
Domain Expansion: Eternal Abyss of Rebirth

Domain Expansion: Eternal Abyss of Rebirth

Domain Expansion Name: Eternal Abyss of Rebirth (永遠の再生の深淵, Eien no Saisei no Shin'en)

User: Kuro Sato

Technique Type: Domain Expansion (領域展開, Ryōiki Tenkai)


Eternal Abyss of Rebirth is the ultimate manifestation of Kuro Sato's innate Cursed Technique, Eternal Remnant Rebirth. When the domain is expanded, it creates an inescapable, eerie landscape reminiscent of an ancient, desolate graveyard shrouded in perpetual twilight. Coffins, marked with the cursed barrier runes, are scattered across the domain, each one resonating with immense cursed energy. The domain is a direct projection of Kuro's Coffin Dimension, merging its limitless cursed energy and countless coffins into the summoned space.

Key Elements:

Domain Characteristics:

 - The domain encompasses a vast, shadowy graveyard, a direct projection of the Coffin Dimension, with countless coffins emitting a faint, eerie glow.

 - The sky is perpetually dark with a dim, ghostly light providing minimal illumination.

 - A limitless cursed energy fog fills the domain, continuously feeding into the coffins and amplifying their power.

Innate Domain Abilities

Unyielding Reincarnation:

 - Any deceased sorcerers or cursed spirits that Kuro Sato has previously reincarnated can be instantly summoned within the domain, emerging from the coffins fully empowered by the domain's cursed energy.

 - These entities fight with enhanced strength and resilience, driven by the overwhelming cursed energy saturating the domain.

Endless Cursed Energy Fog:

 - The domain draws from the infinite cursed energy stored in the Coffin Dimension, providing Kuro with an endless supply of power. This enhances all his techniques and abilities to their maximum potential.

 - Any attacks or abilities used by Kuro or the reincarnated beings within the domain are exponentially more powerful.

Reversed Cursed Energy Field:

 - The domain can manipulate Reversed Cursed Energy to heal and rejuvenate Kuro and his allies. Injuries and exhaustion are rapidly alleviated, granting near-immortality within the domain.

 - True Rebirth can be performed within the domain more efficiently, allowing the resurrection of allies or the creation of powerful new entities with less energy expenditure compared to outside the domain.

Absolute Control:

 - Kuro has absolute control over the domain, including the positioning and actions of the coffins and the entities within them. He can shift the landscape, manipulate the environment, and direct the flow of cursed energy.

 - Kuro can switch his or his enemies' positions with his reincarnated beings or the coffins scattered throughout the domain. While the reincarnated beings can suffer damage, the coffins are indestructible due to the nature and rules of the domain.

Soul Manipulation:

 - The domain enhances Kuro's ability to perceive and manipulate souls. He can extract information from the souls of his enemies, disrupt their spiritual essence, or even forcefully reincarnate them into a puppet-like state under his control.

Coffin of Oblivion:

 - As a final, devastating ability, Kuro can summon a massive coffin, known as the Coffin of Oblivion, which attempts to trap his enemies. Those caught within this coffin are subjected to intense cursed energy, potentially leading to their permanent eradication or forced reincarnation as a weaker, subservient entity.

Advanced Domain Features:

No Barrier Limitation:

 - Similar to Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine, Eternal Abyss of Rebirth has no barrier, allowing it to be spread much further than regular domains.

 - The domain can exert much greater power by creating a binding vow that provides trapped enemies a means to escape, increasing the domain's effectiveness and range.

Constant Assault:

 - Like Malevolent Shrine's constant attacks with Dismantle and Cleave, Eternal Abyss of Rebirth bombards targets with abilities from the beings stored in the coffins.

 - If the beings are not already out of the coffins and attacking directly, their abilities are projected and used against the targets.

Suppressive Effect:

 - The near limitless cursed energy fog within the domain exerts a suppressive effect on the cursed techniques, domains, body, mind, and spirit of targeted enemies.

 - This suppressive effect weakens opponents, making it harder for them to use their abilities and reducing their overall combat effectiveness.


- Summoning Reinforcements: Instantly summon previously reincarnated beings with enhanced abilities.

- Energy Augmentation: Draw from the infinite cursed energy of the Coffin Dimension to enhance techniques and abilities.

- Healing and Rejuvenation: Use Reversed Cursed Energy to heal and sustain Kuro and his allies within the domain.

- Environmental Control: Manipulate the domain's environment to gain strategic advantages and disorient opponents.

- Soul Extraction and Manipulation: Extract information, disrupt or reincarnate opponents' souls.

- Coffin of Oblivion: Trap and neutralize enemies within the powerful Coffin of Oblivion.


- High Energy Demand: Maintaining the domain requires substantial cursed energy, although the passive absorption and Coffin Dimension's Energy mitigates this to some extent.

- Mental Strain: The immense power and control required to manipulate the domain can strain Kuro's mental faculties, necessitating recovery after prolonged use. Active Recovery through Reversed Cursed Energy mitigates this side effect, depending on the level of application.

- Ethical Consequences: The use of such a forbidden and overwhelming technique can attract significant backlash from other sorcerers and cursed spirits, leading to potential alliances against Kuro.

Application in Combat:

- Summoning Techniques: The user can summon a reincarnated being's techniques directly into the battlefield, providing versatile and powerful attacks.

- Energy Augmentation: By drawing on the limitless cursed energy of the reincarnated beings, the user can boost their own strength, speed, and durability in combat.

- Multi-Ability Combat: The user can seamlessly switch between different abilities borrowed from multiple reincarnated beings, making their combat style highly unpredictable and adaptable.

- Domain Mastery: The user's innate understanding of Domains grants them significant advantages in creating, manipulating, and defending against Domains, making them a formidable opponent in high-level sorcery battles.

- Soul Manipulation: Enhanced perception and control over souls provide the user with unique tactics and strategies, particularly effective against opponents reliant on spiritual or soul-based attacks.

- Position Switching: The user can switch positions with reincarnated beings or coffins, allowing for strategic repositioning and evasion.

- Suppressive Fog: The cursed energy fog weakens enemies, giving Kuro and his allies a significant advantage.

Eternal Abyss of Rebirth is a domain that epitomizes the dark and potent nature of Kuro Sato's cursed technique, offering unparalleled power and control at the cost of significant ethical and practical risks, perfectly aligning with the themes of forbidden sorcery in the Jujutsu Kaisen world.