
Naughty companion

In the mystic realm, a place steeped in ancient magic and wonder The boy and his classmates were there on a school outing, researching a project aimed at improving brain power. As they explored the mystical abode, the boy suddenly slipped and fell into a blood pool. As he struggled to regain his footing, he noticed the red blood in the pool had already begun to penetrate and find its b way into his body and assimilate with his human blood, and it clicked as he saw a silhouette staring at him. It was an ancient seven-colored snake, and as it entered his body, he felt an incredible surge of power coursing through him, but his wish remained unfulfilled because he would not share his body with the exotic beast. Little did he know that this chance encounter would make him the target of powerful people in the city who were eager to possess the snake's power for themselves. His father, a mysterious figure who had always been distant and enigmatic, knew that his son was in danger and immediately sent one of his most trusted disciples to protect him. The disciple was a skilled warrior, trained in the arts of combat and magic. He whisked the boy away to another university, far from the prying eyes of those who sought to capture him. It was there that the boy met someone he loved deeply, and they spent many happy days exploring the campus and getting to know each other. Meanwhile, his best friend back at the formal university missed him terribly. Becky was a smart and ambitious girl, but she was also trapped in a world where her father used her as a pawn to inherit more power and influence. Despite this, she remained fiercely loyal to her friend and could not bring herself to betray him, even though it meant going against her father's wishes. As the boy's story continued, he met many other girls, each one more extraordinary than the last. But no matter how much he tried to move on, he could never forget the girl he had left behind. And so, the cycle of love and loss continued as the boy struggled to keep himself and the people he loved safe in a world full of danger and intrigue, all while harboring an ancient and powerful entity within him.

Fullnessini · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

What the heck

"Fuck the dome structure is hard," Steve grumbles.

"I've also used all the skills up my sleeves, but it ain't working," Tanxio also complained.

"Anything you think we can do, Herig?" John gave Herig a bitter smile. Herig was astounded that someone knew him so well and sought someone despised by the public. Herig may not consider John his intimate friend, but that was not the same for John. When it comes to stretchy-minded people like Herig, he never makes a fuss and doesn't give a damn about John's sentiments. Herig was fine with Becky, his only friend. He does not see Becky as a friend anymore; he prefers to interpret her as someone from the same bloodline.

Herig is formidable in his study and has a good grade, but he always lays low.

Since he has no divine power to speak of, Herig prefers to stuff up ancient things and keep his knowledge to himself.

John had twinned strands of rebus of Herig's studious activity and deduced that Herig's superficiality is not to be taken lightly; John knew that Herig studied and understood ancient things, including the Marinus being that had recently appeared on the Erpluno planet. There is no denying that Herig knew more about those sea creatures; after all, he has been communicating with some of them, even though Herig always tells no one but Becky, and Becky is friendly with John. Having been enamored with ancient things, Herig was wrapped in many ancient languages.

Before Herig could answer John about whether he could help with breaking it or not, Steven had already cut in.

"How funny you are, John, to ask this cripple brat question," Steve gloated over Herig, enjoying the way he displayed his conspicuous consumption.

"Will you fuck off, before I cut that despicable tongue?" Becky covered the distance between them, ready to smash his face, and John quickly rushed in to separate them. Steven breathe Stuck up in his throat, voluntary fear grips him. Herig "This fellow sure isn't trying to live long," he smirked, and Herig smiled helplessly. John looked back at him.

"Is there any way to break it, please, Herig?" he asked with a pleading expression.

"Well, I don't think the Dome needs your divine power to crack," someone cut in. "I told you that this guy's got pig brains, eh, why waste time on him?" Steven said mockingly in his wacky voice. There was a banging sound of someone crashing on the rock at the rear of the road, and bone-breaking sounds could be heard. Becky has finally done it. Herig laughed inside. Steven got out of the mess, tossing the debris and the dust particles aside. He looked pale as he crawled weakly; his struggles to stand up showed that he was fighting it hard to stand on his feet. If not for his divine power that regenerates his wound, he would have suffered enormously. One advantage of having divine power is that you heal quickly. You can only be in a disadvantageous and perilous situation when you meet a powerful opponent with bad intentions. Becky was lenient on him, hence he would have met his end.

Steven cast a venomous glance Herig's way, almost vomiting blood from rage. If eyes could kill, he would have murdered Herig right there and then.

'Um!" John signed before turning back to Herig. "Please," he begged.

I think you should use the tantalum scale we used to carry the fossil in the blood pool we have in the academy. Look at that glowing, lively symbol and the wriggling tadpole lines on it; they're tangential to the bony symbol, which I presume you've studied somewhere else. Herig pointed at the sphere-shaped shield dome covered in versatile symbols that are ever-changing in their display.

"Why did you say so?" John asked about getting more lost, and Herig could not be blamed for this, as there seems to be a mysterious hand blindfolding his companions, and this caused Herig's curiosity to grow more.

"This thing is ancient, and I have read it somewhere." Don't you notice some fluctuations and symbols pulsating around it? those scaly shapes like a diagram wriggling within it?" Herig was getting confused as he asked them, feeling surprised that no one noticed.

"Forget it; he can't see it. Remember when I told you that I felt something strong connecting with you before we got here? Well, now I feel like you're connected with this strange realm. Perhaps you will gain something special besides what we are looking for." Becky said, smiling surreptitiously.

"You mean?" Herig almost cried out, but she stopped him, using telepathy to warn him as usual.

"Better don't let anyone notice; just give us the method to break this annoying dome. "And pretend to not know anything henceforth," she warned him.

"You notice something," Herig says, cautiously. Herig was a little worried, so he couldn't help but ask her.

"I happen to see past this moment, and you seem to gain most from the journey." "But..." she stopped and decided to stomach the rest. Herig wanted to continue asking her but decided against it as he noticed that John was getting impatient. Herig acted tactically, but quickly demonstrated what to do to John. Not too long after their cooperation and tampering with the dome, it broke and gave way; they hurriedly entered the inner part of the realm, but before they could explore any further, their scurrying feet halted.

"Fuck me, that's a sinkhole. What on earth is it doing here?" Terry cried out.

"What the fuck?" Matt protested.

"What should we do?" John asked Becky. If there is anyone to get them out of this mess, Becky will be the best choice.

"I don't think we have a choice," Becky said dejectedly. They have to cross this bridge on their own; part of what her divinity power revealed portrayed that they will all survive, and the whiffed part of Herig was so confounding; he seems to have undergone some agonizing torture. When they all heard Becky's response, everyone became panicked. Herig was shocked; Becky never sounded like this before.

"Why?" others voice out.

The black wolf won't let us. "They kill anyone who trespasses," she lamented. She looked at Herig and transmitted her voice into his head, "Be safe." She Said to Herig, Becky was pained that her beautiful face was filled with pain. Herig could only muster that little word for her that she should be safe too.

"I will and you will, but you may suffer a little," she said before John snapped them out of their secret conversation.

"What do we do?" he asked again. Becky was preparing to find a way to present an answer to their despondent condition when, at that same moment, the answer that terrified them echoed from their back.

"Nothing, just becomes our dog ha-ha, youngies" Said the uninvited new comer, but when they turned around to see who it was, all they saw was a flickering shadow approaching them from behind. The energy exuding from the anonymous was incredibly much to handle, and since they could not hold their ground against it, even if they cooperated and fought him together, they unceremoniously formed a consensus and agreed to rush to the sinkhole. Herig was a little bit slower than others, but Becky dragged him along with her. Herig, who had always felt he was a burden to others, thought it was peaceful to have this kind of friend, and he was grateful in his heart to have such a good friend.

They all rushed and slipped into the sinkhole, and everything is black after they all jumped out.

"What a waste of those fresh meats," the black figure said as he turned, and a door appeared out of nowhere; he lipped inside and vanished.
