
Naruto : The Wind Calamity

The MC transmigrates into Narutoverse in the body of a civilian orphan. Luckily for him, the transmigration results in chakra being unlocked. Follow the story of the MC as he grows in power and stabilizes himself into the world of ninjas and trains to be the strongest.  Warning :  1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) 4. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphanage and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 5. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. 6. I haven't read (nor will be reading) Baruto. So Baruto plotline won't be considered much in here. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to R. J PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Devil_Hex · แฟนตาซี
719 Chs

Chapter 1 : Transmigration

Konoha :

In the most famous building in Konoha, an old man, smoking with a smoking pipe, was staring out of the window. Behind him, a table full of papers, which needed his signature. Hiruzen Sarutobi, however, continued to stare out of the window at the 4th Hokage's monument. Today was exactly a year, since Konoha had to face Nine Tails assault. Hiruzen finally let out a sigh. Konoha suffered the most losses of any village in the 3rd great ninja war due to having to fight every village. And merely a year later, they had to face another assault which not only killed the 4th Hokage, but also a lot of their ninjas and civilians. This not only increased the burden on him and existing ninjas, but also caused Konoha's orphanage to be overpopulated. Hiruzen sighed again, finally starting his day by getting that damned paperwork done. 

In one such orphanage, Suzuki Fujin, a 5 year old orphan, was sound asleep. Suddenly however, he got up, screaming in pain while holding his head and falling unconscious. The scream woke up his fellow orphans, who alerted the caretaker. 

A few hours later, Suzuki Fujin woke up, but still under intense headache, thinking 'Damn what the heck's up with this headache! While I did stay up late last night working on that project, I haven't ever suffered such a headache. And it feels like memory is all jumbled up'. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. Frowning upon noticing the unfamiliar surrounding, 'what is this? Where am I? This ain't my room'. He tried getting up, but suddenly noticed, "Why am I so much smaller? Did I somehow return to the past?" However, his thoughts were broken by 2 kids walking into the room. They suddenly ran towards him and one asked "Fujin, are you alright?" Whereas the other one asked "Why did you yell?" Fujin saw them two, thinking 'Who are these two? Wait I think I know them. But how? Damn this headache is unbearable. And I need to get my thoughts sorted out somehow.' With that, Fujin pretended to fall unconscious again, trying to make some sense out of the situation. The 2 kids however got worried and ran back to the caretaker. 

While he pretended to be asleep, he started to gain access to new memories. Memories of Suzuki Fujin. It took five hours of gaining clarity, an insufferable headache and disbelief for him to understand, 'Fuck! I transmigrated! And into the fucking Naruto world of all places! But how? I don't even remember dying. Don't you need to die in order to transmigrate? And damn, transmigrated from that safe world with rules and regulations into this deadly world full of cunning and powerful ninjas. And I got transmigrated into a fucking civilian off all people!' 

After a few minutes of disbelief and ranting, he finally calmed down and decided to understand and plan his future. He thought, 'Alright, I guess I'll be known as Suzuki Fujin from now on. Unlucky fellow to lose his life by someone transmigrating into him. I wonder how that even works! Anyways, I got a lot of information from his memories. His parents seemed to have died in Kurama's rampage and he was incredibly lucky to live. And damn, after being admitted into the orphanage, he was examined by Root to see if he can be taken in. Lucky me that they didn't choose him. Hmm, since Kurama's attack took place an year ago, and since he is 5 years old, it seems I'm 4 years older than Naruto and his generation. Alright, that gives me more time to train and gain power. The Uchiha massacre should occur after around 7 years, Konoha crush after 12 years and Pain's attack and 4th great ninja war after 16 years. Wait, what's this feeling?' At that moment, he felt a weird energy flowing through him. He thought, 'Is this chakra? His memories didn't have anything related to chakra. So does it mean that chakra was unlocked when I transmigrated into him? Finally some good news. With this, getting into the ninja academy should be easier than other civilians. Though I wonder how does my chakra level compare to chakra level of others. Anyways, probably better to get a look at the surroundings first to understand more of this place.' With that, he finally stopped pretending to be asleep and woke up. 

[A/N: (I am adding this in 2024) This is the first book I have written. So, I miscalculated what an appropriate paragraph size would be. Also, I have added several dialogues in the same para. So, the initial chapters might be slightly more difficult to read. I'm not editing the chapters as the Paragraph comments will be lost.

That said, I slowly improve on this aspect over time thanks to everyone's feedback. You can read the first 51 chapters on Royal Road or Scribble hub as I have spaced paragraphs better there. Return back to Webnovel from chapter 52.]

Finally started! It was tough, I got stuck on the very first word itself, lol. Anyways, please lemme know how the chapter was. If there are any grammatic or spelling mistakes, plz lemme know, I'll correct. Also tips and ideas are highly appreciated..

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