
Naruto: The way of a shinobi

a person reborn in Naruto, an outsides tries to survive in Naruto without any cheats. come watch nichi botsu surviving the Naruto world and to watch how powerful he becomes in Naruto

Miro_Turtak · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Life in the Hidden Leaf Village


My name is Nichi Botsu, and I want to ask you a question: What if you had a chance to be reborn in the world of Naruto? Would you take it or not? I presume everyone would take the chance to go to Naruto, and I would too, to be a ninja and use ninjutsu. It would be great, but there is a slight problem—I'm average and have no talent for being a ninja.

If you're curious as to why I'm asking you this question, it's because I was reborn in Naruto. Don't get me wrong; I'm grateful for a second chance at life. Yes, I did die in my previous life, but who cares about my other life? What matters is my life now.

When I was finally conscious that I am in Naruto (maybe it was the four heads on the mountain that gave away that I was in Naruto), I felt excited. But I found out that I was an orphan, and everyone knows that if you're not in a clan, you won't reach great heights. Of course, there are people who were not in a clan and still became great ninjas, like Minato, but he is different. He is a one-of-a-kind genius.

Anyway, when I started going to the academy, that's when I realised I was average. But I kept training my ninjutsu and taijutsu. I then accepted that I would be average my whole life, so I decided to live my life as an ordinary ninja.


Why do I have to be average? Damn this world. If I were at least reborn as a Hyuga, but no, I had to be reborn as an average person.


No, I chose to be an ordinary ninja, so I should stick with it.

"Nichiiii, Nichi is daydreaming again!" Rei's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nichiiii, stop daydreaming and pay attention," Sensei chided.

"Why do you have to be so annoying, Rei?" I muttered.

"That's what it means to be friends with me," Rei replied.

"I hate you, but I need you around. Whose homework am I going to copy?" I said, pretending to be annoyed.

"I am offended, Nichi, that this is what you think of our relationship," Rei teased, fake crying.

This right here is my friend, Rei. As you've seen, he is annoying, but he is the only friend I have. Anyone in this class is a clansman who doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't think I mentioned this, but I was reborn the same year as Naruto, the protagonist of this story. But we are not in the same class. I am a year older than him, but I am in the same class as Neji, Lee, and Tenten. When I saw Lee, I, of course, didn't want to befriend any of them because I might create a butterfly effect. What if Naruto loses against Kaguya? Then this world would be destroyed.

"Nichi, Nichi!" Rei snapped me back to reality.

"What is it, Rei?" I replied.

"You were daydreaming again, weren't you? Anyway, school's over, so let's walk together," Rei suggested.

"Damn, it's already over. Maybe Rei is right; I daydream a lot."

"Yeah, let's go," I agreed.

As we walked the streets of Konoha, Rei asked, "Have you finished the assignments for passing the ninja exam?"

"Of course, I have. I've mastered the three basic jutsu completely," I replied.

"Yeah, it only took you four months to fully master the jutsu, which took everyone else at least one month," Rei commented.

"Yeah, I know, but I wasn't trying that hard to master them," I admitted.

*Sigh* "Nichi, if you actually tried in the academy, you could have been a great ninja," Rei said.

"Who cares? Anyway, your house is right there," I pointed out.

"Alright, see you tomorrow. And remember, our graduation is tomorrow," Rei reminded me.

When I departed from Rei's house, I headed to my own home. But I remembered that I had nothing to do at my home where I lived alone. Maybe I should find a place to finish the tree climbing exercise I started a month ago. I was nearly done with it.

I arrived at Ground 16, my usual training spot. Nobody rarely came here, and it was covered by trees all around me, making it the perfect place to train. I started to follow the instructions that the manga showed me. First, focus a fixed amount of chakra to the soles of your feet. Second, climb the tree with the help of your hands. I proceeded to climb the tree using only my feet.

"This is better than yesterday. Maybe it won't take long for me to finally master the tree-climbing exercise. I'm starting to pass all the kunai markings I left on the tree. I'm finally getting the hang of it, so I should start to run up the tree until I reach the top."

What a view! I could see the whole village from here. Even though I didn't get blessed with great talent for being a ninja, just being in Naruto was great. Konoha is amazing and so beautiful.

"WOOHOO! I'm grateful to be alive!" I shouted as my excitement bubbled over.

When I finally concluded with my shouting, I got down from the tree. "Okay, what should I do now? I still have a few hours before I go home. Maybe I should revise all the academy taught me."

Running down from the tree, I started to practise the three basic jutsu, taijutsu, and kunai and shuriken throwing.

"I should start with the transformation jutsu and then clone jutsu and body replacement jutsu."

I began doing the hand signs for the transformation jutsu.


"Yes, I did it! Now to only confirm if I transformed into Otoki Sensei is to check with the pond near me."

"It looks passable," I said to myself while looking at the pond.

"Okay, now it's time for clone jutsu."

*PUFF 5x*

"What? I can now create five clones of myself? Last time I could only do three clones. Maybe it was the help of the tree-climbing training I did. It could have improved my chakra control. Now I don't have to waste that much chakra and stamina."

"Now it's time for the hardest one of all, body replacement jutsu. I really hate this one. You need a lot of concentration, and it takes me a long time to activate the jutsu."

*50 seconds later*


"Finally! I'm more surprised that it didn't take me longer to get that jutsu ready. It usually takes one minute for me to perform the jutsu. I really need to train that jutsu to minimise the amount it takes

  to activate it. I still have two hours left before going home. I should split it between shuriken and kunai throwing and taijutsu."

Two hours later, I was panting and exhausted. "Haa... haa... arghh, I hate physical work," I muttered as I lay on the ground.

"Damn, at least I finished the training. Now it's time to take a hot bath, eat some food, and go to bed. I hope this is good enough to pass the exam. For the past six years, I was in the academy."

**Chapter 5: Graduation Day**

The next morning was the day I would become a full-fledged ninja. I couldn't wait. I checked myself in the mirror before heading out: black hair, brown eyes, a white shirt, black long shorts, and black sandals. I was ready to depart.

While walking, I found Rei heading in the same direction.

"Yo, Rei," I greeted him.

"Nichi, what are you doing here? I thought you would be too scared to come for the exam," Rei teased.

"Yeah, dream on, buddy. I didn't think that. We both know that you're too nervous," I retorted.

"Yeah, alright, like that would ever happen. Come on; Sensei would kill us if we're late for the graduation," Rei replied.

"That we both can agree on," I said.

When we arrived at the classroom, Rei and I took our seats, which were right next to each other. We waited for our sensei and the rest of our classmates. But then, our worst nightmare approached us, and we both began to shake.

"Why is she coming here? What did you do, Rei?" I whispered.

"No, I didn't! Was it you who did something to provoke her again?" Rei asked.

"Again? If you don't remember, me and you were in it together," I reminded him.

"I still remember that day. It was the day I'll never forget," Rei said with a shiver.


"Okay, everyone, today is practical. Boys and girls, go to the changing room and get ready to go outside," Sensei instructed.

"Yes, Sensei!" the whole class chorused.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, Rei?" I asked.

"Yeah, go and find a random kid and bully him," Rei jokes.

"What? No! How could you come up with something so brutal?" I protested.

"Yeah, I was only joking, Nichi. Don't take it so seriously. So, what were we thinking?" Rei asked.

"To go to the girls' changing room and spy on Sana," I suggested.

"Wait, the Sana devil witch? You do get that no one would have thought of that. She has a devil and a witch in her nickname. I heard she once beat up a boy so bad that he had to go to the hospital. That is a crazy idea, and I like it," Rei said.

"I knew you would, Rei," I said.

When all the girls had finished changing, Sana was always the last to come out. We waited for all the boys to head out, as they were all stuck-up clan members. All the boys were no fun, except Rei, who was from the Sarutobi clan. He was cool and funny and not stuck up like the rest.

"Nichi, they're finally all gone. Only Sana is left. Let's look through the hole quickly," Rei urged.

"Alright, I'll go first," I said.

I approached the hole and made a hole silently. Then I peeked in on Sana and...

"Wow, she really is beautiful, even without her clothes," I whispered.

"This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful person in my whole life. Dark red hair with beautiful ocean eyes, and don't forget her body is so beautiful," I marvelled.

"Hey, Nichi, let me see too!" Rei requested.

"Shut up! She'll hear us," I hissed.

"Who's there? Is someone peeping through that hole? I'm going to kill you!" Sana's voice rang out.

She proceeded to break through the wall with inhuman strength. Her dark hair seemed to come alive, and I don't know what I saw, but I saw her growing horns.

"Devil!" I stammered.

"Witch!" Rei added.

"Oh, now you've done it. I'm going to send both of you to your graves," Sana threatened.

"Ahhhhh!" Rei and I screamed.



That was the day I got a scar on my stomach, and Rei got a broken arm. We both swore that we would never do that again. When the other girls found out what we did, they also beat us up. I'll never forget that experience—women are demons, and I should never provoke one.

The next day, we graduated. Sensei called each of us up to perform the three basic jutsu. Rei was called up before me.

"Rei Sarutobi, come up and perform the three basic jutsu," Sensei announced.

"Good luck, buddy," I said to Rei.

"Thanks," Rei replied.

Rei finished performing the three basic jutsu, and Sensei handed him a Konoha headband. He then headed towards me.

"Nichi, I did it. Now it's only you left," Rei said.

"Nichi Botsu, come up," Sensei called my name.

Finally, it was my turn. I walked up to Sensei's desk, feeling really nervous.

"Nichi, clone first, second transformation, and then body replacement jutsu," Sensei instructed.

I began performing the jutsu.

*Clone jutsu*

*PUFF 5x*

"Oh great, five! That's great, Nichi. Now transform into me," Sensei directed.

*Transformation jutsu*


"Okay, now body replacement jutsu," Sensei urged.

I concentrated as hard as I could, but it took a while.

*Body replacement jutsu*


"That took longer to prepare, but your transformation jutsu and clone jutsu made up for it. Nichi Botsu, you have passed. Come collect your headband," Sensei said.

"Yes! I finally passed. Now I can actually be a ninja," I exclaimed. I grabbed the headband and put it on my forehead, then walked over to Rei.

"Hey, Rei, I passed too. Now we can be ninjas," I said.

"Yes, we can," Rei replied.

"Attention, everyone. Tomorrow you will come here to arrange your teams, so arrive early. And also, today, go to the office near the Hokage's office to collect your ninja IDs. Good luck, everyone," Sensei informed us.

Rei and I went to the office at the Hokage's building to get our IDs. We both walked home together.

"Hey, Nichi, I hope we are both on the same team," Rei said.

"Yeah, me too, Rei. I just want you and

  anybody else that isn't Sana," I replied.

"Yeah, we can both agree to that. She'll kill us if we were on the same team," Rei added.

"Alright, we'll do our best to be splendid shinobi," I said.

Tomorrow, we were going to be genin, and we were going to go on S-rank missions and become famous.

"Yeah, we will," Rei agreed.

Tomorrow was the day I was going to be a ninja, and it would be the start of my journey. But I hoped I would get a great sensei, someone like Kakashi who could teach me well. Naruto and Sakura didn't get much from him, but Sasuke sure did. I hoped for someone like Might Guy so I could learn the Eight Gates. That would be sick. I still remembered when Lee used it; he gained extraordinary strength.

Anyway, tomorrow, I was going to be on a team. To be continued...