
Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay. Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact. But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated. Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death. The cover image is made by UFAN studios! https://discord.gg/aCbKJX permanent discord link. Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Anone · เกม
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342 Chs

The Art Of Death (III): Neema

This was the worst sort of torture Rezar would have ever imagined himself being in, the Nunchakus as a whole was a weapon that was very complex and unwieldy. Why would Priest have him start with it, and even more so force him to stay rooted in one spot and swing the unforgiving metal over his shoulder from right to left and back again, and he had to do it really fast!

There were welts on his head, bumps so huge the looked like eggs, not to mention the pounding headache and the aches on his shoulders, back and stomach; this really was torture, and Priest was enjoying every moment of it.

"The goal is to teach you awareness and dexterity, you won't have the skills for it, but you can bet your ass that you're going to master it. Usage of the Nunchakus requires a lot of wrist movements, master it and you would be able to swing a sword a lot more better than people who have their sword mastery skill above the basic realm. Besides this would also help with your staff Mastery and chain scythes mastery, I doubt anyone would be able to use those weapons as good as you can by the time I'm done with you."

Rezar rolled his eyes, but he kept on pushing. Whether it was due to his lack of fear or something else, Rezar had a rather stubborn streak. He would keep on pushing himself until he achieved what he wants, and in this case it was the mastery of this very weird weapon, and it was in that manner another seven days passed, two weeks if sheer pain and anguish, and there were finally results to show for it, plus it was about time someone else woke up.

[You have achieved a milestone by undergoing two weeks of hard grueling training! +10 to all stats, +5 skill points]

Honestly Rezar expected a lot more than this, but at the very least it was better than nothing, besides his training wasn't over yet, he wasn't even done mastering the Nunchakus. In the real world it would probably take a normal human being months if not years to fully master such a tool, but Elysium was a virtual world, things worked a lot more differently here. And in the seven days that Alex had spent practicing, he could now use the Nunchakus like someone who had spent months using it.

[Evolution Complete!]


Rezar felt his blood boil with excitement and shock at the sound that rang across the entire cavern, even more surprised that it was coming from his own abode. But it didn't just end there, almost as if they felt challenged, the hundreds of beasts Within the cavern itself roared back in anger and indignation, they now knew there was someone or something else capable of being a ruler within this cavern.

But the roars from other beasts aside, what truly scared the crap out of Rezar, or rather shook him enough that he had to take a step back, was the sheer amounts of Cavern moles that started snowing up from every which way, there were some so massive they completely dwarfed Rezar, he couldn't help but imagine how different his fight in the cavern would have been if he and Screet had faced this 8 foot tall and 15 foot long moles, there wouldn't be any part of him left to get tortured by Priest.

"Rezar what's happening?" Priests asked in shock with fear very much laced within his voice, strictly speaking it was expected that he would be afraid, no matter how powerful he was right now, he was still just a priest, and the sheer amount of cavern moles in front of him was enough to overwhelm him should they decided to attack.

"Neema just finished her evolution." He simply answered the old man.

"Neema? Who's Neema?" Priest asked confused

[Name registered as Neema.]

But he got his answer the moment she walked out of the cave Rezar had been living in for the better part of a month. She was definitely different than what they expected, she was bipedal, or rather it would be better if he said that she was now Anthromorphic. The mole tail, head, ears, nose, danger jaws were still there; though now she had silky black tresses that reached the middle of her back, thin arms that ended in scary looking clawed hands, breasts, a vagina that looked very human(not that it mattered). Tattoos all-over her body, clawed feet, and a single horn sticking out the middle of her forehead.

Her previous red eyes had turned green, a sign that she was no longer just a common undead but a high grade one. This was amongst some of his very instinctual Knowledge, but the undead were separated into grades by virtue of their eye color. Red was basic, Green was high Grade, purple was master grade, and then finally Blue! Which was a unique breed all together so it can't be classified amongst the undead grades. But all death class holders had blue eyes and white hair, proof of just unique it was.

Rezar watched as she came to stand in front of him, and then bowed, all in all she was just four feet tall. A freaking Look demon mole. Though Rezar wondered why the breasts were so massive and jiggled every which way in such a weird manner. Priest had already turned his head to the side and was making a prayer against the temptation of demons and the devil, Rezar chose to ignore him.

"Mas.....ster! Neeeee….. ma! Will...Se-erve wee-ee-l!"

• Demon Mole-Queen [lvl 1] Undead(Zombie Lord)+

• Name: Neema

• Magic: 40/40

• Exp: 0/50

• Skills: [Rapid Digger lvl 7] [Claw Slash lvl 9] [Night Vision lvl 8] [Treasure Sense lvl 7][Mind Rend lvl1][Infection carrier lvl1][Black Magic mastery lvl 1] [ Telepathy lvl 1][Subjugation Lvl1]

• Time left until de-animation: nil

Speech was a little bit too hard for her at the moment, but Rezar knew with time after a few level ups she would be speaking as clearly as was considered normal for demon mole queens. Either way she was quite a sight and Rezar was quite satisfied with her evolution, at least he no longer had to call her cowardly mole.

He placed his hand on her hair and caressed it gently, she closed her eyes and seemed to be crooning as her meter and a half tail swung about in excitement. The hundreds of Cavern moles that had come out silently watched as what could be their queen was born, Rezar had no idea what the future would hold for them both, but this was his first sentient undead, since she's gotten to this point he had to protect her

"Priest if you don't mind, can you please head back and get her some clothes…...and maybe some armor. I'll need the same too, all this training is boring me, plus we're out of stock for both ores and precious gems and rare metals. I need to replenish my miner work force, plus I have a date with a bunch of ants."


"God Damnit! Priest just get me what I asked for!" Rezar snapped, he knew the Priest was messing with him, but with everything he's put Rezar through in this two weeks, the young Necromancer wasn't ready to be toyed with. Besides he was feeling a bit impatient, he needed to kill something.

"Watch you language young man, no need to be so crass and uneducated. I'll get you what you need, and a new sword to match. Also the chain Scythes you asked for, is something I don't have, I seem to have lost mine, but I can forge one for you, you just have to get me the materials. In fact I can forge the best armor and weapons in this entire mining town, get me some good materials and you'll have the best.

But I'll get you temporary replacements before we talk about forging. And please Rezar, do not let the devil whisper into your ears and lead you to commit grave sins. She's no larger than a nine year old, no matter how big her breasts look, not to mention she's an undead animal and a demon. Keep your dick in your pants if you don't want to carry worst diseases than gonorrhea."

Rezar couldn't say anything at all, he just watched with his jaws hanging as Priest left, and in all that time Neema kept on rubbing her head against his chest. Rezar quickly jumped back, unfortunately the ledge was still behind him and he fell six meters down, landing with a rather painful thud. But honestly he didn't mind, at least he was away from the temptation of the devil.

updates would be more stable from now on, a chapter a day. I might write another today, but who knows. thanks for reading and God bless you all

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