
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
127 Chs

Chapter 067

Naruto stood up and walked over to the kid who was too frightened from the blonds killing intent to move. Naruto's glare seemed to increase as his mind went back to the children he had met in Nami. The ones that had nowhere to go, whose parents had disappeared, most likely due to Gato having his men kill them.

"You sit here in this home with your loving family, with a mom who cooks for you, and worries about you, and loves you unconditionally. You have a grandfather who is building a bridge so that you and your country can be free of Gato's reign," Naruto snorted at the boy in disgust. "What a hard life! Oh my tou-san died, boo hoo, look at me whine and bitch like some little pussy!"

Having enough of her teammate berating the kid Sakura stood up and glared at Naruto, "Naruto-baka th-"

"Shut! Up!" Naruto punctuated both words with a harsh glare, his killing intent turning on Sakura who paled and sat down as she found her legs unable to support her.

Naruto turned his gaze back on Inari, "I bet you've never even stepped foot outside this little sanctuary have you? Never even been into the town recently, where children even younger than you have lost their parents, both of them! Children who don't have a mom to cook them food, or a grandfather who's willing to stand against a tyrant for them!"

Naruto remembered his own past, being kicked out of the orphanage at a young age, living on the street for nearly a year. Not being able to buy food from the stores unless it was rotten, being forced to find a lot of the stuff he owned in the garbage cans from the people who had thrown their stuff away.

But most of all he remembered the loneliness he had to deal with.

The glares and harsh whispers people had given him.

'Look it's 'him'!'

'Who does he think he is, walking around this street like he owns the place!'

'Listen you are not to go near that 'boy' again!'

'I'm so glad he didn't become a ninja.'

'Yeah could you imagine what would happen if he did. I mean he's the-'

Naruto gritted his teeth as voices flashed through his mind, "I'm glad I'm nothing like you! You're nothing but a pussy, sitting here whining about how hard your life has been when there are people in your own town who have it far worse than you! A sniveling little bitch whose disgraced Kaiza's name!"

Inari's eyes widened as the blond mentioned the name of his father figure.

Naruto snorted in disgust before turning around and heading towards the door.

"Naruto, where are you going?" Kakashi asked as the blond opened the door.

"Destructive therapy!" Naruto yelled as he slammed the door shut.

Every one stared at the door Naruto had left through; wondering what had caused the blond to have such a strong reaction to Inari's words. Inari sniffled several times before he too ran out of the door.

This is a disaster, though I can't say I'm surprised that Naruto reacted like that, Kakashi thought as he stood up, putting his book for the moment. He stood up and walked out the door. Walking around to the back, he saw Inari sitting with his feet dangling over the water.

"Can I join you?" asked Kakashi, causing Inari to turn his head.

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

There was a large puff of smoke that covered the clearing as Naruto summoned over four hundred clones. Without preamble Naruto unsealed his bo staff and charged them. Smashing into their midst with a furry that seemed to give his namesake new meaning.

The clones who had been surprised by the sudden and brutal attack began to retaliate. Striking out with limbs and kunai in an attempt to take down there creator.

Naruto snarled as he dodged some attacks, blocked others and then retaliated with a vengeance. A strike to the head for one clone, a dazzling set of spinning maneuvers that ended up taking out a horde of the Naruto copies. The blond shinobi did not stop at just using his staff however. He used feet, elbows, head butts, knees, anything he could think of as he tore through his Kage Bunshin.

He did get a hit a few times, several kunai got stuck in his torso, a few cuts appeared on his arms, and bruises came to his face. However Naruto continued on, fighting like a man possessed until the last clone had been killed.

When they were all gone Naruto stood there, hunched over and panting. His eyes began to droop as he fell onto his back. One last thought passed through his mind as he fell into blissful unconsciousness.

The nerve of that brat, thinking I don't know what it means to suffer…

"It seems we're out of medical herbs," Haku mumbled with a sigh. Closing the pantry the hunter ninja walked back into Zabuza's room.

Walking over to the bed, Haku looked down at him. "You were far more injured than I thought. We're all out of herbs."

"What's your point?" grunted Zabuza.