

As Danzo's arm fell, the bandage loosened, and with a pop, it completely unraveled.

On that arm, three Sharingan glinted fiercely, as if narrating the tale of their original owner's struggles.


"Elder Danzo actually..."

Raidō and Iwashi, who had accompanied Tobirama, witnessed the spectacle with wide-eyed amazement, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

This was exactly why Tobirama had asked them to come along—he needed witnesses.

"There's even Wood Style!" Could it be...

The two of them dared not voice their thoughts further. Danzo might have desecrated the First Hokage's tomb for experiments.

Danzo seized his fallen arm with a grim expression and attempted to flee the battlefield.

But Tobirama wouldn't allow it.

"Water Style: Water Fang Bullet!"

A fine stream of water, unleashed with full force, streaked towards Danzo like a speeding bullet, spanning hundreds of meters in an instant.

Simultaneously, Tobirama utilized the teleportation technique, appearing directly in front of Danzo.

Despite his age, Danzo's skills had not dulled.

He swiftly dodged the water jutsu, only to find Tobirama charging at him.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope blossomed within Danzo.

"It's not over yet. I still have a trump card—Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan. With Kotoamatsukami, I can turn the tables completely. I, Danzo, will become Hokage and lead Konoha to dominance!"

Danzo intended to use Kotoamatsukami to manipulate Tobirama, ensuring his victory.

But he had to ensure its success, as the technique had a lengthy cooldown period. Without Uchiha blood, Danzo would be unable to use it again for a decade.

Therefore, he had to make this attempt count, or he'd meet his end here.

Danzo planned to feign weakness, allowing Tobirama to wound him severely, before activating Kotoamatsukami when Tobirama least expected it.

It seemed like a flawless plan.

A faint smile played on Danzo's lips.

Little did he know, Tobirama was aware of his possession of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

At that moment, Tobirama had already dashed in front of Danzo, and the water blade he formed pierced through Danzo's remaining limbs, causing him to cry out in agony.

Shimura Danzo collapsed to the ground, wailing.

But despite his injuries, they weren't fatal, but he still struggled to breathe.

"Sensei, I was wrong, please forgive me..." Danzo muttered through bloodied lips, his words covered by painful coughs.

Tobirama couldn't help but find Danzo's performance funny, but he played along nonetheless. He couldn't risk damaging the precious Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Danzo, I cannot forgive the mistakes you've made. As your teacher, my final act of kindness is to end your suffering."

Even as Tobirama spoke, his hands continued their relentless motion.

A fierce punch struck Danzo's skull.

The impact was so powerful that it made Danzo's head throb with numbness.

But Danzo's lips twisted into a sinister smile.

"Haha, Sensei, you're quite clever. You never imagined you'd be ensnared by the Sharingan you despise the most!"

Danzo chuckled inwardly as he directed his chakra toward his left eye.

Tobirama's fist was closing in...

But just as it was about to land, Tobirama's hand shifted, morphing into a claw that seized Danzo's eye socket.


Accompanied by Danzo's agonized screams, Tobirama's fingers dug into the bandaged socket of Danzo's left eye.

With a forceful push, Tobirama expelled Danzo's left eye from its socket.


With Danzo's shrill cry of pain echoing in the air, Tobirama swiftly extracted the bloody eyes with two fingers, leaving Danzo's eye socket hollow.

Collapsed on the ground, Danzo lay with all his limbs broken, blood still seeping from his eye sockets, presenting a pitiful sight.

Even Raidō and Iwashi, accustomed to gruesome scenes, couldn't help but shudder at the sight.

The Second Hokage's methods seemed overly harsh.

Danzo, now missing his left eye, continued to wail in agony. With his vision blurred and unable to see clearly, he knew his end was near after losing Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Disheartened and devoid of resistance, the pain of losing a limb and an eye numbed him.

"Danzo, face your victims in the underworld and confess your sins," Tobirama commanded, his palm-shaped hand piercing Danzo's heart.


With the sound of a breaking heart, the shinobi breathed his last, succumbing to death.


"Hokage-sama! Whathappened here?"

The Village security forces arrived late, finding the remaining root ninjas defeated one by one by Tobirama.

"Hokage's advisor, Shimura Danzo, attempted a rebellion and was personally eliminated by me," Tobirama calmly stated to the shocked ninjas.

"How could Elder Danzo do such a thing?"

The leading Konoha ninja seemed incredulous, but refrained from further questions under Tobirama's stern gaze.

"Take Danzo's body to the Konoha Torture Department for investigation by the Yamanaka clan. Additionally, all root ninjas are to be temporarily detained and thoroughly interrogated!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Konoha guards promptly followed Tobirama's orders.

With Danzo, the village's biggest threat, dealt with, Tobirama could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Leaving amidst the awe of the onlookers, Tobirama departed slowly.


"Danzo was taken out? Sensei did it?"

In a conference room, Hiruzen and the remaining Konoha advisors gathered. The news of Danzo's demise left them doubtful.

"Hiruzen, considering all that's happened, stepping down might be your best move." Homura said solemnly.

"Danzo..." Hiruzen closed his eyes, memories flooding back of his long-time friend.

In a flashback, the somber melody of their conversation echoed. "Hiruzen, you'll regret this!" "Danzo, I'm the Hokage!" Their exchanges lingered vividly in Hiruzen's mind, now tinged with sorrow for the fallen.

"Homura, Koharu, he chose to oppose sensei, and his fate is sealed. I hold no grudge. Sensei is right," Hiruzen admitted with a heavy heart.

"I've made my share of mistakes during my tenure as Hokage. I turned a blind eye to Danzo's misdeeds" he continued.

His sincere words took Homura and Koharu aback, surprised by this unexpected change of heart in their old friend.

"I won't spill the details about your actions and Danzo's, but don't think sensei won't find out. Take care of yourselves," Hiruzen cautioned before bidding farewell and leaving the room.

Left behind, Homura and Koharu exchanged puzzled glances.


Hokage Building

Tobirama quietly returned to his office.

At that moment, Shikaku was engrossed in his work, diligently attending to the tasks left behind by the hokage.

"Hey, Shikaku, still buried in paperwork?"

Shikaku raised his head, feeling a surge of irritation at being interrupted yet again. How dare they treat him like a mere laborer?

"Hokage-sama, you've returned," Shikaku replied with forced politeness.

"Shikaku, I have news for you," Tobirama continued.

"Danzo Shimura attempted to stage a rebellion and was eliminated by me. From now on, you'll be stepping into his role as Hokage advisor," Tobirama announced.

"What?!" Nara Shikaku couldn't believe his ears.

"Danzo's Root tried to assassinate me during my visit to the Land of Fire, but I dealt with them," Tobirama repeated calmly, noticing Shikaku's disbelief.

"Shikaku, gather all the Jonin in the village to the conference room immediately. I have an announcement to make," Tobirama instructed calmly.

"Understood…" Despite his surprise, Shikaku knew better than to question the Hokage's decisions. He silently resolved to carry out the orders.


In the meeting room, conversations buzzed among those unaware of the unfolding events, while those privy to the inside story awaited the Hokage's arrival.

"Shikaku is everyone here?" Tobirama's voice echoed.

"Yes hokage-sama" shikaku replied.

The room fell silent as Tobirama delivered shocking news. Danzo, the Hokage's advisor, had attempted rebellion and assassination, resulting in his death at Tobirama's hands.

"I've called you here for an important matter," Tobirama began, capturing everyone's attention.

He continued, "Danzo Shimura, the Hokage's advisor, attempted rebellion and assassination against me. He has been dealt with."

"Now, I invite everyone here because I want to redistribute duties in Konoha Village."

This declaration gripped everyone's attention.

"This," murmurs of surprise and concern rippled through the room, but no one dared to question Tobirama's words.

Tobirama surveyed the gathering of prominent figures from Konoha. Guy, Akimichi Chōza, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, Hatake Kakashi, Aburame Shibi—all present. Inoichi, who had examined Danzo's body, was visibly uneasy after uncovering the secrets hidden within.

Observing unanimous approval, Tobirama issued directives:

"Starting from today, Nara Shikaku will assume the position of Advisor of the Hokage, taking over Danzo's responsibilities."

"Understood, Hokage-sama!" Shikaku acknowledged.

Tobirama then turned his attention to Kakashi: "Hatake Kakashi, you will temporarily lead the ANBU and oversee the village's security."

Kakashi was taken aback by the unexpected appointment, expressing gratitude for the Hokage's trust.

Lastly, Tobirama looked to Guy: "Guy, how about you become my personal guard?"

Guy, overwhelmed with emotion, pledged to protect the Hokage with his youth.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama! I will definitely protect your safety! YOUTH!!!!"

With these assignments, Tobirama announced the continuation of existing roles for others, concluding with plans for his official inauguration ceremony as Hokage.

"Understood, Hokage-sama!" echoed in unison.

As the meeting concluded, Tobirama sensed a peculiar change within himself. A cold, mechanical voice echoed in his mind, signaling the completion of his mission and the acquisition of Wood Release.


Name: Senju Tobirama

Strength: Kage Level

Status: Reincarnated from Impure World

Mission: Reclaim Konoha (Completed)

Reward: Wood Release

