
NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg)

( Synopsis updated) [Mature content included+ Mpreg+side romances...Magic!] Suddenly hired as his Majesty Muriel's personal physician, Ned Valentino The perfectionist Omega doctor has found himself in the middle of a relationship he didn't ask for, when he meets a flirty guy who's supposed to be an Alpha knight within the luxurious walls of the kingdom's palace. Despite knowing each other from the past as children, Their destiny separated and reunited them as adults in an untraditional way. Within the walls of castle Derora kingdom, NedGarrick's story supposedly beings, but does it end there? Tragedy tears people apart, but also brings them closer than ever. [strong language included] (I hope you excuse any grammar mistakes in this book, I am constantly editing and fixing these mistakes!)

229 Chs

Things to explain p3

"Please Lucius just listen to me, this has to be a misunderstanding?! I did not kill anyone I am telling you that I was killed! Fernando killed me!...he took my body and killed me!" Aroon said bursting into tears.

Lucius turned to look at him, "What the hell are you talking about?!"

At that moment, someone else came out of the living room while closing the door behind them, that person was Jasper who got drained from being twirled around by his twin on the dance floor.

After a second of breathing, Jasper glanced to his side to see Lucius, standing awkwardly steps away from him.

He was about to ask him what the hell he was doing outside, when he noticed Aroon was there as well.

One look was enough to tell Jasper that Aroon was not okay, it seemed to him like the two were fighting.

"Aroon?! are you alright." Jasper asked skipping past Lucius.

Seeing how Jasper hurried to his side to checking on him, Aroon turned his head away afraid Jasper could see the tears in his eyes, but his attempt was unsuccessful.

"You made him cry, didn't you?" Jasper turned to Lucius angry, "Don't be ridiculous? do you have any ideas what just happened?" Lucius replied back.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?!" Jasper said, "Please master, it's okay *sobs* I can handle this myself!" Aroon said pleading with him.

His words only angered The violet-eyes omega even further, "DON'T CALL ME MASTER! AND THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS GOING TO GET WHAT'S COMING FOR HIM! FUCK!

*sights* I tried so hard to hold back these days, I was being torn apart within me because you chose to date his sorry Ass, but I swore that if he hurt you just once, I'M GOING TO MAKE HIS LIFE A HELL!"

"Why is this place filled with Maniacs?! do you know that guy has killed your father?!" Lucius spoke-up in disbelief even though he was shaking with fear inside of him because he could tell Jasper was true on his promise of hurting him, as Jasper walked angrily towards Lucius.

"Did you just call him 'That guy' really?!" Jasper Asked, The Tall omega had already explained to the shorter Alpha that he might be the last person on earth to use his fists in a fight, but Jasper was still very much capable of intimidating Lucius.

Scared, The Alpha backed away until his back was against the wall, "Please both of you! Just stop!" Aroon pleaded again but got ignored.

"First of all bitch, congratulations on getting your memories back to you, honestly it was about DAMN TIME Lucius for you to become a little useful in this story.

Second of all you Scumbag, Aroon is innocent and I know that for a fact, because the true witness to that is dancing right there in the living room with a diamond ring around his finger!

So if you can't believe me, ask the little shits you Babysitted At that party, unless you wanna ruin their party for them of course, since they just got engaged!

And Last but not least Fucker, I give so much Fucks about 'That guy' because Aroon was there in my life, So I know him enough to say that there's no way he'd hurt a fly let alone kill an entire household! and I believe in him cuz he's actually a good person...he stayed devoted and faithful to you even when it took decades for your Ass to come back." Jasper said angrily.

"What are talking about?!" Lucius asked, still not grasping everything he heard.

"Listen Hoe, I'm not going to stay here and explain everything to you, I already told you that you can ask the newly engaged, but if you're not into ruining everyone's mood, you can ask my mom too, since he too has a big hand in this mess." Jasper spoke grabbing Aroon by the hand.

"Jasper, what are you doing?" Aroon whispered as Jasper tighten his grip a little around his hand, "Something I should've fucking done long ago." Jasper replied walking away with Aroon by his side.

The Pinkette couldn't help but to glance back at Lucius, he wanted to go and explain everything to him, but even Aroon himself, was missing pieces of the puzzle to do that.

Lucius watched the two leave hand in hand, he couldn't help but to feel like he did a big mistake, he didn't want to believe that Aroon could hurt him, but what his memories are telling him is a whole another story.

Going back into the living room, he did his best to fake an apologetic smile, "Hey, boss." he tapped on Thorn's back, "Oh Lucius! I was wondering were you went! Oh right! you didn't eat at all too, there's still some food on the table over there." Thorn replied while munching on a slice of pizza, the group ordered pizza when they were waiting for Yurei and Tacito to get back earlier, and there was quite a lot for it left.

Lucius shook his head "No thank you, I'm not hungry actually, I came to tell you boss, I'm going to leave rig-!"

Thorn cut him off instantly "Leave?! why? what happened? is it your mother again?!"

Lucius thought for a moment, " Actually yes, my mom was bothered by staying at the hospital, and he begged me to leave.

I kept him there only because Mister Valentino was kind to allow him to stay for free...and honestly I think my mom thinks he Overstayed his stay."

"Overstayed?!" Ned who overheard a part of the conversation jumped in, "What are you talking about Lucius?!"

"I'm sorry I have to leave the party now, I have to go back home early to get ready for tomorrow, I'll have to get my mother out of the hospital in the early morning, he doesn't want to stay any longer." Lucius said picking his belongings.

"Was this your decision? or your mother's?" Ned asked feeling that something was off.

"Does it matter?" Lucius replied in a cold manner before walking towards the door, he turned back to bow at them one time before leaving the room.

"What the hell just happened?" both Ned and Thorn said simultaneously.

Feeling bummed out a little, Ned decided to take a break from dancing, he quickly notified Garrick who continued to goof around as Jade raised the sound of the music, the FBI trainee was doing some meme dance moves with Matilda while Muriel recorded them, and Socorro was facepalming herself, meanwhile Thorn was already over Lucius, laughing his ass off at Garrick and Matilda with a mouth full of pizza.

"Jihi! c'mon don't you like to dance?" Ned said teasingly as he sat Down next to the mage, "No Darling...I'd rather die thank you!" the mage replied as they watched the newly engaged dance together like there's no tomorrow.

"Are you worried about something again?" Ned asked "Lucius just left, I felt his emotional destress coming from him, Plus Aroon and Jasper disappeared as well." Jihi said in Ned's ear, "My son doesn't like parties, but Aroon usually does fine in these situations...I have a feeling their disappearance has something to do with Lucius sudden departure." Ned replied.

"Could it be that they had a fight? Jasper has feelings for Aroon if I'm not mistaken." Jihi said, "Seriously, Jasper is oversharing to you...Anyways I don't know why Lucius would make a decision like this right after midnight, he pulled a Cinderella move on us." Ned replied jokingly while faking a smile as he accidentally made eye contact with Yurei.

...Few Minutes Later...

Although it was the norms for him, Jasper didn't lock his room behind him with the key like he usually does, he was afraid he'd make Aroon feel uncomfortable that way.

He had came back with a tray of food in his hands from the kitchen, Some bags of candy and a big plate of the leftovers from Thorn's last night's cooking, though he only got enough for Aroon because the food was too spicy for Jasper to take in.

He carefully placed the tray on the tablet next to Aroon who sat down on the seat cushion.

The TV was on, a Drama Aroon usually watches was being aired but Aroon wasn't paying attention to it, he had just stopped crying a minute ago and was now sitting mindlessly and aimlessly staring at the TV.

The sight of him in these awful conditions, crushed Jasper inside-out, in his entire life, he never saw Aroon seem this broken before.

So Jasper went to his little fridge in the room to get them something to drink, but it wasn't that kind of drink.

Alcohol wasn't an option for him, since the Valentinos don't do alcohol.

He grabbed a canned iced tea for Aroon and a random soda for himself, and because Jasper already had his storage of junk food in the room, he remembered to check his cabinet and took a big bag of chips for himself before sitting down on the cushion beside Aroon.

"Hey, take this Roonie." He said handing Aroon the iced tea, coming out of his spacing out moment "Thank you." Aroon replied receiving the Cold Can in his hand.

After staring at the can for a while, "Maybe we should go back to the party...are they still dancing? where's Lucius?" Aroon began asking.

"The party is still going surprisingly, Jade is making sure everyone is busy dancing, she took on the role of being DJ." Jasper replied, "As For your new boyfriend... Lucius left, he lied to Thorn saying he needed to go back home to get ready, he's getting his mom out of the hospital tomorrow...maybe it's not a lie after all." he added.

"But Mother's health is still in-"

"Questionable state I know Aroon, Mom told me about it.

So obviously Lucius, his beloved son is using HIS mom as an excuse to get away from you right now, just like he used him to get closer to you."

Taking a deep breath, "You didn't tell anyone what just happened? why?" Aroon asked.

"Simply because I don't want to ruin a good day for Taci, tonight should be a good memory for him, and it seems Lucius thought the same." Jasper replied.

"I just don't understand what happened myself, I feel like I'm missing something."

"Because you are Aroon, you've fallen victim to Fernando's evil scheme to put the blame on you, and to my mom's love for telling half the story until a misunderstanding happens...you saw how he got stabbed that day by Yurei, do you know why that happened?"

"What do you mean?" Aroon asked, "I'll tell you everything you're missing, this time you'll know the truth, the whole truth...from me." Jasper replied cracking open his Can of soda.

...Minutes later...

"So basically that's what happened." Jasper said opening his third soda.

"This is...too much." Aroon said frustrated, he opened another bag of chewy sour candy, taking a handful of the candy in his grip and shoving it in his mouth out of frustration.

Jasper giggled at the gesture, "Hehe, you look like you're taking drugs." he Said.

"I feel like I'm on the verge of insanity, I understand now why that freak switched bodies with me, but what I don't understand is why he did that." Aroon said.

"Did what? you mean killing Lucius a third time?"

"No...not that, I'll explain it to you later, right now I feel like choking someone to death." Aroon said before he tried to quickly stand-up but his feet gave out causing him to fall.

"Aroon!" Jasper tried to help Aroon only to ended-up falling on top of him.

"S-sorry." Jasper apologized as he tried to pull himself up, but he stopped suddenly when his eyes met Aroon's.

"Umm... Jasper? are you alright?"

If you want me falling for you, then you have to give me something worth tripping over.

QW_JiHicreators' thoughts