanting to have some last words before he dies. ¨Can I say something quickly?¨ He asks the long mustache man. Eggman rolls his eyes, nodding his head. Sonic breathes in one more time and looks at M. Shadow. ¨Shads, I know you're in there but I can't do anything. Just want you to know I love you and..."He pauses, glancing at the inpatient Eggman.

¨Gotta go fast¨

Then the emerald lights up and shoots at Sonic.

You guys can give me ideas about other sonadow stories I should write! Don't forget to tell me about my mistakes and how I'm doing! It would help out a lot. Thank you for the 2.57k views!

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