
Naruto World with a Simulation System

Author's words: I am not recreating the naruto world instead I am taking it as a base to write the story. if you want to read a simple recreations then read other fan fictions. also there are similar worlds to naruto where aliens comes to drain the vitality of their planet just like otsutsuki clan, like nitro in toriko world, galactus in marvel world, transformers in transformers world.... I am going to use these are continuation where he takes his people along to other world for conquest.  -------------- An old assassin was sought out by his own son and killed him to get the power of the head of the international assassin’s organization in to his hands. “Old man your skills are becoming rusty these days and you were killed using this simple trick. Are you really the greatest assassin in the world? From now on I am the greatest assassin in the world.” “Hahahaha” But suddenly the old man started to laugh loudly. “Son, you should know in your heart that did I really tried to avoid being killed by you. It is just that I am bored by this world. Well there are beauties but I am not young any more. So I wanted to leave this world peacefully. In order to let you inherit the throne of my assassin’s organization, I pulled some strings to make you come here and kill me. You will gain prestige and I will rest in peace. Hahahaha……….. Son before I go I will give you a final advice. ‘Don’t fall into this kind of silly traps and try to kill someone you cannot.’ ‘The assassin is called assassin, not because he can kill but kill the person without the knowledge of the other party by any means.’ Ghouf, Ghouf (Sever coughing with blood in the mouth) Well my times are up and it is a good last game. Good bye my son, Also don’t die early and disturb me on the other side. Hahaha……. (Laugh and silence)” The old assassin died sitting majestically on the thrown leaving his son standing like a clown in the silent hall. “F*** that old man, He even played with me before his death. Sigh” …………………..

souryourer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs

Chapter 51: rapid development

Chapter 51: rapid development

Because of the rapid growth phase Rito's body grow very quickly and at that time his Uzumaki bloodline has awaken.

Rito noted this point in simulation and concentrated on the Otsutsuki bloodline right at that moment to improve the awakening of Otsutsuki bloodline.

Unfortunately it did not succeed but it was close to the start of the process.

If the sage of six paths could help then it would awaken quickly and directly.

But there is a problem there too.

After sage of six paths helps you awaken then it will not develop further in the future.

That is how he controlled the bloodline of Otsutsuki clan from developing and propagating to descendents with higher concentration in the future.


Soon it was year 77 and Rito is 17 years of age.

His current status is.




Name: Yuki Rito

Age: 17

Race: human

Blood lines:

Uchiha bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Senju bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Uzumaki bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Hyuga bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Otsutsuki bloodline: 33.41 percent


Physique: super Kage level

Spirit: super Kage level

Instinct: super Kage level

Charm: super Kage level


Chakra: 8,999,999 /8,999,999 (80,999,991/80,999,991 yin sealed chakra)

Chakra nature:

Fire: 100 percent

Water: 100 percent

Earth: 100 percent

Wind: 100 percent

Lightning: 100 percent

Yin: 85 percent

Yang: 90 percent


Cash: 3 million Ryo

Simulation points: 13.8 million


Bloodline limits:

Wood release: completely mastered

Byakugan: completely mastered

Sharingan: completely mastered

Boil release: professional level (10 percent)

Crystal release: professional level (10 percent)

Shadow release: professional level (10 percent)

Explosion release: professional level (10 percent)

Magnetic release: professional level (10 percent) (Gold dust)

Scorch release: professional level (10 percent)

(There are other styles that he practiced but the list is too long to mention)



Yin seal (ninth drop): completely mastered

Shadow clone technique: completely mastered

Three body technique: completely mastered

Taijutsu: completely mastered

Throwing technique: completely mastered

8 gates technique: gate 7 (Without any damage to the body) (gate 9 mastery memories)

Medical ninjutsu: completely mastered

Medical techniques: completely mastered

Chakra control: completely mastered

Gentle fist technique: 512 palms (1024 palms mastered memories)

Susanoo: completely mastered

Genjutsu: completely mastered

Echo: completely mastered


(There are other techniques that he practiced but the list is too long to mention)


Rito can now rampage all over the world without any problem.

Unless sages of six paths were to come here right now there is no one that can fight against Rito.

Even Madara might now be able to fight Rito on the same level.

With the power on hand Rito knows that it was time to implement his plans.

He has already flirted with the girls enough to make them fall in love with him completely.

Now he has to think of a way to pull in the beauties of the other countries.

Also there is still Tsunade.

In a year the third Hokage would die and Tsunade would have to return.

But Rito don't want the third Hokage to die peacefully instead there will be endless humiliation for him and his family.

For tomorrow Rito has already planned a special event for the third Hokage.

The echo would appear again and this time there will be some pictures too.

In simulations Rito used some strong measures to do something and those memories are in his mind.

In simulations Rito's target is to first annoy the third Hokage to the point where he has some mental imbalance.

Then he wants to find the location where the bodies of the other Hokage and the body of Mito were preserved.

In the simulation Rito has already found the location of their bodies.

So there is the soul of Mito standing along with Kushina and Mikoto.

After being reprimanded by Rito, Mito still did not believe that the third Hokage and Danzo did all of this.

So Rito changed his target to find some proof.

For that he simulated to target Danzo and the third Hokage again.

Danzo has the fear of death so he did not put the cursed seal on his tongue.

With the painful play from Rito Danzo told all the secrets and things he did in the past.

Also he told the location of all the evidences.

Other than that these evidences also contains all the dark history of the third Hokage.

Till recently Rito is not strong enough to silently take on all those records and evidences.

Right now he was very strong and his power is still improving.

So he got the evidences to show them to Mito.

As soon as she saw them she became angry with not only the third Hokage but also the second and the first Hokage.

She was so annoyed that she wanted to hit them with her strong fists like a lady monster.

She has the same temperament as that of Kushina and Tsunade.

That night Rito sent his shadow clone to paint some good pictures on the walls all over the village and it includes on the Hokage rock.

Then the echo bombs are planted too.

While the shadow clones are doing all these things Rito is sleeping at his house holding Izumi tightly.

Well he did not cross the line as he has his own principles.

Unless he is 18 years old and the girl is also 18 years old he would not cross the line.

Other than that kissing and things are common.

They are living together as husband and wife for all these years.

Izumi learned the things that Rito taught her diligently over the years and now she is very strong.

Also the system gave him a special bonus for collecting many Sharingan at the Uchiha incident.

If Rito can give those eyes to the system the system can give eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to 2 members that Rito chooses.

But those two members should already open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Rito has already donated the eyes to the system as he cannot store them for long.....


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