
National Beastmaster: Chronicles of Bai Zian

Bai Zian's odyssey through the epochs of national beasts was marked by an unparalleled advantage – resources, wealth, and connections bestowed by his esteemed Grandpa, one of the seven strongest individuals globally. A twist of destiny further favored him with the mythical talent [Eye of Apocalypse], granting him profound insights into the world's secrets. [Ding! Enlightenment obtained while studying the white-scaled fish's evolution!] [First Evolution Plan: Second evolution transforms into a red-eyed silver-striped fish (Gold Level)] [Second Evolution Plan: Three evolutions lead to a red-eyed golden fish (Diamond Level)] [And so on...] [Ninth Evolutionary Plan: Nine evolutions culminate in the divine form of a Nine-Day Kunpeng (God-Level)] In the realm of immortals, Bai Zian's journey unfolded with an inevitability that transcended defeat. The question wasn't how to win but rather, how could one possibly lose when destiny itself charted the course of his evolution? It is not my story it is an MTL. I am just (heavily) editing it and adding a couple of things here and there. You can read the MTL on MTLNation (National Beast: Awakening Mythical Talent at the Start)

ROFAWrl · สมัยใหม่
58 Chs

Helping Grandpa

In reality, Bai Zian had been eager to resolve Bai Jingchong's predicament for quite some time.

This idea had taken root when Bai Zian learned about Bai Jingchong's past directly from the man himself. Despite Bai Jingchong's apparent acceptance of his current situation, Bai Zian could sense the lingering discontent within him.

On the surface, Bai Jingchong seemed to have reconciled with the idea of not returning to his original world. Instead, he harbored a desire for Bai Zian's descendants to explore a broader world. Yet, Bai Zian could discern his inner yearning for more, an unwillingness to settle at the Diamond level.

Bai Jingchong's unspoken desire was clear to Bai Zian—he longed to transcend his current limitations, to ascend further and return to his original world with pride. Though unspoken, this desire was evident to Bai Zian.

Upon learning of Bai Jingchong's plight, Bai Zian employed the [Eye of Apocalypse] to seek solutions. Several methods presented themselves.

The first involved Bai Jingchong contracting Nami's Amethyst-level eagle spirit beast eggs, cultivating them to the Amethyst level. This would allow Bai Jingchong to break through to the Amethyst rank, circumventing the limitations imposed by his damaged origin. However, Bai Zian acknowledged the risks associated with frequently changing spirit beasts, making this solution precarious.

Bai Zian briefly considered a more extreme approach—directly killing a pet beast to reduce the risks. Yet, he dismissed this idea, knowing it contradicted Bai Jingchong's values.

The second method focused on treating Bai Jingchong's red-eyed golden fish. Restoring its damaged origin could potentially elevate it to the Amethyst level. Bai Zian favored this method due to its lack of inherent risks.

However, treating the red-eyed golden fish proved challenging. Unlike Bai Zian's mutant red-winged crow cub, which only required replenishing its original energy, the red-eyed golden fish's origin damage was more severe. It necessitated a special material known as "Yunling Tianshui," an Amethyst-grade substance with remarkable water origin properties.

This material was exceptionally rare, and despite Bai Zian's efforts to find it in Bailin City and Scarlet Wing City, he came up empty-handed. The rarity of Amethyst-grade materials, especially when compared to King-level materials, posed a significant challenge.

Contemplating these solutions, Bai Zian realized the complexities involved. He sighed, acknowledging the numerous challenges that lay ahead. Before he could delve deeper into the matter, a round figure approached—the unmistakable Fatty Yuan.

"Brother Ang, school is about to start. Let's get what we need," Fatty Yuan declared, interrupting Bai Zian's thoughts.

"School? Right, I'm still a student," Bai Zian mused, momentarily taken aback. Fatty Yuan, amused by Bai Zian's forgetfulness, reminded him of their imminent entry into high school.

Amused and somewhat surprised at his own forgetfulness, Bai Zian called upon the housekeeper to inquire about his high school admission. The response revealed that he had been admitted to Bailin No. 1 High School, Senior One class—the best class in the entire senior year, thanks to his exceptional [Super Intuition] talent.

Despite the prestige of Bailin No. 1 High School, Bai Zian questioned the relevance of traditional education to his current pursuits. With the [Eye of Apocalypse], Bai Zian believed he could learn more about beast-fighting than what the school could offer.

The idea of taking a leave of absence crossed his mind, but Bai Zian knew he needed to discuss this with his grandfather, who held sway over such decisions. Fatty Yuan, oblivious to Bai Zian's internal deliberations, insisted they go out for a stroll.

With the allure of exploring the market and perhaps finding the elusive Yunling Tianshui, Bai Zian agreed. As they left the City Lord's Mansion, Bai Zian contemplated the complexities of his responsibilities and the decisions that lay ahead.

Advancing through the bustling market, Bai Zian was bombarded with celestial notifications, each one unveiling hidden treasures in his vicinity.

[85 meters ahead, the crystal nucleus of the silver-level spiritual beast, the Fire Sparrow, was found.]

[50 meters to the right, the gold-grade material water fluorite spirit stone was found.]

[65 meters to the right, a young rock turtle with bronze-level qualifications is found.]

[100 meters to the left, I found the C-level enhancement system talent "︽ Speed".]

Undeterred, Bai Zian embraced the constant stream of divine guidance as he explored the market, the [Eye of Apocalypse] acting as his guide. Though he avoided material hints below the silver level, this time, he expanded his scope to include spirit beast cubs and eggs. The memory of missing the mutant red-winged crow cub lingered, prompting Bai Zian to widen his search.

Furthermore, Bai Zian delved into exploring the talents of fellow beastmasters. With the [Chain of Heaven's Path], an SSS-level talent he had successfully awakened, he could now share talents with other beastmasters. It was a strategic move to enhance his own capabilities.

Yet, despite the array of hints and treasures, the elusive Yunling Tianshui remained elusive. Bai Zian's search, though extensive, yielded no results. The rarity of Amethyst-grade materials made the quest challenging, leaving Bai Zian somewhat disheartened.

As his mind pondered Bai Jingchong's situation, an unexpected disturbance reverberated through the air. The ground quivered, and a roar echoed, sending waves of panic through the market. Angelica, the ice beauty, urged Bai Zian to return to the City Lord's Mansion, suspecting something amiss.

Upon his return, Bai Zian sought answers from Bai Zhi, who wore a worried expression. She conveyed her uncertainty about the situation but emphasized the need for caution. Bai Zian heeded her advice and decided to withdraw to the safety of the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the abrupt event left Bai Zian curious. He couldn't help but speculate on its connection to a prior report from Fatty Yuan's father, Yuan Ducheng. Bai Zian's thoughts turned to his grandfather, Bai Jingchong, and his possible involvement in resolving the situation.

As Bai Zian sought answers, a message arrived from Bai Jingchong, offering reassurance but revealing little about the nature of the disturbance. The eight words Bai Jingchong provided hinted at the containment of the situation, leaving Bai Zian with a sense of relief but lingering curiosity.

With his mind racing, Bai Zian considered using the [Eye of Apocalypse] to gain insights. However, his initial attempts to directly inquire about Bai Jingchong's activities were futile, as Bai Jingchong's location exceeded the range of the mystical eye.

Undeterred, Bai Zian shifted his approach, deciding to investigate the cause of the earthquake and roar itself. The response from the [Eye of Apocalypse] unveiled a startling revelation—a collision of two worlds. The conflict of space barriers resulted in vibrations and roars that shook Bailin City.

This revelation astounded Bai Zian. The conflict of worlds had both perilous and opportune implications. While history recounted destructive collisions, some instances led to the formation of higher-level worlds. Bai Zian pondered the potential outcomes of this unique collision.

Attempting to delve deeper, Bai Zian inquired about the aftermath of the collision between the Mysterious World of Ten Thousand Spider Nests and the Unknown World. The [Eye of Apocalypse] provided a detailed timeline—two years of fusion, initial vibrations, space cracks, and finally, a new, stabilized world.

Relieved by the positive outcome predicted by the [Eye of Apocalypse], Bai Zian's worries lessened. The collision, rather than a crisis, presented an opportunity for the Mysterious World of Ten Thousand Spider Nests to ascend to a higher level.

As Bai Zian contemplated the potential benefits, he realized the fusion process coincided with his three years of high school. With a renewed sense of purpose, Bai Zian embraced the challenges and opportunities that awaited him in the next three years. The prospect of growing alongside the evolving world fueled his determination.