

A world of magic swords and dragons. A boy who had a tragic beginning found hope in his despair in his darkest moment. From the bottom of a pit, he claws his way to power. With the power of the dead, he will conquer all and stand at the edge of the world staring into the abyss.

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Beast Free For All

while lifting the crocodile into the air the silverback tried crushing its ribcage. Feeling the pressure, it started swinging its tail back and fought until it made the gorilla drop to its knees.

The crocodile used this chance clamping its jaws onto its arm and dragging it over. Now on its back, the gorilla started to panic as it registered the pain from its arm.

Trying to free itself from the crocodile's jaws made it squirm in agony. As the crocodile focused on the silver back it completely forgot about the ant king.

The ant king stood with a green goo flowing from its mouth.


It shot a green liquid out of its mouth toward the crocs.


The acid hit the crocodile all along its face and eye, burning its skin but not as strong as the centipedes.

The loss of its eye made it let go of the gorilla lifting its head in pain to look at the ant king. It flicked its tail in the direction of the ant king shooting out 4 barbs on its back.


A single barb hit the ant king's face, taking out one of its eyes and half its face. It made the ant roll on the floor in pain making strange sounds.

Slowly the crocodile walked towards the ant king rolling on the floor. It snapped its mouth open and shut as it slowly got closer to the ant king.


A tree came out of nowhere and slammed into the croc's side flinging it onto its back.

The silverback stood next to the snapped tree staring at the crocs with a smile on its face.

Jax's "spectral skull"

3 skulls landed on the croc's underbody causing significant burns and damage. Jax had decided to even the playing field he was finding all this entertaining.

[Killed ant king lv30]

He sent his skeletons and Osiris to attack the ant king making sure not to alert the over 2 beasts.

Now it was a showdown between 2 injured beasts.

Jax "I bet on the croc wins"

Isabel was also watching with interest.

Isabel "ok I bet on the silver back but what does the winner get"

Jax "what do you want"

Isabel looked away with a blush on her face.

Isabel "a kiss"

Saying that made her blush more.

Jax "so if you win, I kiss you if I win you kiss me"

After saying that she pretty much turned into a tomato.

Isabel "ok"

After some more flirting they turned their attention to the battlefield.

The crocodile got back onto its legs and looked at the ape who was holding a tree limb in its hand.

The croc opened its mouth wide, and a black gas started to seep out like some toxic fog. The silverback didn't stand idle its eyes turned bloodshot and its muscles bulged with power.

A few moments stand and both parties roared at each over. Sprinting at each over with a wild aura.

Swinging its weapon knocking the crocodile's mouth away sending a few teeth with it. But the gorilla didn't get off scot-free as a tail whip straight on its shoulder.

Jax "oowwww"

Isabel "dam it"

Even from where they sat, they could hear its shoulder bone shattering.


Now the silverback stood with a limp arm while the crocodile had a dislocated jaw. The crocodile slammed its face into the floor into the ground until its jaw was relocated.

The gorilla stormed at the crocodile with its limp arm. It bashed on the burnt flesh of the crocodile making it Jurk into the gorilla's side.

Using all the crocodile's strength it pushed the gorilla into a stone wall it opened its mouth and clamped on its torso.


Using the remainder of its strength the gorilla moved both its arms and pushed at the crocodile's mouth forcing its mouth open.


Forcing the mouth wider and wider until a resounding snap spread out of the crocs mouth. Its body dropped to the floor.


The gorilla roared in triumph looking around the battlefield it saw its dead comrades and got a sad look on its face.

Isabel "Haha I win"

Jax "not yet"

Her smile vanished Jax had watched the entire thing from up close.


The crocodile's tail was sticking out of the gorilla's chest causing mass amounts of blood to pour out of its wound.

Isabel "how did you know it was alive"

Jax just laughed.

Jax "I saw its eye still moving"

She didn't look happy about the loss.

The crocodile tried to stand up but was too injured.

Jax walked over with a confident attitude he knew the crocodile was far too injured to fight properly. It watched Jax approach it with its bleeding eye.

Jax "I am sorry you've had a shit life and I can relate but you stand between me and freedom"

The crocodile didn't have the energy to understand Jax.

Jax's "spectral skull"


[Dungeon boss killed]

Jax turned around to walk back to Isabel when he felt a cold chill run down his spine.

Jax "shit"


The gorilla still had an ounce of life, and it wanted to use it. Soon Osiris and Slade appeared beside him.

Jax "undead empowerment, curse, spectral skull"

He used as many spells as he could hoping to give himself distance between himself and it.

It worked he was now 10 meters away from it while it had taken some damage from the skulls.

The gorilla stood up with its limb arm and a gaping wound in its chest.

Jax looked at its eyes filled with bloodlust, but he saw a smirk on the monkey's face.

Jax "oh no"

He looked at the monkey's fist where it held a good hand full of rocks. As the gorilla raised its hand to use the shotgun blast Jax had one last idea.

Jax "harbingers wrath"

A barrage of rocks flew at him while a clean slash cleaved at the gorilla.

One rock hit him square in the chest sending him into the air and hitting the wall.

[boss killed]

He struggled to breathe while holding his chest. He saw Isabel run over to him as he passed out.

The last thing he did before his eyes closed, he used all his life injections.