The story : In the hidden village of Konoha, Naruto carries a monumental secret, a hidden intelligence lurking behind his mischievous grin. Yet, he bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to change averything.
As you are beginners, it won't bring your grade down, as long as you did it before attempting the actual retrieval of your group's item, but in the future, this won't be treated as lenient anymore. I'm talking about a check of your equipment," pointed Naruto out.
He looked over the class and many frowned, some blushed and several looked at the floor in embarrassment.
"You didn't pack the pouches that were used for the mission yourself, meaning, you didn't have a way to know what you had in there, except you had a look into them. Never forget checking your equipment.
It doesn't happen often during a mission that you have to rely on equipment you didn't prepare yourself, or it shouldn't happen, but if time is short, you might be given a standardized pouch from a superior to immediately head out onto a mission. You won't have to deal with that as genin, but once you make chunin, it could happen.
"It doesn't take more than a minute to do a quick check of a pouch. Had you all done that, you would have noticed that there was a mask with filter seals inside each pouch.
It was meant to give you a way to deal with the sleeping gas seals that I had placed on each training ground that was the destination for a team to retrieve their own item."
"How would we have known what the masks did?" A girl from a group that had been knocked out immediately when they failed to exercise any caution asked annoyed.
"I mentioned the use of this type of mask in our first lesson and I covered the filter seals one month into your classes. It isn't my problem that you decided that sending notes to your friends instead of paying attention to what I was teaching you was more important, Kaori," stated Naruto with a stern look.
"You are responsible for doing the work here at the academy. And, especially after the invasion, I expected you to understand that this world wasn't as safe as many of your parents would like to let you believe. The only way to protect yourselves and those you love is by being ready."
Kaori looked down, chastised by the harsh words of their sensei.
"Another point was not rushing into the training ground, but actually slowly checking for traps. All the traps I used were on the same level you covered in the class for them.
Outside of the fact that you had to check the seals for what they did, the setup was along the lines you were taught to recognise, use and disable. Several teams did well on that part," complimented Naruto, "Most of those that followed basic caution, found most of the traps I built and disabled those they found properly.
Though you should all revise the ways I taught you about determining which seal you are dealing with. Remember, a seals expert can let it appear as if you have a weapons storage seal with kunai, but in fact it holds a paint bomb."
The members of team twenty-two nodded in chagrin. They had found out that part the hard way when they wanted to unseal the weapons and got splattered with paint instead.
"Another point that I noticed, but which normally didn't hinder the groups, is that some of you need to invest more work into learning the codes used for encrypting messages.
I used the first code you were taught this year, as I didn't want to make the test too difficult. Still, many of you didn't manage to decipher what was written there.
As I mentioned, it didn't hinder the teams, as at least one member of each team could work out the messages, but you can't rely on always being in that situation. You have to know the basic codes of Konoha, as mission scrolls will often be encrypted to prevent that enemies can find out what kind of mission you have.
"In fact, the Hokage has already decided to start this practice with D-rank missions, as it gets you into the habit of working with codes, which is important for the higher ranked missions.
It can happen that you have to leave information for back-up teams behind that can't be read by the enemy, should he find the hiding place. Information can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Therefore, codes are vital to know for every ninja," declared Naruto.
Several children wrote things he pointed out down, to not forget them again.
Naruto then showed the blue-prints of a trap field on the blackboard and went over how to properly approach the situation, how the disable the traps and then the retrieval of the item. As he had set all places up similarly, he only had to do this once. He let the children copy this down and told them to go over it again at home, to memorise it better. Then he continued to the next part of the test.
"Up to that point, this was all fairly standard. If I had ended it there, all teams could have passed the scenario. Had you studied properly and performed properly, you would have got a good grade easily.
But that doesn't match ninja life. Something happens on a mission you didn't calculate for. In this case, I simulated that the item you had to retrieve consisted of three parts, which the opponent had split up among them to not make it too easy for a Konoha team to succeed.
"You had to enter combat situations against an opponent that was on a level close to your own, meaning your own classmates. As you are the youngest students at the academy, I gave you information which team got which pendant to retrieve.
Had you paid attention at the beginning of the day, when the teams were created, you could have simply made a complete list of which team was which and known how to form a good strategy to get both other pendants.
"Many only knew the groups their closest friends were in, or perhaps a rival. That cost all but one team the chance to fulfil the mission perfectly.
For this, congratulations to team eleven, who were the only team to retrieve their item and win against two other teams in combat during the time you were given for the test," Naruto looked at the three children, Hanabi, Jiromo and Papropi, that had been on the team with approval, which made them smile happily.
"But didn't Konohamaru, Nintaro and Riku also manage to get three pendants?" asked Moegi.
"They did, but they only defeated one other team. They found the loophole in the mission parameters and used it to their advantage, which was perfectly allowed, by the way," answered Naruto.
"I never said that you couldn't attempt to find items of other teams that didn't manage to retrieve them after all. And I left the envelopes with the instructions in the spots where the other team fell prey to the traps in case some of you got that idea."
The three boys grinned at hearing that. They had worried that it would cost them points, but seemingly it was perfectly allowed.
"But that's not right, they didn't follow the rules," protested a boy.
"Which rules?" asked Naruto amused, "If you remember, I didn't give you any rules beyond following the instructions inside the envelope, which gave you the location of your group's item, where you got new instructions. You had to retrieve the item within the given time period, and then follow the new instructions, which told you to get the two missing pendants from other teams.
Nothing more. How, well, that was fully up to you. You could ambush another team, fight them directly, trick them, steal the item, or see if others didn't manage to disable the traps.
"On a mission there are few rules, which is something you need to understand very quickly. Sure, among your allies, you have rules, but among enemies, you don't.
During the chunin exams that I participated in here in Konoha, which led to my promotion to special jonin, there was a test very similar to the one I gave you. We got one scroll and had to survive five days in the Forest of Death, while fighting at least one other team to get the scroll we were missing.
And everything was allowed. There were no rules at all. Had we not been ready for anything, the other teams could have killed us. Several genin didn't survive the exams. And you know that many people died in the invasion.
I repeat, this is no game. While nobody expects you to manage beating a trained ninja yet, you have to take the academy serious. Otherwise you will deeply regret it when you go out on missions," stated Naruto.
Some children nodded, others frowned, some looked frightened. If this led to several children washing out, well, it was better to let those that couldn't shoulder the job leave and stay civilians instead of wasting money and time for training them for a job they could never bear.
He had discussed it with Kakashi and he agreed that the children shouldn't be kept ignorant until their last years at the academy. It was much better to make clear what they could expect when they were ninjas, instead of letting them be killed.
"So, how will the different results be graded, Naruto sensei?" asked a boy.
"Well, to answer this properly, have you been informed about the way the senseis at the academy were instructed to create your grades?" asked Naruto and only saw shaken heads, "Then I will explain it for you. You know that the curriculum of the academy was changed during the end phase of the reign of the Third Hokage, right?"
"Yes, we were told that the curriculum was bad for the students, as it didn't really prepare us for the time after we graduated the academy. Since then, many classes were changed, and the physical exercising aspect is much larger now," confirmed Moegi.
"At the same time, the way the grades of the students were determined was also changed, as, like with my classes, not all senseis have the option of teaching regularly, simply because the specialists that teach here have to go onto missions a lot of times.
Thus, we needed a way to give you fair grades, even if we aren't present at school each week. The system, to make things fair, is used for all classes. At the beginning of a term, you start out with zero points," explained Naruto.
"Okay, that's logical," nodded Hanabi.
"Over the course of the term, you have to earn points to build up your grades. These points are earned by participation in class, like correctly answering the questions of the teacher, achieving set levels during practical exercises, results of written homework, sparring matches and so on.
Tests like the one I had you go through yesterday give you double the points you earned in the test. Same for official written exams. Over the course of a term, you collect the points and when it's time to write the report cards, the senseis look how many points you have collected.
That determines your grade for the term. Or course, you have more chances to get good grades in normal classes that you have more often, simply because you have more chances to collect points."
"Does that mean we could make up bad results, like from yesterday, by good results during class time, even if it's more difficult, Naruto sensei?" asked Udon.
"That's correct, Udon. And it also means that a good test might better your grade if you didn't collect many points during classes. It should be an incentive for you all to always do your homework, by the way, as not handing in your homework on time will mean that you don't collect the easiest points.
For the first three years here at the academy, it won't cost you points to not do your homework, in the last three years it will happen. If on the day you have to hand in the homework, you don't have it, it will cost you five points, no discussion. You do the maths," shrugged Naruto.
Some students looked worried about it.
"Why did none of the other senseis tell us this?" complained a girl.
"So far, it wasn't important for you to know it. Let's face it, you just started your education at the academy. I'm sure that all the teachers have made it clear that doing your homework is important and have given detention if you didn't do it. As long as you don't refuse to do your work, you won't fail any classes.
The requirements for each grade are lower than for the older years. Simply because it can be expected that somebody that has been at school for a while knows how to behave and that the studies are important. If you want to get good grades, you have to study hard and train to do well in the practical classes.
"The expectations for you are still quite lenient. As long as you work hard, you will gain points in classes. For example, in this test, just checking the equipment you were given earned you ten points, because I needed to set up certain benchmarks to look out for.
Disabling a trap without triggering it earned three points, meaning, as each field normally had ten traps, you could have earned an easy thirty points by just using what you learned in trap-building classes. Correctly identifying what seal was used in traps, like if it was a storage seal for weapons or paint, also earned you five points.
"There were many things that allowed you to earn points. Take the information and remember it in the future. Everything can earn you the points you need to pass a class at the end of the term," pointed Naruto out.
"Even knowing the set-up of the other teams?" asked Hanabi.
"I gave the teams that wrote down the correct teams one point per team they identified. Good question, Hanabi," nodded Naruto, "Information is vital on a mission, especially correct information.
If you know your opponents or allies and can immediately identify them, without giving up that you have that information, it will make all kinds of missions much easier and safer to perform.
For example, if you identified a team with the same pendant as the one you got during the mock mission, you could have worked together to achieve your Goals much easier. That was also allowed, even if none of you did it. We will work on that aspect again in the future. And you can never dismiss any information!"
Many children wrote that statement down, as it was important to remember.
Naruto then continued to revise all the types of seals he had used in the test with them and then told them which parts of the test a team had passed, and which were failed. Each student got a note with his personal results, as they could differ for teammates.
Konohamaru saw that he and Nintaro had remarks about properly deciphering the codes on the papers, while Riku was reminded to revise the codes taught in class and didn't get any points for it. They had all got points for dismantling traps.
It went on, if you had correctly identified seals you got points, though if the team had worked together and discussed which seal was which, they all got the same points, same for the fight against the other team to get the pendant. Creativity in interpreting orders also gained them points.
Overall, it was a good report, and the comments on how to improve would help in the future to become even better. Once Naruto had answered a few more questions, he ended the class and left to continue with the test for the second-years.
Hey everyone, I've just released the first chapter of my new fanfic " Naruto : Catastrophe " I'd really appreciate it if you could write a review and drop some power stones.
Since it's just the beginning of the story, your support will help it climb the rankings faster and give me the motivation to keep going. Thanks a lot!