
Chapter 17

I sat beside Dominique at the bar. She had steadily been drinking since the incident earlier. She looked at me and then went back to her drink. Finally, she polished it off and stood up slowly. I was worried about her driving home tonight as she was too drunk to even stand up without weaving.

"Why don't you let me take you home tonight?" I asked.

"I don't drink and drive, Nathaniel. I didn't drive here tonight, so I drowned my anger in the booze. Normally I don't drink a lot because of how I got before. But, since Tim gave me a ride here and is taking me home, I'm okay."

"Tim brought you here? Why are you allowing him to come to your home and give you rides if you are not interested in him?"

I was trying really hard to reign my anger in, but it was definitely not working. I could feel the muscle in my jaw ticking. I watched as her face contorted in anger as well. I know I had promised her no more jealousy, but I couldn't help it.

"Because I can hang out with whomever I want. Furthermore, you weren't available today to take me to the funeral. I asked, and you said no. So, don't get mad when someone else says yes," Dominique said as she walked away.

Tim came over and said, "Jealousy isn't a good look on you, Nathaniel. Guess I'm winning."

I just looked at him and then walked away. I was not thrilled about this new development between Dominique and Tim. Moreover, Dominique basically blamed it on me because I had not been available earlier that day. Apparently, the good mood from the sex was gone. It's not like I didn't want to be there for Dominique, but I couldn't. So I walked out of the club and checked to ensure the two women were not hanging around. After I was satisfied they weren't there; I went home. I had to tell Dominique my secret soon, or I would lose her.

I headed to Dominique's place when it was close to closing time at the bar. Tim was bringing her home, but I figured that was all there would be to it. I saw him take her out of the car and walk up to the porch. It was awkward, but he managed to open the screen door and set her down on her chair. I watched as Tim sniffed the air. He knew I was there. He unlocked and opened the door and then picked Dominique up again. I heard the door lock click on the door. He couldn't be planning on staying. Dominique didn't want him. I moved closer to her window to hear what was going on.

I heard Dominique asking Tim what he was doing, but he just told her to go back to sleep. I pressed against the side of the house as I listened to what sounded like clothes rustling. Before long, I heard Dominique moan. My anger was becoming too much for me to deal with. I realized that Tim was in there making a move on Dominique. What I hadn't expected was for Dominique to reciprocate. I heard Tim ask her if she was sure, and she said yes!

My fists were balled so tight that my claws cut into my hands. I didn't care. She had not only let Tim back into her life but also back into her bed. How could she do that when she said she wasn't going to? Was this retaliation for me not taking her to the funeral? I took off into a run, looking for something to kill and tear apart. I found it in the form of a deer. I ripped it to shreds before I made my way back to my car. I noticed that Tim's car was still there, but no sounds came from the house. That bastard was in there holding Dominique, my Dominique! I had to get home before I went into the house and ruined everything.


The next night, I had a text message from Dominique. She had apologized for being short with me and told me she really didn't like the jealousy thing. I knew that, but I hadn't been able to stop myself. I texted her back and apologized for the jealousy, even if I didn't mean it. I told her I didn't like her hanging around Tim because I knew what he wanted. What I didn't say was that I knew she had given it to him. I felt my claws and fangs come out. I had to reel myself back in as she sent me a text back.

She said it was ok and then said we weren't together, so she could sleep with Tim if she chose. My anger was off the charts because I knew she had chosen to do just that. I couldn't accept that. If she chose to be with me, I couldn't let her be around Tim anymore. So I texted her just that. She didn't respond, and I couldn't say anything else without saying something I shouldn't. Later, after I had calmed down, I texted her that I wasn't coming in but working on the contracts. I was having the contracts worked on but not by me. I just couldn't go in there tonight and see her with Tim.

Instead, I waited until close to the time for her to be home. That's when I headed that way. I was still trying to figure out a way to get Tim out of her life. I couldn't lose her again. However, it wasn't time to tell her about myself yet. So I made my way down to my usual spot and waited.

My thoughts were running rampant about last night. I had been ready to bust in and murder Tim, but I knew that would give me away. I couldn't do that to Dominique because I knew she felt torn between Tim and me now. It would not end well if I pushed her any harder than I already had.

After a while, Melissa dropped Dominique off and left. I heard movement in the woods not long after, and the smell that hit me let me know exactly who it was. The girl from the bar. She was in the woods surrounding Dominique's house. How had she been able to follow Dominique and Melissa? Hadn't Tim stopped her from following them? He had to know that she was there. Why hadn't he protected Dominique?

I went up into the trees and went across them until I landed on the top of Dominique's house. I watched the woods and finally saw Roxy. She was sniffing the air and looking at the trees. When she finally figured out where I was, she howled. I narrowed my eyes as I mentally cursed Tim for allowing Roxy to find out where Dominique's house was.

I watched Roxy as she slowly walked towards the house, but she knew she couldn't get to me without someone in the house noticing. So, I waited until she left. I stayed there all night to ensure Roxy didn't come back. Then, when daylight started getting close, I left. I hated to do that without knowing if Roxy was just trying to wait me out, but I didn't have a choice. So, I went home to wait out the day and hoped nothing would happen.


I went to the bar once the sun had set and sat at Dominique's table. I handed her an envelope that contained the contracts. She was surprised, but she didn't realize I had a lawyer working on these since I mentioned them to her.

"How long do I have to read through them?" Dominique asked me.

"As long as you need. I'm not in a rush. You let me know what you think once you have read my offer," I said.

"Alright. I'll do that. Thank you," Dominique said as she set the envelope aside.

"You seem distracted, Dominique. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just had something happen last night, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. To say I'm confused is putting it mildly."

"Please, remember that I am trying my best not to show the jealousy I feel. Is it about Tim? You have glanced over there several times since I sat down."

"Nathaniel, you are so sweet, and I really like you. So, I don't think it would be a good idea to talk to you about this since you told me you are jealous and have shown interest in dating me."

"It's alright, Dominique. You can talk to me or not. I won't push you," I said as I placed my hand over hers.

"Thank you. It means a lot. I guess I'm just torn. I like you a lot, but my ex is back in the picture, and I hated him for a long time. However, he's acting like he did when we first got together, and I fell in love with him. I just can't figure it out. I will eventually. I just have to follow my heart. But right now, it's leading me in two different directions, and I don't think I like it."

I shifted in my seat. I felt my rage at Tim boiling over. Why had he had to come back in the picture when I had finally decided to make my move on Dominique? I had watched her for so long before I had revealed myself to her. Now, my plan is getting messed up because of Tim. I can't take it.

I needed to talk to Tim about last night and why he had allowed Roxy to follow Dominique home anyway. Now that she knew where Dominique lived, there was no telling what she would do. I put my hand over Dominique's and smiled at her. Then I excused myself from the table. I walked over to the bar and sat down.