
Naruto : The Wind Calamity

The MC transmigrates into Narutoverse in the body of a civilian orphan. Luckily for him, the transmigration results in chakra being unlocked. Follow the story of the MC as he grows in power and stabilizes himself into the world of ninjas and trains to be the strongest.  Warning :  1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) 4. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphanage and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 5. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. 6. I haven't read (nor will be reading) Baruto. So Baruto plotline won't be considered much in here. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to R. J PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Devil_Hex · แฟนตาซี
727 Chs

Chapter 641 : Fujin Vs Orochimaru - Round 2!

"Were you so impatient to accept my offer and follow me instead of slaving for Akatsuki?"

As Orochimaru heard Fujin's nonchalant tone, he saw Fujin standing a few meters behind him while holding a sword in his hand. A smirk appeared on his lips as he tauntingly asked, "You think so?"

Having been burned once by Fujin's words, Orochimaru didn't take his words to heart anymore and treated them as the air. Fujin tilted his head and asked in confusion, "Why are you here then? Do you want to be beaten again? I didn't know you were a masochist. Sigh, you Sannins are all weird!"

Disgust was visible on Fujin's face as he spoke those words. Despite having decided to ignore all of Fujin's words, Orochimaru couldn't control his eyes from twitching. He thought, 'This brat! He is very good at getting under the skin.'

He said, "I'm more interested to know what you are doing here. Shouldn't you be in the tower?"

Fujin replied, "I was but I felt like some snakes were crawling underground and came to check. And from the looks of it, I was right. For you to first put that seal on Sasuke and then watch him in this manner… Why are you so obsessed with that Uchiha kid?"

Orochimaru replied, "Oh you know how it is. Two guys have something and a third one's just got to get it."

Fujin asked, "Oh, the Sharingan? However, what use is a two Tomoe Sharingan to you? Even if you implant it, it'll be more of a constraint than a boon. Wouldn't it have been better if you went after his brother's Mangekyou?"

Orochimaru's smile faded away. Fujin made an expression that displayed that he just figured out something. He chuckled and said, "I see how it is. You went after him and failed, presumably got your ass handed to you. So, you are now going after his younger brother instead. Hehehe."

With amusement on his face, Fujin added, "When I grew up, I always heard stories about the Legendary Sannins. As the strongest among them, I heard especially a lot about you. Nearly every kid in my class looked up to you and wanted to be as powerful as you.

Unfortunately, it looks like the reality is disappointing. Instead of seeing a powerful Sannin, all I see is a loser going after Genins because he is too afraid of the stronger ninjas. I wonder how disappointed they would be when they learn the truth."

Fujin shook his head in disappointment. Orochimaru's expression became dark upon hearing his words. Despite having decided to ignore his words, Fujin had successfully managed to get on his nerves!

Before he could respond, Fujin flowed chakra through his sword and said, "I have changed my mind. I gave you the offer due to your past reputation. However, after seeing the truth, I have no intention of having such a weak follower. Just let me kill you without any resistance so that others don't learn how disappointing you are and you maintain your reputation!"

Fujin disappeared and appeared in front of Orochimaru while swinging his sword.

While Fujin and Orochimaru were in a face-off, another face-off was happening very close by. Inside the tower, Kakashi and Kabuto were looking at each other. The bodies of 4 dead Anbu ninjas were lying in the room while Sasuke was sleeping in the center on a bed.

Kakashi asked, "What do you want to do with Sasuke? Depending on the circumstances, I'll have to arrest and interrogate you."

Kabuto smirked and asked in return, "I wonder if someone like you can?"

Kakashi replied, "Do you want to test someone like me?"

The two talked for a bit more until Kakashi realized that talking with Kabuto would be pointless. However, before he could make a move, Kabuto held a kunai against the sleeping Sasuke's throat. Understanding the danger, Kakashi made a move instantly and restrained 'Kabuto'.

In the tower, Fujin's clone continued analyzing, 'I haven't made any impact on the Oto Genins. So, there's a good chance that Dosu would end up committing suicide. As for Sakura, the best thing for her is just to forfeit this match.

I suspect that Kakashi might ask her to do the same as the danger is too high and he can't strengthen her in a month like he could with Sasuke. Even if she doesn't forfeit, as long as she isn't too injured, things will remain the same. So, I don't need to interfere unless her life is in danger like how Lee's was.'

He was satisfied with the matchups. The Genins looked at their opponents. Naruto was happy to have Neji as his opponent while Shino and Kankuro had a staredown. Of course, there was one Genin who was terrified.

That Genin was none other than Sakura. Her face became pale at the very instant she realized that her opponent was Gaara! Having seen his battle with Lee, she knew that she had no chance against Gaara.

Naruto was looking at Neji when he sensed that something was off with Sakura. He said, "Sakura-chan, what's wrong? Why are you so pale?"

Sakura didn't say a word. Instead, Shikamaru said, "Look who her opponent is, Naruto."

Naruto looked again at the paper Ibiki was holding and realized, "Your opponent is Gaara???"

Sakura could only nod pitifully. She didn't know what she could do in a month that would give her a chance against a monster like Gaara. Seeing her depressed, Naruto said, "Don't worry, Sakura. I am sure Kakashi sensei will think of something."

Once again, Sakura could only nod pitifully and hope that Naruto's words were true. Fujin's clone couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction. So did most of the other Jounins and Gaara's siblings. Temari commented in her mind, 'Poor girl... Gaara won't even leave her bones behind.'

Outside the building where Sasuke was kept, Orochimaru dodged Fujin's Vacuum Slash and said, "Do you really think that this battle will go similar to the one in the forest?"

Fujin continued attacking and said, "Of course it won't. We are in the village. You'll soon be surrounded by thousands of ninjas and be killed! Unlike the previous time, I won't allow you to escape!"

Dodging the barrage of Wind and Vacuum Blades, Orochimaru jumped into the sky as he said with a smirk, "That's right. We are in the village. As long as we fight here, thousands of people will die in the aftermath of our battle!"

'Fire Release: Majestic Destroyer Flame jutsu!'

A massive flood of flames appeared in the sky and fell towards the ground. The attack was so big and so intense that every civilian and ninja in the vicinity saw it and became alert.

Fujin built up his chakra as well and took a deep breath while saying, "What about it? Did you forget that you are in a ninja village?"

'Wind Release: Infinite Breakthrough jutsu!'

His move surprised Orochimaru as he wondered, 'That's strange… Did he forget that his Wind jutsus can't push back my fla… Hmm?'

As the two jutsus clashed, Orochimaru saw that Fujin's winds were overpowering his jutsu. The flames were being sent back into the skies by the intense winds.

A grin appeared on Orochimaru's face as he thought, 'Impressive! Very impressive! He added Yin chakra to his jutsu to counter my Yang chakra. And, he has added it in enough quantity to be able to match me. To come up with this so quickly, his control over Yin & Yang chakra must be exceptional.

As impressive as he is, he is too big of a threat to be left alive. If he's allowed to mature completely, he might end up surpassing Minato. I need to eliminate him during the invasion, or Konoha will rally around him even if I kill Sensei.'

The massive waves of flames dispersed in the skies as a good portion of Konoha's population noticed a fiery sky and felt a heatwave. Several ninjas rushed towards their location.

Just then, the sound of a glass window breaking was heard behind Fujin as Kabuto jumped out while being disguised as an Anbu ninja. Kakashi looked out of the window while thinking, 'Darn it, he got away!'

His attention was quickly diverted towards Fujin and Orochimaru as he thought, 'I sensed their clash. Did Orochimaru also come here for Sasuke? And, what is Fujin doing here?'

Kabuto saw them as he fell from the building as well. However, he didn't stay and quickly escaped. Seeing Kabuto get away successfully, Orochimaru, who was standing in the center of a firestorm, said while weaving a hand seal, "This isn't the time for us to battle. But don't worry, it'll be very soon."

Using Reverse Summoning jutsu, Orochimaru escaped from Konoha once again. Fujin didn't stop him from escaping as he thought, 'Oh, it's good that he's escaping himself. Saves me a lot of trouble.'

In a quiet and dark corner inside Konoha, where there was no one nearby, Kabuto appeared. He sighed in relief and thought, 'It's a good thing that Orochimaru-sama was keeping an eye. Otherwise, with both Kakashi and Fujin, I might not have been able to esca…'

Suddenly, Kabuto's eyes widened and his pupils dilated. He lowered his head and glanced towards his chest. An arm, covered in Lightning, had pierced through his chest and was holding his heart!


A/N : If you can, then please support me on P@treon.

Link - www.pat reon.com/DevilHex

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Alternatively you can support me on UPI (google pay) - patilsarvesh8@oksbi

Can read up to 50 chapters ahead on P@treon.

Thank You Shinu, Mugen, Ruben, Simon, Fanchu, Gillum, West, Will, Reggie and Emmanuel for supporting me on P@treon.