
Cursed Technique: Eternal Remnant Rebirth

Cursed Technique: Eternal Remnant Rebirth

Technique Name: Eternal Remnant Rebirth (永遠の残存蘇生, Eien no Zanzon Sosei)

User: Kuro Sato

Technique Type: Innate Cursed Technique (生得術式, Seitoku Jutsushiki)


Eternal Remnant Rebirth is an innate Cursed Technique that allows the user to reincarnate deceased sorcerers and cursed spirits into the physical world using a simplified yet powerful ritual. This technique involves summoning the deceased's soul into a specially prepared vessel or body. The reincarnated being retains all memories, abilities, and knowledge they possess in life, including their innate techniques and cursed energy.

Key Elements:

1. Reincarnation Ritual:

- The ritual does not require elaborate incantations and seals. Instead, the unique cursed energy of Eternal Remnant Rebirth infuses any coffin, causing special cursed barrier runes to appear. When a corpse and the target's remnants (hair, bone, blood, etc.) are placed inside the coffin, the cursed runes automatically complete reincarnation.

2. Limitless Cursed Energy:

- The Coffin Dimension exists eternally alongside the user due to their innate technique. It passively absorbs ambient free cursed energy from the surroundings. This passive absorption grows stronger with the user's strength, extending the range and intensity of the absorption.

- As a side effect, the user's surroundings are safer from the spontaneous manifestation of random cursed spirits, and the user appears more attractive and charming due to the subconscious reaction to the reduced cursed energy around them. This makes people want to be close to the user.

3. Coffin Dimension:

- The Coffin Dimension stores the coffins of all reincarnated beings. This dimension can absorb and store limitless amounts of cursed energy, theoretically exceeding the world's total capacity many times.

- The special cursed barrier runes on the coffins ensure the constant nurturing of the reincarnated body while it is in a dormant state, drawing from the abundant cursed energy stored in the Coffin Dimension.

4. Borrowed Power:

- While the reincarnated being is in their coffin within the unique dimension, the user can borrow their abilities and cursed energy. This is done by channeling the power of the coffin-stored being, similar to how Sukuna uses the abilities of Shikigami from Ten Shadows.

- The user can summon manifestations of the reincarnated being's techniques or channel their cursed energy to enhance their abilities.

5. Energy Augmentation:

- The user can tap into the cursed energy stored in the Coffin Dimension if their energy is insufficient, especially during the reincarnation process. However, this puts a strain on their mental energy and cannot be done repeatedly without rest. Recovery time ranges from a day to a week, depending on the strength of the target being reincarnated.

6. Reversed Cursed Energy and True Rebirth:

- Due to the nature of the technique, the user is highly proficient in manipulating Reversed Cursed Energy (positive energy) and Reversed Cursed Techniques.

- The Reversed Cursed Technique of Eternal Remnant Rebirth allows for a True Rebirth, where the reincarnated being is fully revived as a living, breathing human instead of a Dead Soul Corpse Puppet.

- True Rebirth requires infusing the entire corpse with Reversed Cursed Energy equivalent to the strength of the target at the time of death, making it energy-intensive.

- As a workaround, the user can perform True Rebirth for a strong target if they are willing to revert to a weaker and younger version of themselves before they grow to their full power.

7. Domains and Souls Mastery:

- The user's constant interaction with reincarnation and the Coffin Dimension grants them exceptional familiarity with Domains and Souls.

- This innate understanding makes the user more adept at creating, manipulating, and defending against Domains compared to other sorcerers, cursed spirits, or curse users.

- The user's deep connection to souls enhances their ability to perceive and manipulate the spiritual essence of beings, giving them unique insights and advantages in battles involving souls and spiritual energy.


- Reincarnation: The ritual requires minimal preparation. The cursed barrier runes on the coffin handle the reincarnation process, using the remnants of the deceased and a suitable corpse.

- Coffin Infusion: Any coffin can be used as long as it is infused with the unique cursed energy of Eternal Remnant Rebirth until special cursed barrier runes appear. This ensures the coffin's connection to the cursed energy dimension and maintains the nurturing of the reincarnated being.

- Coffin Storage: The coffins are stored in a unique pocket dimension created and maintained by the user's innate technique. This dimension passively absorbs ambient cursed energy, providing a limitless supply.

- Borrowing Abilities: The user can temporarily draw upon the skills, techniques, and cursed energy of the reincarnated beings by focusing on their coffin within the unique dimension. The extent of this borrowed power depends on the user's mastery of the technique and their synchronization with the reincarnated beings.

- True Rebirth: Infusing a corpse with Reversed Cursed Energy to perform a True Rebirth demands significant energy, requiring a period of rest and recovery afterward. The user can revive powerful beings as younger, weaker versions to mitigate the energy cost.


- Energy Drain: Drawing from the Coffin Dimension's cursed energy to perform reincarnations or augment abilities requires substantial mental energy, necessitating rest and recovery after use.

- Control Risk: Reincarnated beings with strong wills or particularly powerful abilities may resist the user's control, especially if they harbor animosity toward the user.

- Ethical Concerns: Due to the nature of manipulating the dead, the technique is considered highly unethical and taboo among sorcerers, making the user a target for condemnation or elimination by other sorcerers.

Application in Combat:

- Summoning Techniques: The user can summon a reincarnated being's techniques directly into the battlefield, providing versatile and powerful attacks.

- Energy Augmentation: By drawing on the limitless cursed energy of the reincarnated beings, the user can boost their strength, speed, and durability in combat.

- Multi-Ability Combat: The user can seamlessly switch between different abilities borrowed from multiple reincarnated beings, making their combat style highly unpredictable and adaptable.

- Domain Mastery: The user's innate understanding of Domains grants them significant advantages in creating, manipulating, and defending against Domains, making them a formidable opponent in high-level sorcery battles.

- Soul Manipulation: Enhanced perception and control over souls provide the user with unique tactics and strategies, particularly effective against opponents reliant on spiritual or soul-based attacks.

Eternal Remnant Rebirth is a formidable and versatile innate technique that offers tremendous power at the cost of significant ethical and practical risks, embodying the dark allure and danger of forbidden sorcery in the Jujutsu Kaisen world.