
Chapter 14: Becoming a Gennin

I said to him " Sensei you should Prepare yourselves as I will be coming with Full Power and If you Don't use your Full Strength you will not win." As I was saying this to Sensei I was also secretly communicating with my Friends that I will attack Sensei first and that you Both Analyze his Attack and After some time when They have Found the Counter for Sensei's Skills we will all fight him Jointly.

**** Duy's POV ****

As I was going to Report my Mission with My teammates to the Hokage after Reporting the Mission I was Leaving the Room at that Time Hokage Stopped me. He told all the Anbu to Leave the Room and Then he said with a sigh on his Face " Duy, I am very Sorry for I did to all the People who were with you on that Mission, 2-Years before because If even one of the Person Leaked anything about that Mission then we will have a War with Two nations (Kirigakure and Sunagakure) so It was the Reason I wiped the Memories of that Mission of those Peoples mind. You were not able to become Hero and Someone took all that Credit and People were not able to Know how you Defeated four of Seven Ninja Swordsman."

I answered Hokage with a Smile, even If people say me a Trash who cannot even Perform a Simple Ninjutsu I was able to save my son's Team and many of the Village Shinobi and one of the Most Admired People of my Life who did so much for the Village If he took my Credit then its Ok as He died a Fake death and is not able to make an Appearance for his Family What is my Sacrifice compare to him as he also Saved my Life that Day because If he had not come at that time I would have activated the Eight gate to save my Son's team, I know that even If I didn't get the Title of Hero because I didn't Kill them to become a Hero but to Lessen the Burden on My Village even If my chances of getting alive at that Day was Zero. I would have Killed them at the Cost to my Life. Because I love my Village and there is my Family in Here.

After that Hokage burst out into Laughter that He got People Like us in Konoha that's why they are able to Stay the Strongest. He then Said, " Duy after you said this I also remembered that Your Youngest Kid how he is and When he will enter the Academy."

I answered him that He will start his Academy after this Year as He is only 5-Year-old(My youngest Kid Kai He was not same as us because When he was born He was Born with a Gennin Level Chakra Reserves and that He will become a Great Ninja.)

He said, "I would like to Assign a Team of Gennins as they are My Students and They are very Powerful other than me Who can Teach them all about Ninjutsu I am Inferiore to you in Terms of Taijutsu so you can Teach them Taijutsu so that they Become Powerful Young Shinobis of the Village and these are There Documents." He through the Documents in my directions, Which told Everything about them.

I answered him that I would only take them in If they Pass my Test. If they do not Pass my test then I would not become there Sensei and then Hokage Looked at me and said: "You should fight with them with your full Power Excluding 8-Inner-Gates because any One of them can Give a Jounnin a Tough Fight If they Fight with their all." I then Left the Hokage Office and was Going towards Academy and meet my soon to be Students.

**** End of Duy'd POV****

As I said this both my Teammates activated their Do-Jutsus(Shisui has Three Tomoe's in his Eyes and Han was also Very comfortable with using Byakugan before he Started Practicing with me.) So that they can analyze Sensei attacks more easily and Started to find a Counter for his Skills and I also activated my Do-Jutsu and used one of the newly Learned Abilities with The Help of mine Eyes.

Yin Release: Reality Deception

It was a Jutsu which I came up with in my one Year Training with my Eyes and my Peak affinity of Yin Element, It was a Jutsu which can make People see what I want them to see about my body even Kage level Powerhouses will not be able to see the Change in my Body only special Do-Jutsus such as Mangekyo Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan can see it Akane told me that After my Eyes go to the next Level then only the Rinnegan will be able to see and If my Eyes were Awakened Fully then No one in this World will be able to Identify about my Changes which I do about my Body.

So, that Sensei and my Teammates will not be able to sense the Change in my Eyes and I can also make Akane Analyze Duy's Fighting Style and His use of Strength, because He was the Reason one of the World's Best Taijutsu Specialist Guy was Trained and reached that without the use of Chakra and only his Body.

I started using My Mixed Martial Arts to attack him with the Barrage of Attacks and with My high Agility It was Possible as He was also as Fast as me and His Reaction was Faster than me. So, If I wasn't Using My eyes than one of His Attacks Might have connected with me and I would have been sent Flying as His attacks were Powerful even If he was not Using his Full Strength as I was Fighting Head to Head with Him. They both were not watching our Fight as Spectators they were Analyzing Sensei after 10-15 Minutes they also Joined the Fight and when I was attacking Sensei they Both will attack his Blindspot bust even After countless tries we were not able to Land a hit on him as all The were just Dodged or Countered Perfectly after Another Half-Hour trying Even Han started to Admire Him as a Person who does not even have Chakra comparable to an Academy Students can Fight with all of them without even getting even a Single hit for such long time.

At that time we Heard Sensei saying that we Passed and that we are now Gennins. He then told us the Mistakes which we were making at the Time when we were Attacking him and then Explained to us How to rectify it and After Correcting us three in our Techniques. He said that From tomorrow we will start taking Missions and From tomorrow onwards we will have to come to this Training Ground at 5 AM so that we can Start our Taijutsu Training and Weapons Training with Sensei while Doing Missions in the afternoon. After saying that He said that Hokage called us for Something Important and After saying that He left the Ground at High Speed.

After Relaxing for Half-Hour we also left the Ground and Started moving towards Hokage tower and After Reaching there we were Greeted with Minato and Sarutobi Sensei talking and that Sarutobi Sensei is Going to give us something important which will be with us for the Rest of our Lives.

After only 5 Minutes they Finished there Talk and then they said us to come with them to the Training Ground to Know that Surprise and After Sensei told us what was it we were Shocked to the core..........

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My inner thoughts who was the Person that saved Duy??

Ice_godcreators' thoughts