
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
127 Chs

Chapter 019

Konohamaru puffed up his cheeks indignantly. "Of course I have!"

"Alright, alright no need to get defensive." Naruto held up his hands in a defensive gesture as he jumped off the tree branch. "So show me what you can do. I need to see how far along you are, before we can start doing anything."

"Uh, what should I transform into?" asked Konohamaru, scratching the back of his head.

Naruto shrugged. "Anyone, it doesn't matter so long as I can see where you're at. After that I'll show you some material I have to create your own version of the Oiroke No Jutsu. The thing about the Oiroke No Jutsu is it requires an innate understanding of the female body." or at least it does now. Naruto thought with a snort and a light blush. He had read one or two books on anatomy and one of them was on female anatomy as well as a book on the reproduction system. Plus all that time he had spent with Anko this past week had pretty much guaranteed that he would know what certain female parts looked like.

Naruto shook his head to clear. "Alright, let's see what you can do!"

"You got it boss!" Konohamaru shouted as he did the hand seal for the jutsu. "

Henge No Jutsu!"

Ebisu scowled as he looked out across the village from the roof he was standing on. He had been searching the village for the better part of an hour and it was getting on his nerves.

Where is that filthy… delinquent? What could he be doing to the Honorable Grandson? It could only be something truly evil! Ebisu thought viciously as he clenched his hands into fists as he scanned the streets. I am an elite Jonin! As one in a long line of sensei's that have shaped and guided potential candidates to the illustrious position of Hokage, I cannot allow such a disaster to occur on my watch! I'll crush any insect that clings to my student… even if it is a Jinchurikki!

Without a second thought he began hopping across the roofs, searching for any sign of the blond brat or his wayward student.

Naruto sighed as he dropped some change into a vending machine to get himself some soda. If only vending machines ended up taking over for shops, then I wouldn't go broke because of stupid prejudices… he shook his head of the thought, knowing that thinking something so negative would do him no good. Turning around he looked at is… temporary student. The boy had done remarkably well for his first time, though Naruto could see signs of exhaustion setting in. Though, Naruto attributed his success to the fact that he had less chakra, therefore more control to use jutsu, making learning something like this easier.

Walking over to Konohamaru he sat down, popping his soda can and taking a long gulp. "So, tell me, what was going on with you and Ojisan? It didn't seem like this was a singular event."

"Ojisan named me Konohamaru, after the name of the village; he said it would bring me luck." Konohamaru murmured. Naruto nodded to himself as he listened. "You'd think that it would be easy to remember. But no one, not a single person in the whole village ever calls me by my name. It's because when they look at me, they don't see me, they see the Honorable Grandson of the Sandaime Hokage." Naruto raised an eyebrow as Konohamaru kicked a rock. "They don't see who I am, just who I'm related to. It's like I'm invisible, hidden behind Ojisan's shadow, and I'm so sick of it… that's why I'm going to become Hokage now! So people will know who I really am!"

This kid has the reverse problem of me. Naruto thought incredulously. He's still basically ignored, but it's more of ignoring who he is, rather than his existence.

The kid reminded him a lot of himself, how he used to be before the Mizuki incident. Not that something like this would make Naruto give the kid any sympathy. If anything Konohamaru needed an ass kicking.

Naruto snorted. "You think it's that easy." Konohamaru looked up at Naruto. "If you could become Hokage so easily then everyone would try to be Hokage. The Hokage is not just the strongest ninja in the whole village, but he's also the smartest and the one who's dedicated his life to serving the village as its protector. You have to think of each villager as if they were a member of your family and be willing to put your life on the line to keep the safe. That is what being Hokage is about. And it will take hard work, dedication, blood, sweat and tears to get there. Not just anyone can be Hokage." Naruto suddenly grinned. "Besides if you're going to be Hokage, you're going to have to defeat me first!"

Naruto stopped as he watched Konohamaru who was gaping at him, waiting for the boy to say something, when he heard a rustling of leaves.

"I've found you!" a voice came from above them.

Naruto and Konohamaru turned to see Ebisu standing on a tree branch.

That filthy Uzumaki…the Kyuubi No Kitsune. Ebisu glared down at Naruto, who could not hold in a flinch at those icy eyes.

Those eyes… he recognized them as the same ones that some of the more hateful members of the village gave him. The kind of people who he was sure would kill him if they had the chance. The kind who would try to beat him if they caught him when they were drunk and had lost any inhibitions they might have once had.

Leaping down from the tree, Ebisu landed on the ground and approached the two.

"Honorable Grandson, it's time that you return home." Ebisu said in the same overly confident tone as before, adjusting his sunglasses.

Konohamaru jumped to his feet. "No way! I'm learning how to beat Ojisan and become Hokage! Don't interfere!"

Naruto couldn't hold in his smirk. "It sounds like he thinks I'm a better teacher than you."

Ebisu sneered at Naruto. "Silence Uzumaki! I will not just sit idle while you corrupt my student with your rubbish!"

"Shut up!" Konohamaru yelled. "He's a better teacher then you'll ever be! At least I can understand what he says!" Both Ebisu and Naruto were startled by the boy's exclamations.

"No, No Honorable Grandson you must not listen to him. He cannot teach you the things you need to know. To be Hokage one must understand virtue, justice, ceremony, wisdom, loyalty, prudence and be skilled in a thousand jutsu! You don't even know one jutsu!" Ebisu continued. However it seemed that Konohamaru had heard enough.

"I'll show you a jutsu! Eat this! Oiroke No Jutsu!" where before there was a small brown haired boy, now there was a tall, older and absolutely drop dead gorgeous female with dark brown hair. And she was naked. "How's this for a jutsu?" she asked with a seductive voice as she made a pose.

Ebisu froze and his jaw nearly fell to the floor. Naruto watched as the man shivered. However he was still standing.

Huh, well what do you know? Naruto thought to himself. He hides it well.

Konohamaru poofed back into existence and frowned. "Why didn't that work?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

"WH-WH-WHAT KIND OF DISGRACEFUL JUTSU IS THAT!" Ebisu shouted indignantly, though Naruto could see the red tinge to his cheeks. "Such things are not fit for the eyes of a gentleman! I would never fall for such a vulgar and outrageous jutsu! I am far above such things!" Naruto's eyes began to twitch at the bold and obviously false declaration. Ebisu grabbed Konohamaru's scarf and tried to start dragging him back with him. "Honorable Grandson you must stop this at once! That Uzumaki brat is turning you into a delinquent! Do you want people to see you as an imbecile! Only with 'my' teachings will you gain the shortcut to becoming Hokage!" Ebisu continued to pull on the scarf, trying to drag Konohamaru away.

"No no no! Just leave me alone! I don't want to learn from you, I'm learning from the boss!" Konohamaru yelled as he yanked back.

"What sort of nonsense is this!" Ebisu shouted back. The pair continued their little tug of war until Naruto decided to intervene.






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