

A world of knowledge… no even more than that, a whole universe of knowledge one taken from the supreme rulers of said universe. Granted knowledge of the immortal Necrons, the ruler of the galaxy. …. Check out my novel In Memoria, I focus more on that than h this as this fanfiction is more of a passion project than anything serious.

SpacesSnips · อื่นๆ
4 Chs


I opened my eyes once again, spitting out the water that had pierced its way into the mask. It rebounded on the mask and hit my face.

A sigh echoed from my mouth and into the chamber of nothing that was my surroundings. With one hand I pulled the mask from my face and finally opened my eyes to take in my surroundings.

It was full of green and black, the place angular and sharp. It was as if some robot had made it, a picture of perfectly utilitarian space.

It made the most of the limited amount of area that I had given it. The scarabs had even taken into account my human needs, including both a bathroom and bedroom.

If I were to be honest it was perfect. I smiled as my hand wrapped around the distinctly silk covers. I tested them with my hands and couldn't help but be amazed at the inhuman softness that they displayed.

I wanted to just jump onto the bed and lie down but I wasn't done with my inspection yet. I had only seen the place that the scarabs had teleported me to. That being the bedroom.

Even then I was soaked in saltwater. Not something that I would want to stain my bed with even if it could be repaired later.

It was why I tested the door, the handle turning easily as I was greeted with a hallway. The green and black space surrounding me in its oppressive light.

Yet I only smiled, taking in the atmosphere. It was therapeutic in its simplicity.

The way that each of the corridors and hallways led into some sort of exhibit.

Though they were all empty it was still a wonder to be able to walk through them and into a whole new landscape.

They were just waiting to be filled. I could already imagine it.

A grand temple of time. Detailing every object of importance of humanity.

Every endbringer would be preserved locked in a fierce battle with hundreds of other capes.

The various effects and powers on show.

It was a grand thought that brought a grin to my face.

However I was not even close to being able to do that.

For starters I needed to be patient, patient enough to be able to capture these moments. And even then I would have needed to have technology powerful enough to be able to capture these moments.

But even at these difficulties I couldn't help but be excited. There was so much work to do, so much to learn.

I turned the knob of the shower. The hot water turned off as the air above me gradually heated.

A warmth flew onto my skin, warming my body instead of giving it that bone deep chill that comes from exiting a shower.

I sighed in satisfaction. Grabbing a towel and drying myself off.

Clothes floated into my hand, a vague shape taking the form of my clothes.

I smiled at the cute sight and grabbed at the clothes, revealing the scarab that had buried itself in those very clothes.

It floated around for a couple moments before deciding to land on the counter of the bathroom and wait on me.

I dressed quickly before I turned back to the scarab.

A quick tap to my side and it was moving. A green light flashed and in but a moment there was some more toiletries.

More specifically a comb and hair dryer.

I took both in hand and started to style my hair.

Minutes later I was done. The door opened with a tap and the cold air of the structure wafted in.

I shivered for a moment before walking further in.

A chair was pulled from its spot and put under me as I sat at the desk. What lay there was some writing utensils and a notebook.

I smiled as I took the instruments into hand and closed my eyes, my mind going into the recesses of the tech tree that I had access to. Soon my metaphorical eyes gazed upon the blueprint of the hyper phase sword.

It was a blade that vibrated over different dimensions meaning that it could cut through virtually anything.

I started to draw it down, the blueprint that was. I made tiny adjustments. Trying to innovate at any part that I could.

Though most of the work came from the fact that I was starting to understand the physics behind how it vibrated into different dimensions.

It was honestly fascinating, the way in which it did it.

It must have been hours or even days when I came out of my trance, the advanced physics in mind. The way in which it changed dimensional states was that it vibrated at a certain frequency for a set amount of time measured in the plank seconds or the time that it takes light to travel a plank.

It was so short that these different changes in vibration allowed it to sort of phase into different dimensions and in accordance to that basically vibrate into the material that it wanted to cut.

What it was doing was not actually cutting but vibrating itself into the material and sheering it apart by its presence.

Though to be able to do that it needed to be super durable which was not that much of a problem for the Necrons but it was a problem for me because I had to learn how to make that.

It had arguably taken more time to figure out their metal than it had to figure out how to phase the sword between dimensions.

The metal was just so amazing though. It was so durable, the atomic structure of it even stronger in shape then the polygon formation.

It was non-euclidean in its structure, the atoms forming impossible shapes that allowed for not only incredible durability but for it to reform given time and incredible flexibility. Of course that flexibility could be disregarded to make a more rigid weapon but that's besides the point.

Right now I had dozens upon dozens of scarabs flanking me as they produced the exact amount of materials that I would need to make the sword.

They deposited it right in front of me along with the tools that I would need too. It took almost inhuman precision, something that right now I was not able to do but I still tried regardless.

The metal I couldn't make by hand but that didn't matter as I grabbed the various parts and assembled them and disassembled them even more.

It was a process that lasted hours upon hours and even then I had only perfected the first part, the handle that held the power source.

All those hours of work only to make a the handle, it was a bit disheartening but that was overwhelmed by the excitement that overtook me.

I understood everything about it, and that was what excited me. I was growing, not only in knowledge but in mechanical precision.

The placements of those materials needed to be in exact locations that I needed to build a hyper focused laser just to know precisely where the tiny parts would go.

I sighed and stretched my back cracking it. The sound and sensation turning into exhaustion as I collapsed in the chair.

Idly I noted that I was being carried but I didn't even react. My eyes closed and I fell asleep not long after.

I woke to the sound of an alarm clock. One that I had not placed before I fell asleep.

My eyes opened in a panic at that thought. I had been so focused on building the weapon that I had let the time pass by without thought.

It took a moment but with a couple commands I had a computer that was connected to the internet.

Even though it only took me a couple of seconds to build it was still maybe a decade or two ahead of the current technology. Nothing impressive compared to my usual standards but it would do for the purposes that I needed.

Such as the time and date. I checked and found it to be Monday a bit after six.

Meaning that I still had around two or so hours before I needed to hustle to school.

Yet that begs the question. Do I even want to return to school?

Honestly I had no friends, no attachments, nothing that would bind me to that place.

Even my goal to get away from my family was already accomplished. I could just stay here and research in peace.

I would still have to abide by that woman's instructions. But that was only for now. As even now I was thinking up ways to avoid her sight.

On the forefront of my mind was blackstone.

A mineral that under certain conditions could nullify the immaterium and hopefully with it the information that the woman was getting from me.

It would be a work in progress as even the Necrons were unable to make it, only mine it.

That meant that I would need to gather the resources to make a shuttle or drone capable of faster than light travel. And with it sensors that could register the presence of the mineral.

And to be able to do that I would need to make an inertialess drive.

Something that even just looking at it gave me a headache.

It was so advanced that it broke apart physics as we knew it.

It allowed for the vessel to completely ignore inertia and travel faster than light.

"Wait!" I yelled to myself. How could I forget.

That was why everyone was so excited. It was already winter break, not just a regular Friday.

I was so focused on my research that I had forgotten something as simple as the break.

My head fell to the side of the pillow. I bunched it in front of me and I groaned in embarrassment.

I turned my head to the scarab that was overlooking me and commanded it to come over to me.

My hands reached out and grabbed it, disassembling it and finding that there was no recording function.

I sighed in relief and put it back together. Not even noticing how easy it was for me to do something like that.

I found myself outside of the habitat, the water rushing around me as I took a dive towards the docks.

My clothes weren't wet as I had made them to be.

Of course anyone that saw me wouldn't think that they were clothes. More of an armor than anything but I didn't care about that.

It was easily concealed with a press of a button so why would I care if someone saw me.

I could just disappear from their sight for a moment, compact the clothes, then get away scot free.

Of course there would be an article or some other about a new cape but those happened all the time.

Unless I did something that undoubtedly proved my existence they would all take it as rumor and I could go about as if nothing had happened.

Luckily none of that had come to pass as soon after I surfaced from the water I found naught but an empty dock.

It was a bit unusual that there was no one here seeing as it was prime time for fishermen to get some good fishing in but I wouldn't complain.

A press of a button and the suit around me compressed into regular clothes, ones that you would see on a typical teenager.

A hoodie to cover myself and shorts that would go unnoticed.

Nothing fancy that would denote any amount of wealth.

I walked from th docks and found the car still parked in the lot.

For a moment I just stood there, fingering the keys as I gulped.

'The car…'

I forgot about the car, my god my parents are going to be so mad.

Why did I forget about this?

I jumped into the car and started driving. A half shiver on my body as I nervously approached the house.

Seriously, I had all of this technology. All of these deadly weapons in my head but a little confrontation with my parents would shake me so much.

I got out of the car immediately after I had pulled up to e driveway.

My eyes glanced down to my arm. It was shaking.

I gulped as I opened the door and waited for the yelling to start.


And there it was, father, he was in front of me in a moment's time.

His hand on my throat as I stood paralyzed.

"You worthless piece of shit! Where the fuck were you."

For a moment I just stood there, my throat covered by my fathers hand. I choked and slashed, trying for an answer.

To say anything, to do anything but I couldn't.

I was paralyzed by not only fear but my body just wouldn't respond to me.

Even if I knew instinctively that I could do something.

I grunt as I was thrown to the ground, the air expelled from my lungs as I was kicked in the stomach.

"Answer me you little shit!"

"I… I…"

"Up! Speak up!"

"I was fishing and fell asleep… I'm-"

I tried to finish my sentence but I couldn't as I was punched in the face again.

The next thing I knew I was being spit on, my mother looking in with an indifferent face.

"Lunch better be ready in an hour."

It was the last thing that I heard from them before they left the room.

I stood up and staggered to the kitchen.

My arm held to the walls, giving me some stability.

After entering the kitchen I fell onto one of the stools, my gaze held in the fridge.

Yet that was not where it was, truly I was gazing into the eyes of my blueprints.

Thinking of various ways that I could do something. Escape this oppressive existence.

It's not like the world would care. If I made it seem like some sort of regular dispute between them.

One of drugs and acted traumatized then I could get rid of them.

But what then. I would be sent to some foster home and monitored by police and therapists for some time.

It would leave barely any time for me to tinker.

There was always the option to reveal myself. Stop caring about this cops and robbers shenanigan and just murder them in cold blood.

I would be labeled as a villain but did I really care.

My head shook as I touched my neck where I had been strangled.

No, I didn't care.

I looked into my backpack where one of the scarabs sat deactivated.

A mental command and it was moving, whirring as it flew into the other room.

A moment later and screams echoed into my ear.

They were bloodcurdling. The feeling of being completely dismantled, atom by atom it must have been a terrible pain. One that I couldn't even fathom myself.

But it was necessary. I had no other means of defense and if I were to try to fight back in any other way I would be defeated.

It was why I grit my teeth and endured their screams of anguish.

Once they had stopped I found myself once again in my room. The note that had appeared this morning taped to the wall.

I had forgotten about it in my excitement when experimenting.

But now it was in a place that would undoubtedly draw my attention.

'That woman'

I shook my head, holding my forehead as I packed everything that I wanted from my room into a duffel bag.

Immediately after I found myself back in the car, the duffel bag in the passenger seat as I turned the key and started the car.

A breath was let out as I sat looking at the house I was born and raised in.

I turned the heat into reverse and backed away.

Never looking back.

I threw the duffel bag onto the couch as I collapsed in my new bed.

A buzzing sound echoing through the hallways around me as the sounds of construction began to reach me.

Yet nothing was able to break me from my trance. Even if my brain had registered the disturbance it had not allowed for me to think of it.

Every thought I had was one of the screaming deaths of my parents.

I curled into a ball on my bed, my hands holding my head as involuntary tears started to stream from my eyes.

I don't know why I was mourning them, they were terrible people. They would have sold me out for a gram of weed yet they were still my parents.

It was like a war in my psyche, one side advocating for a tasteful mourning and the other yearning to celebrate.

They were warring within me, both making equally valid points.

"There, there…" A soft voice echoed in a tone reminiscent of a mother. A true mother that soothed and consoled rather than hate and indifferent abandon.

I looked up from where I was curled up, the tears stilling as the sight of the same woman that had demanded my cooperation soothed me.

Her soft hand petting my hair as she curled my head into her lap.

"All will be fine… just let it out… You will always have me and I you"

I didn't notice when but I was hugging her when I found myself. My small arms reached over her back and pulled me closer.

Her scent was almost intoxicating, almost as beautiful as the sound of her voice was to me.

"Inari…" It was a soft voice, the same that seemed to sooth me into compliance.

I took a deep breath before composing myself. A moment later and I had separated from her, my eyes gazing into her own.

She took the fedora off and leaned down to me, her lips barely touching mine. Leaving with it the soft touch of skin.

Her face found its way to my ear where she spoke once again.

"The hyper phase sword have you made it… my dear… Inari."

I gulped and found myself reaching beside me where a vaguely sword shaped object lay. It had a handle that reached beyond its blade. The blade itself being attached to the side of the handle.

It glowed a soft green before bursting into color at its activation.

"Good… good boy"

With that she grabbed the sword from my hands and threw it somewhere where it was deposited.

"For your reward."

She leaned down and stole my lips with her own. Her hand reached to the small of my back and rubbed it.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss, her own eyes closing in turn.

Another hand reached down and down until it came upon my crotch where it stopped. The hand slightly rubbing.

I groaned into her mouth, giving her the opportunity to slip her tongue into my mouth.

For a moment that was all there was, my mind had gone blank from the sheer pleasure she was giving me. All of my spots were hit by her.

But just as long as it had lasted in my head it was over. She separated from me, a string of saliva connecting us.

"Sleep, I will be right beside you."

I found myself falling at those words, covers hitting my body as I was wrapped up. My vision went hazy as I found myself losing control of my conscious body.

I woke to the sight of a sleeping woman, she was clinging to my body. Her breath warmed upon my own. For a moment I just lay there, not knowing what to do. Her own body warming mine and causing all kinds of thoughts to go through my head.

"Good Morning~" She practically sang. She pressed a couple of buttons around my waist and almost immediately I saw a swarm of scarabs create a table and breakfast.

It happened so fast that I could barely even think. I knew that she knew how to use my drones and all but for her to be so proficient in their use. It was a surprise.

"Come, sit with me"

I gulped and followed, sitting at the designated seat. The food in front of me was my favorite type of meal.

I tasted it and everything was made to perfection, as if to perfectly sate my tastebuds. For a moment I just stared at the woman in front of me. Her figure and movements perfectly sculpted to catch my eye.

"Is- Is there something you want" Damn this body, and damn her for being so perfect. I had stuttered, I hadn't done that for so long that I had thought that I had grown from it but apparently not.

She smiled and took a bite of her own food before abruptly standing. A moment later and she sat in my lap. The fork in her hand piling food onto it and feeding it to me.

So stunned was I that I just took it, chewing and swallowing the food given.

"You~ I've told you before but now I know for certain…"

"Know what for certain" I chose to ignore the first part of her sentence, turning my head from her.

"I know that you can help me… there is something that you must do but theres no need for you to know that. Say the word~ Say that you'll help me and All. Of. This." She gestured to herself, "Can be yours."

I gulped, my self control almost gone. For a moment I just looked up before resolving myself.

My chin turned down and I took her lips, those seductive lips. I parted her mouth and devoured her.

"Mnn~" She moaned.

My hands started to reach lower and lower before resting on both her ass and breasts.

"Mmm~ There, yes a bit lower, a bit harder."

I squeezed and groped, my hands becoming more and more promiscuous with time. Eventually I had to come up for air though and when I did I saw her lidded eyes… so filled with desire.

Whether that was fake or not I didn't care, I just needed release. For her to do something anything for me.

She seemed to realize that as she lowered her hand and started to grope my own crotch. Rubbing and squeezing all the right spots.

I took her lips again and just moments later I couldn't take it anymore and let go with a grunt into her lips.

She parted, her hand coming up to her face as she licked it. The white substance in her hand being transferred to her tongue where she showed it to me.

"Mnn~ I'll take that as a yes."

I nodded before collapsing back into my chair.

"Good… Door me…"

With that she left, teleporting to somewhere.