
Ch15 ) Hospital Visit

Third Person's P.O.V.

The Third Hokage has just announced that they had a month to train for the final stage of the exams, and all the Genin were relieved. Not only would they have time to get stronger, but now they could finally get some much needed rest as well. Naruto and Sakura decided to go see Sasuke. He was currently at the hospital after Kakashi sealed the curse mark.

Sakura turned to her blond teammate, as they left the exam hall. "Do you think Sasuke is going to be okay?"

Naruto could tell she was worried. "I hope so." He gave the girl a small smile. "Besides, it shoul;d would be a shame for him to be out of commission, before he ever gets the chance to show us how great he is." The Uzumaki let out a laugh. "Because that would be embarrassing."

The pinkette kept staring at the blond. There was an unreadable expression on her face.

Naruto's eyes narrowed in confusion. "What?" He started to paw at his face. "Is there something on my face?"

Sakura shook her head, and continued to stare at the boy for a little while longer, before voicing her thoughts. "Are you really okay, Naruto?" He seems fine. Just as upbeat as usual. But from what she knows about the blond now, he could be faking. After the second part of the exam, she decided she would try to be nicer and more attentive to the blond. So she wanted to be absolutely sure.

Naruto shifted slightly under her gaze. "I am fine, Sakura?" He reached behind his neck and scratched his head. His trademark nervous habit for anyone who actually knew him. "Why do you ask?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know? Maybe the fact that just four days ago, our teammate tried to kill you, and nearly succeeded." Her tone was completely sarcastic.

The Uzumaki shook off her concerns with a shake of his head. "Don't worry about me, Sakura." He gave the girl a wide smirk. "It's going to take a lot more than that to kill me." Truthfully, he endured worse from the villagers in his younger years. It had been awhile since anything like that had happened to him. So it was more of a shock than anything else. His healing was severely unreformed. Lately he only needed to use it to heal minor injuries that he got during training. Or even wounds that Tenten had received. Nothing life threatening. Plus,there is no effective way to hone it. It's not like he can willingly put himself or anyone else in harm's way just for training purposes.

Sakura didn't really believe he was just fine and dandy, but she knew no amount of pestering was going to get him to open up. So she let it go for the time being.

The rest of the journey to the hospital was amicable to say the least. The pair engaged in small conversations about training, their Sensei's desire to keep his face hidden, and who they thought had a real shot at becoming Chunin. Naruto seemed to think Sakura was not too far off. His exact words were, "You just need a little more real mission experience. Keep training and getting stronger, as well as honing your mind, and you will be chunin in no time." Sakura was surprised that he was being so kind to her. After her previous actions toward him and her finally accepting the different Naruto than the one she knew in the academy, she was sure he hated her. Or at the very least greatly disliked her.

The girl stared at her blond teammate once more. "Why are you being so nice to me, Naruto? I've been nothing but a bitch to you this whole time. Plus I thought you hated me?" Sakura looked like she was about to start crying. She couldn't understand how he could so easily forgive and forget all the terrible things she has said and done to him.

The blond looked at her like she was crazy. "First of all-" he gave her another smile. -I don't hate you, Sakura. Your attitude on the other hand, I find annoying." Naruto glanced at her to make sure she did not take offence to what he said. It looked like she was okay, so he continued. "As for how you have treated me. Don't worry about it. We're Ninja now, and if I let petty things like how my team members treated me bother me, I wouldn't be a very good one." His smile grew wider. "So let that thought be the furthest thing from your mind."

She nodded her head at the blond, and they made their way into the hospital, and up to the front desk. "Excuse me, maam?"

The women at the desk turned to look at the pinkette. "Yes, how can I help you, sweetie?"

Sakura smiled up at the women with practiced ease. "Can you tell me what room Sasuke Uchiha is staying in?"

The woman returned the smile with a caring one. "Certainly, honey. Let Me Just take a look in my computer real quick." She turned back to her computer and typed a few things on the keyboard, before turning back to the genin pair. "It says here that Sasuke Uchiha is on the 12th floor. Room L4 to be exact." She finished her explanation, sending them on their way.

They walked up to the elevator. Naruto turned his head back over his shoulder. "Thank you."

The women smiled and waved at the blond. "No problem." She turned back to her computer after that.

Saskura and Naruto both got into the elevator, and the Uzumaki pressed the button for the 12th floor. Right as the door was about to close, Tenten and Neji came through. "Hey Tenten." Naruto shot her a smile. He sent a small glare to her teammate. No one seemed to notice. "Are you here to visit Lee?"

Tenten looked down, before returning his smile with a sad one. "Yeah. What are you guys doing here."

"We're visiting Sasuke. Orochimaru did something to him during the second exam. So he has to stay in the hospital for a few days," Naruto explained, answering her silent question about why their 3rd team member was there.

"Oh, I see." The elevator was silent for the rest of the trip. Tenten and Neji got off on the 5th floor. She waved goodbye to the blond. He smiled at her with a look of encouragement, telling her that their teammate was going to be okay.

Sakura decided to voice her own questions. "Do you and her know each-other?"

Naruto smirked. He decided to mess with her a little. They got off the elevator, and he turned to the pinkette with a foxy smile. The look was replaced with faux confusion. "Why Sakura, are you jealous?" At her look of indignation, he relented. He laughed the joke off. "No, I'm just kidding." He gave her another smile. "We met a couple years ago when I needed some help with my bukijutsu. And we have been friends ever since." He continued to laugh at the look of shock on her face. It was priceless. The girl looked like she was about to pass out.

There was a brief moment of silence. "Oh." That was all she could say at the moment. Sakura was still flustered from Naruto's previous statement. She couldn't explain why, but the teasing gave her pause. Ever since she accepted him as he was now, her thoughts about the boy had changed. What used to annoy her about him was gone. He wasn't loud and annoying anymore. He was real. Someone she could actually see herself being friends with and caring for. And ever since the boy changed his wardrobe, she couldn't exactly say he was unattractive. Where Sasuke had the classic, cleat cut handsome look, Naruto was attractive in a wild, yet reserved, slightly untamed way. His spiky hair framed his face nicely. And his eyes were a beautiful vibrant blue color, she noticed.

Naruto had stopped, noticing that Sakura was not beside him anymore. He walked back towards her, calling her name. "Sakura? Uh, Sakura, are you with us down here?" He chuckled and snapped his fingers in front of her face.

She snapped out of her daze, shaking off those thoughts. "What?" She saw that Naruto was looking at her, an unreadable expression on his face. Her neck started heating up, and her face became red. Did he notice her staring at him?

"Are you okay?" He reached out his hand and rested it on her forehead. It was really warm. "You're not sick are you. Your face is all red, and your forehead is really warm." She continued to stare at him. He became worried, so he guided her to a position on the wall, and sat her down. "Stay here okay. I'll be right back with some water." He sent the girl one last glance,before disappearing around the corner.

Now that she was alone, Sakura could finally get a hold of herself. She shook her head of her previous thoughts. What was wrong with her? Why was she feeling this way? She should not be getting so flustered around her blond teammate. Yeah he was attractive. She could admit that. And it was clear to anyone looking that he was strong as well. It was even more noticeable now that his jacket was open and he was not wearing a shirt. But just no. She should not be thinking this way about him. He was her friend, and she already had Sasuke. Sakura stood up along the wall,barely able to steady herself. After she was done with her inner monologue, Naruto returned with the glass of water and handed it to her. She took it from his hands, and downed the contents in one short burst.

The blond glanced at her. "Man, you must have really been thirsty."

Sakura wiped her mouth with the back of her arm, before smiling at the blond. 'Yes I was. Thank you Naruto."

He returned the smile. "You're welcome."


The Uzumaki's eyes narrowed, a questioning look on his face. "Yes?"

She hesitated for a moment. She wasn't sure how to ask this. "Uhm, Are we friends?"

He turned his head to the side in confusion. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, I was just curious."

Naruto stared at her for a little longer. That was really random. "Do you want to go see Sasuke now?" He gestured with his thumb behind him. 'His room is right around the corner."

A wide smile took over Sakura's contenance, and she nodded. "Yeah, lets go." She grabbed his hand and they ran to the Uchiha's room

Sasuke was standing at the far end of the room, staring out the window, at the village. It was a great view. He could see the academy not too far away. Above that was the Hokage tower. Behind the massive building was the Hokage monument. Inside the room sat two beds. A curtain separated them. One on each side. The floor was tile. And the sealing was about 15 ft. off the ground. The window took up the expanse of the wall furthest from them. Plants were in pots on the floor, on each side of the glass. To the right of them was a small linen closet. And to the left were two small dressers for personal items.

The Uchiha continued staring out the window for a minute, before he noticed two presences behind him. He turned to face them slowly. The guilt for what he did to Naruto still remained, if the look on his face was anything to go by. Plus the raven wouldn't look the blond in the eye. Naruto had an idea as to what Sasuke was thinking. And he wanted to make sure that he understood that he was not upset with him.

Naruto walked up to Sasuke and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey Sasuke?"

The Uchiha finally lifted his gaze to look at the blonde.

"Don't worry about what happened?" He smiled at the raven haired teen. "You weren't in control."

Sasuke looked at the blond perplexed. How could he be so happy? How was he not pissed at him. He almost killed him. "I almost killed you. How can you even want to be around me right now?"

Naruto waved him off. "Forget it, teme," Naruto replied in a teasing manner. He hoped the old nickname would make Sasuke realize he was not upset.

Sasuke grinned, before shrugging the blond's hand off his shoulder. "Whatever, Dobe." They both began to laugh.

Sakura looked on with a look of amazement. How did she not see how close they have become over the course of being a team? The banter between the two was no longer filled with animosity, but friendly rivalry. Sasuke wanted to be as strong as Naruto, and he seemed to want to help the boy along with that goal. She smiled at the pair. All three of them were really starting to come together.

Sasuke gave them both a sideways glance. "What are you two doing here anyway?"

Naruto slapped him in the back of the head. "You're great and wonderful teammates are here to checkon you of course." He flashed his signature fox-like grin."

"Hn,"Sasuke replied. But the smile on his face gave away his true feelings. The boy was happy that they cared about him so much. It gave him that sense of a familial relationship that he has not felt in a long time. He has taken time to consider what Naruto said about his desire for revenge. He still wanted to kill his brother. But he did not want anything that happened to Naruto to happen to anyone else. So he vowed to not ever let his anger cloud his judgement like that again. He socked the blond in the arm. "I never knew you guys cared so much."

A smirk showed on the blond's face. "Of course. Who else would I get to beat up during training all the time?"

Sasuke and Sakura balked at the blond. Sasuke's smile turned into a playful glare. "You won't be able to say that for long, dobe." There was determination in Sasuke's eyes. "I will be stronger than you one day."

Naruto continued to laugh. 'Sure looking forward to that. But alas, at the moment I'll have to settle for the small challenge." His grin disappeared after a moment,and was replaced with a focused expression. The blond glanced at the seal around The Uchiha's curse mark. "Don't worry, Sasuke. I will find a way to get rid of that curse mark." He was going to scour the library for books on fuinjutsu, and even beg the Hokage if he had to. He was not going to let the Snake bastard steal one of his friends away from him, if he had anything to say about it. Thinking back on it, he remembered seeing the same one on the proctor for the second exam. If anything that just made his resolve harden. Knowing this was not the first time Orochimaru had done this infuriated him. That man was sick, and deserved to be ripped apart.

Sakura and Sasuke were both speechless when Naruto said he would help Sasuke with such fierce determination. They glanced at the boy, when he went silent. After a few moments, there was a tense feeling of bloodlust in the air. It made them shiver uncontrollably. The bloodlust was coming from the blond. Neither of them could figure out what was making the blond act this

way, but they couldn't voice their concerns either. The feeling in the room was suffocating. The energy was practically torn out of them. They fell to their knees, unable to stand anymore.

In the back of his mind, Naruto heard the strained sounds coming from his teammates, so he cut off the K.I he was generating.

With the atmosphere returning to normal, they were able to stand back up and look at Naruto with twin looks of worry.

The blond turned toward them, a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry guys. I got a little carried away there huh?"

They both nodded in confirmation. "What were you thinking about?" Sakura walked up to Naruto. "If you don't mind my asking?"

"I was thinking about how Sasuke was not the first victim of that snake-pedophil."

The other two genin in the room shared a look of confusion before looking back at the blond, gesturing for him to elaborate.

"The second proctor for the exam had one to," Naruto answered their unasked question. "I noticed it when she tried to jump me at the gate."

They nodded their heads in understanding.

The silence returned as they all walked out of the room. They went up to a man at the desk, and asked if Sasuke was free to leave. After the man looked it up on his computer, he informed them that the Uchiha had been discharged and was allowed to go. Sasuke and Sakura left the hospital,and Naruto stayed behind to check in on Tenten and her Team. Another thought occurred to him. He hasn't heard from Kurama for awhile. "Hey, Foxy. Are you in there?" There was no reply. It must be the damn five pronged seal that the bastard put on him. Not Only did it disrupt Kurama's chakra, but it cut off the connection completely. "When I find that Asshole. I am going to rip him apart!" The K.I returned, and Naruto had to quickly calm his nerves. He was gaining a lot of unwanted attention from various hospital personnel. Man he hated this place. It's sterile environment and pristine white walls made him feel like he was trapped in a box that he would never escape from. The blond turned the corner and headed into Lee's room.

The new environment was tense. The layout was the same as Sasuke's room. Lee was lying unconscious on one of the beds. His leg propped up at the end by a sling, while his arm lay by his side. There was a cast on both limbs. And a pained look would constantly adorn the genin's face, as he slept. Tenten sat in a chair beside his bed, holding his hand, and stoking her thumb over the back. A sullen look on her face. Neji was standing beside the bed on the other side. He was looking at the unconscious boy.

Naruto gave her a sad smile. "How is he?"

Her answer was cut off, when the team's Jonin Sensei came into the room. "According to the doctor. Even if Lee recovers, he will never be able to return to being a shinobi."Everyone in the room turned their heads down at that revelation. Suddenly an idea came to Tenten. She ran over to the blond, grabbing his arm. "Can you do anything to help him? You know the healing thing that you can do."

Naruto gave her a sad smile,and shook his head. "I am sorry, I can't." He hated not being able to help her. "His injuries are too severe for my healing capability." He settled on a lie because until he could tell her about the Kyuubi inside him, she would never truly understand why he couldn't help her. Naruto left the room, knowing this was a team member moment only.

Naruto left the hospital and headed towards the Hokage's tower, intent on learning as much about sealing as he possibly can. So he could get rid of this damn seal, and help Sasuke and Anko get rid of their curse marks.