
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 10

'I distributed the points into mana, strength and dexterity. I feel those would be the most useful right now', June thought to herself. 'I really hope Dave and the others reach back quickly. It's clear of goblins right now but who knows how long that'll last and I can't do much to defend myself much less June'.

Just a minute later she saw them coming carrying different sticks and a bedsheet that they found. Taking the materials from them Tanya got to work. Borrowing a sword from the skeletons she cut the bedsheet in half making sure it was big enough for a body and for the edges to wrap around the sticks with just enough tension. Looking at the sticks she found them to be two broken broom sticks which were blooded and the handle of a vacuum with a metre of clothing elastic wrapped around it.

Having done her best, there was now a poorly made stretcher available. "Help me put her on the stretcher.", Tanya said to Dave and the others, "we need to get to somewhere safe quickly." Carefully holding June's head and neck while the others held on to both sides and her legs, they quickly transferred her to the stretcher while still being mindful of not agitating the injures. With the stretcher in hand, the group went looking for a suitable place to stay and recuperate. 

Looking at the unconscious June, Tanya sighed deeply and started to work. The group had found a room abandoned and left unlocked after three minutes of searching. Dave had taken it upon himself to clear the way of any goblins in their path and swept the room to ensure it was safe. Unscrewing the Heal All jar, I rubbed some on the major bruises that could be found and left it all to rest for a couple minutes. 

 Using the couple minutes, I started meditating. From the moment June saved me until I received a subclass, I've never thought about anything relating to this new world. I thought that I was a goner when the goblins first appeared and then June saved me. From then I was thinking that I could just rely on her to protect me, maybe you can even say I was using her but now seeing her fight that monster changed my whole mindset.

With creatures like that in the world if I continue using and depending on persons to keep me safe and provide for me then I'll be dead before I know it. Clearing my mind from these thoughts, I focused on what I was trying to do in the first place. Thinking about healing June I tried to push that energy towards her using what I saw her do with raising skeletons as a guide. Slowly I felt something inside my body circulating with the path being visual in my mind. Opening my eyes, I saw the energy exit my body and dissipate towards June. Slowly the small wounds and cuts on her body started healing. 

A small gasp left me as I was shocked with what I saw. I know that I should be more shocked seeing dead goblins become skeletons but knowing that I was the one who did this was more surprising. With this I can finally be of use instead of sponging off June. Even if I can't fight, I've resolved myself to being her healer. With this over I checked her condition and saw that she was doing much better than a few minutes ago, the heal all ointment really did a good job. Checking the lock on the door I went over to the bed and schooched in beside June on the bed making sure that Dave was standing guard. Checking my status, I saw that the amount of mana I had fell and realized the energy was mana. I was too tired to check the rest and with the last thought of trying to heal myself in the morning, I fell asleep.

I finally have time and a peaceful/productive day so right after this is posted I'll be starting the next chapter and have that on auto publish. yay :)

Satchetcreators' thoughts