
Naruto: Wild Card

This is the story of Uzumaki Naruto, also known as the Joker, the only master of card Jutsu. It all started with a scroll found in the Third Hokage's library and a regular deck of cards ... English is not my primary language. Even if there are errors in the text, I don't think it makes it very difficult to read. I don't own a cover, found it on Google.

aswsok · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

A shitty future

It was a wonderful day in Konoha. The sun occasionally showered the village with warm bright rays, breaking through the armies of clouds moving across the sky strictly from north to south. They, carried by the wind, sometimes overtook each other. But as soon as it subsided, they slowed down, stopping the fierce race.

— Three ramen, please, — said the dark-haired beauty, flashing a charming smile to the owner of the establishment. The old man nodded and disappeared, taking three clean bowls with him.

The girl was wearing tight-fitting black pants and a dark purple blouse, emphasizing the figure admiring the guys' looks. Mikoto's feet were wearing flat shoes, which the girl wore more for reasons of comfort than beauty. And over the blouse she wore a green jacket-a sleeveless vest, which made it clear about her status in the Shinobi hierarchy. The image of the warrior was complemented by a protector on her forehead. Her loose black hair hung down to her shoulder blades, and there was a lipstick on her lips that was not too provocative. In her eyes, where no one had seen anything but sadness and sorrow for more than a year, cheerful sparkles shone.

Together with the girl, her friends came to Ichiraku. A guy with waist-length hair, dressed in red pants and a raincoat with metal inserts, as always smiled in anticipation of a delicious lunch. Recently, he has grown a little more and got fat, and it seems that even the drawings in the form of spirals on his cheeks have become larger. Stomping to the counter, he plopped down on the seat and regally leaned back on the nonexistent back. However, not so much as to fall, because Choji only seemed clumsy in appearance.

The second guy in an unremarkable standard shinobi uniform with a pineapple-like hairstyle was quite skinny and shorter. The absence of the left hand was striking, which was once again reminded by the sleeve tied at the place of its current termination. The burn that remained with Shikamaru as another reminder of the worst day of his life was spreading across the right side of his face. He wasn't ugly, but Nara didn't really like it when someone's gaze stayed on his face for a long time. However, Shikamaru was not the kind of person who could hide his face under a mask. He came to terms with what happened, even though it affected his attitude and life in general. Nara had to go through a lot of trials to return to the ranks and be who he is now — chunin Konoha.

—It's been a long time since you guys came in," Teuchi addressed them, returning with a ready-made ramen.

— Sorry, Teuchi-sama, another mission. You know how the Fifth One drives us around," Mikoto apologized, pulling her plate towards her and looking at the shrimp floating in the soup.

— My new recipe. Help yourself. On the occasion of your return, on the house," the old man smiled.

— That's what I understand! A real encouragement of work," Choji was inspired, grabbing the sticks with lightning speed. — And then I'm sick of this filthy future.

Shikamaru looked at him askance and let out a smile. Years go by, everything changes, but not Choji's appetite. Akimichi called the reality in which the world was now living a "filthy future". And it began from the very day when the Third Hokage died. Or even earlier, when Naruto was gone.

Before starting the dish, Shikamaru put his hand in his pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. After a while, Nara struck Asuma's lighter and already began to blow clouds of smoke, knowing that the old man did not mind such liberty.

— And where were you this time?

— Yes, not so far. The Temple of Fire. Maybe you've heard of this? Mikoto replied.

— I heard, of course. And I've been there more than once. In my best years, I cooked for Twelve Ninja Defenders and the Daimyo of Fire himself when he was an honored guest there," he replied. — By the way, how is Asuma-san? Did you manage to meet him?

Shikamaru's hand twitched slightly, longing played in his eyes. He took a last drag and stubbed out his cigarette, leaving a slightly smoking bull in the ashtray.

"He died defending his King,— he said. — A year ago or even earlier.

— It's sad to hear that. First the Third, now the Silver General. The great Shinobi are leaving... Teuchi said sadly.

— But new ones are coming to replace them, — all four of them heard someone's voice and turned their eyes to the entrance, examining the new visitor.

His appearance silenced everyone at once. A tall brunette in an ANBU uniform took off his mask with blue patterns, and everyone present recognized Sasuke, even more gloomy than usual.

"Let's not remember the past, Danzo-sama says it's a lost cause," Uchiha suggested with emphasis, slowly walking to the counter and sitting next to Mikoto. — I need a double. I haven't eaten anything for the second day, it's time to treat myself.

She shuddered slightly from the cold that Sasuke exuded by his very appearance. Over the past time, Uchiha has changed a lot. He had grown considerably stronger and had grown his hair, which now fell to his shoulders in the form of a ponytail.

—Of course," Teuchi replied, not so cheerfully anymore and, accepting the bill without unnecessary hesitation, left to fulfill the order.

Folding his hands into a lock and putting them on the counter, Sasuke sat in silence for a while, not even paying attention to his friends. He studied the menu with a bored look and, finding nothing interesting in it, squinted at Mikoto.

— Why are you looking at me like that? - he asked.

She realized that she had been staring at Uchiha for too long, thinking that something native in him might still be left, but would soon die out completely.

— Haven't seen you for a long time. I've already forgotten what you look like," the girl replied.

Sasuke nodded indifferently, demonstrating that he didn't miss him at all.

— How long have you been in chunin, Shikamaru? — he asked, looking with a grin at a one-armed classmate who had been boring him with an unkind look since the appearance of Uchiha.

"Long enough for you to forget about it,— he said.

Only Akimichi, who was not at all bothered by the arrival of their gloomy acquaintance, smiled at all thirty-two.

— What are you, Sasuke? You were there! He was Mr. Danzo's personal guard and watched us from his box," Choji reminded him. — We all became chunins in one day, then we talked about our team for a long time.

— Oh, yes. I remember that the search for potential threats concerned me more than your pathetic attempts to show something worthy," Uchiha did not rush to answer.

—That's enough, I'm tired of this," Mikoto couldn't stand it, abruptly rising from the seat, and walked away, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

—See you later, Choji," Nara said and, leaving the portion of ramen untouched, followed Mikoto.

Sasuke stared expectantly at Akimichi, expecting him to also tell everything to go to hell and leave, but the latter, scratching his head guiltily, smiled again.

— Sorry, they're a little nervous after the mission. So, how's your service going? — he tried to continue the conversation.

— I can't share the details of my work with someone like you, — Uchiha upset him, adding finally. — Fat guy.

Akimichi blushed, his fist clenched sharply, along with the knuckles of his fingers, the sticks in his hand also cracked. However, he was able to pull himself together.

— You can dislike Shikamaru and me as much as you want, but don't act like the last beast with Mikoto. She is, after all, the honored jonin of Konoha. And your last living relative," he said, taking a sip from the bowl and drinking the rest of the soup over the edge. — See you soon.

"Maybe we're from the same clan, but that doesn't make us a family," Sasuke grinned, watching Akimichi, who rushed after his friends.


When evening darkness reigned over the village, people on the streets began to become fewer. Earlier, during the Third, at such a time, life was still raging. But with the ascension to the throne of the new head of the village, certain rules were introduced, which the residents had to put up with. In particular, the curfew, the violation of which was allowed only to Shinobi of the highest rank, and even then if there was a serious reason.

The fifth Hokage, dressed in his usual attire, sprawled in a chair, which was now turned to the window. He watched the fading lights in the windows for a while, and then closed his eye, lost in his thoughts. The old man's fingers slowly rubbed the handle of the cane.

How many things have happened during this time. Everything changed, as if someone had applied rough strokes of paint on top of the existing picture of the universe, mercilessly covering everything that was on it before. All the jinchuriki were captured, and the balance of power between the villages was restored. However, what kind of balance of power can we talk about when Kirigakure has been completely wiped off the face of the earth for several years, Iwagakure and Kumogakure are waging a senseless and destructive war from scratch, and Suna is silent, closing the border to all other villages? And at the same time, a huge tree that grew up in the center of the Shinobi world, in the Land of Iron, did not give people peace. The tree, towering to the heavens so that it could be seen for kilometers, was a huge source of chakra, which the Shinobi sensors felt at an even more solid distance. Apparently, for the sake of his appearance, the Akatsuki collected the Tailed Ones. But was that their ultimate goal? And if not, then why did they stop at this stage and do nothing? And are the rumors about the split of the organization true?

Armchair... It was too soft. And why did he pay attention to it only now? Over the past time, the new Hokage has managed to change everything in this office and in the village that he did not like. Why did the last thing left after Sarutobi Hiruzen slip away from him?

"Three years have passed, Danzo-sama," Orochimaru hissed, appearing from the floor behind the Hokage. — Will you fulfill your part of the contract?

"I have an errand for you," he said coldly, ignoring the words of his adviser. — Shin will have to eliminate another target.

The snake-like nukenin threw an irritated look at his master's back.

— What is it this time? Is the young grandson of the Third? — he asked, allowing himself to inadvertently play on the Fifth's thirst for the extermination of the descendants of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

It was to the snake sannin that Danzo owed his current post. Shin, who first eliminated the old man who had stayed at his post, then his son, who even outside the village, in Shimura's opinion, posed a threat, served Orochimaru as a faithful weapon.

Shimura's fingers gripped the handle of the cane.

—Don't forget who you're talking to," he said. — The target will be Uchiha Itachi.

Orochimaru hesitated with the answer, digesting the unexpected order. Once he tried to kill Itachi himself, but failed.

— And he won't go alone. Sasuke should go with him," Danzo added. "And he's the one who has to kill his brother."

— But... — the adviser tried to object.

Sasuke, the tidbit that Orochimaru was so interested in in the past as a test subject and a potential new body? No, a scientist would never have agreed to such a thing before. He would probably even commit treason to get what he wanted. But the second Uchiha, promised to sannin for his work, was of greater value than Itachi's young brother. Mikoto could become not only an ideal receptacle for Orochimaru, but also serve to study Naruto's corrected technique of returning to youth. And her unique eyes, whose potential was revealed shortly after the tragedy in Takigakura and the death of the Third, were another treasure that Danzo was inexplicably ready to give to his subordinate instead of Sasuke.

Now Sasuke was Danzo's disciple and right-hand man, unquestioningly following his orders and a possible candidate for the role of the Sixth Hokage and the successor of his mentor's policy. Although it seemed impossible, Shimura became attached to the guy as to his own son, whom he never had.

— Sasuke is one hundred percent loyal to me, you don't have to worry about that. I told him the truth about Hiruzen's death, and he agreed with me that it was better for our village," the Fifth Hokage assured him. "As for the girl, you'll get her when you do my bidding.

Orochimaru could only nod.

— I'll get Shin ready. When to start?


The endless rain continued its rhythmic drumming. Cutting through the evening gloom, drops crashed into the roofs of buildings like an army, numerous metal pipes stretching through the streets, asphalt, broke into puddles, provoking the appearance of many circles on them.

How nice it was to be not there, outside, but in a tiny but cozy room, half of which was occupied by a mattress lying right on the floor. Naruto Uzumaki thought about this every day when he came home. But today his thoughts were occupied with other things. However, not only thoughts.

The apartment door burst open, and two people who had already started undressing in the hallway rushed inside, slamming it behind them so that the walls shook. Continuing to kiss, cuddle up to each other, study each other's bodies with their hands and doing unthinkable things with their tongues, they barely uncoupled when Kimiko pushed Naruto onto the mattress.

Along the way, he threw his already removed clothes into the wall and fell on his back in his pants, he saw how the girl threw off her unbuttoned hoodie and pulled off her pants, remaining only in snow-white underwear with lace. It's interesting how it harmonizes with the color of her hair. She straightened up to her full height and shook her head so that her white hair tied in a ponytail fell over her shoulder, smiling slyly and letting him enjoy the view of her body. Slender legs, not too wide hips, a flat tummy and a moderately lush bust, tightly squeezed with a white cloth. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that she was involved in survival battles and emerged victorious from duels with brutal opponents like the Iron Samurai. However, the battle scars that were not noticeable at first glance, of which there were at least five on the girl's body, violated the image that her pretty appearance created.

The girl, in turn, looked at Naruto, assessing his not athletic, but attractive torso, hands with protruding veins. She also discovered a few new details. For example, tattoos in the form of cards covering the skin of a blonde from the wrists to the forearms, several more impressive (than hers) traces of battles, old and not so old, as well as a seal frozen on the stomach in the form of another dead tattooed pattern.


"Take her!"

"Own her!"

Uzumaki succumbed to the thoughts raging in his mind and wanted to get up to take the girl in his arms and continue the caresses, starting with a kiss on the neck, but she did not allow it and, resting her foot on his chest, pushed the blonde back with her foot, while licking her lips. It seems that she had other plans for playing in the new arena, from which she was also going to emerge victorious.

The girl's hand disappeared behind her back. With a click, Kimiko's bra fell to the floor, and a moment later, the last item of clothing followed. The Joker's gaze revealed breasts with dark nipples sticking out from excitement. Before Uzumaki could do anything, the girl unceremoniously stepped onto the mattress and sat on his stomach, then looked straight into his purple eyes.

"You're full of surprises, Joker," she said, moving closer to his face.

"Yes, surprises!"

"I have something to surprise you with."

Then Kimiko slowly ran her tongue over his cheek with three stripes, leaving a wet mark on it, and pulled away, watching his reaction.

— The devil, — Uzumaki grinned, feeling that such antics turn him on even more.

The girl dropped a little lower and, putting her hand into the pants of her new acquaintance, made sure that he was already serious. So, it was possible to proceed to the next stage of their such close acquaintance. Soon, with Kimiko's help, the Joker was completely naked himself. Although this was his first experience of such a relationship, he was extremely relaxed, as before a fight in the arena, when exciting thoughts only pull you into the abyss of horror, from where there is no way back.

"What is she doing? Madness!"

"You like it!"

Naruto did not interfere with the actions of the girl, who was now working hard to give him a lot of pleasure, which the guy had never experienced before. Her hot lips and tongue, taking his manhood into their arms, almost carried him into the clouds. Kimiko, expertly working with her mouth and helping herself with her hand, looked at him curiously, as if wondering what kind of a grimace of bliss would appear on his face now.

At the moment when Uzumaki was nearing the end, she stopped and pulled away, as if teasing him. The Joker quickly came to his senses, he did not like it. He wasn't used to being made a fool of. The guy got up and pushed the girl onto the mattress by himself, pushing her off. It turned out to be rude, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Kimiko was so stunned by this turn of events that the sly smile that never left her lips quickly evaporated, and her eyes widened in surprise when Naruto snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. The next moment, she saw two cards in his hand, which mysteriously wrapped around her wrists like handcuffs and connected with each other. Twitching her hands, the girl realized that breaking such shackles would not be as easy as it seems at first glance. However, she had no reason to be afraid, since the Joker's abrupt transformation was only for the sake of one thing, in order to please her in turn. When he sank down at her feet and got down to business, she had to regret that she could not cling to the sheet with her fingers. Arching and at the same time shifting back a little, Naruto's new acquaintance made quiet moans, trying to keep herself in control, but realizing that over time it is becoming more and more difficult for her. Finally, when she couldn't stand it anymore and tried to squeeze the guy's head with her legs, he abruptly stopped his occupation and, grabbing her legs, left them wide apart.

"You're not just copying other people's techniques," Jean said with annoyance, giving him an angry look.

— Then I'll show you something new, - the Joker did not remain in debt, moving closer and throwing Kimiko's legs over his shoulders.

The hands of the former jinchuriki fell on the girl's hips, after which he made a push, becoming one with her. She exhaled sharply, as if she had received a punch in the stomach, after which, under the accelerating thrusts of the man's pulsating desire, she felt the Joker's palms already on her chest. The feeling that she was being roughly used now struck a blade of resentment at the heart of the warrior. However, it also turned her on even more.

This mesmerizing action dragged on for some time, after which the Joker, breaking their connection and pouring out on Kimiko's stomach, collapsed next to her. After that, they lay on the wet bed for a long time in silence, looking in different directions and seemingly forgetting about each other, because nothing but a satisfied mutual desire and a common goal held this couple together.

When Naruto decided to turn around, breaking out of the pool of thoughts that engulfed him, he found that Jean had already gone to the shower. Listening to the murmur of water in the next room, he, without noticing it, fell asleep, thereby postponing the details of the escape plan from the Ame for some time.

Today I posted 12 chapters. Maybe I'll post the same amount later in the evening. I hope for your feedback, as it will help spread fan fiction

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