
Bab 11 Revelation on Konoha 10

It's been 7 years since Naruto and Hinata leave the condition of Konoha to become worst because of an embargo by 2 countries, the two countries are Wave country and Spring countries on the economic term is not effect by that but the effect is real because the spring countries leader sent a message Sunagakure and Wave countries to discuss this happen and what to do with Konohagakure, and the result surprisingly the list conference on Sunagakure is this

-Spring countries will stop trade with Konoha on the material and Immaterial production like a weapon, steel, bronze, and armor to Konoha, the continuation of trade but not the weapon

- Wave countries will embargo and cancel the previous trade with Konoha but not with fire countries

-Spring and Wave countries will be given a mission list to Sunagakure

-Sunagakure will be an alliance with Konohagakure but on defensive term

-Give sanctuary to Naruto and Hinata

The list is 4 terms on the result of a conference

The civilian counsel, advisor, and Hyuuga clan are angry about the news, they ask Tsunade to put pressure on three countries and make them trade to Konoha merchants.

Tsunade begins using his real identity of him she begins to bark like a dog what means the dog is angry with them how dare they use him as a shield of their fault

'How dare you use me as a shield against another country and who is a fault, huh you whore do you think is my fault it is but no this is your fault you fool you only think the profit but you did not think the ninja work, freaking Ninja task is dangerous and who is it fault who banished Naruto and mark Hinata, huh you damn bitch' said angry Tsunade when she must attend the emergency meeting lead by Council and advisor.

The effect of Tsunade said makes the civilian council and advisory make them embarrassed and angry at Tsunade since that the relation between the both Hostile, how about the ninja clan, they neutral about it they begin to see the frustrate of Tsunade but only Shikaku Nara sees Tsunade there is something that makes Tsunade hide something to them but he still quiet not to revealed to this meeting he doesn't want to jeopardize situation and still loyal to Hokage.

When the meeting ends Tsunade and Shikaku begin to leave early when Tsunade begins to work in his room there Shikaku begin to talk to Tsunade about Naruto and Hinata condition when he said that Tsunade begins to be surprised but still calm but on his side, how, she asks how he knows that, he said with his psychological on Tsunade he know she lying to them how she doesn't know about the two but he need answer

When she want to say there is the person who said 'if you want to know I want you and Konoha 12 to come to this room but not former team seven and their sensei said the man enter from the window.

'Jiraiya, I don't know you there' said Tsunade with surprised Jiraiya appearance which makes Tsunade surprised is a Jiraiya dress is different, he not wearing traditional sannin clothes but strange clothes and a strange shirt, armor and weapon.

'Okay then, you can tell the 12 Konoha said Shikaku, Tsunade begin to order his Anbu to call former Konoha 12 but not former team seven and their former sensei.

30 minute later

The group begin to appear in the Hokage room,

'Hokage-sama what can you want to us and then why there is my father in this room' said Shikamaru

'well you can tell your father about it' said Tsunade.

'troublesome, so why father what do you want that you make us on here' said Shikamaru,' well as you can see Jiraiya and Tsunade know where Naruto and Hinata ' said Shikaku.

What Shikaku said to make the former 12 Konoha filled with regret not because see Naruto as a demon but see him as human, and then Hinata Neji regrets it not stopping the elder and Hiashi to brand him so see can marriage to noble to make prestigious and make the strong connection on his clan now Hanabi as heir of the main branch Neji see him not being cheerful but arrogant as him when he young before he being beat by Naruto on the tournament.

'Before I want to know this is S-rank information so no want knows about this information event the council and advisor doesn't know about this information and then there is no eavesdropping because I order Anbu to out and then I use silence seal' said Jiraiya.

They both nod.

Jiraiya begins to throw his scroll to the floor,pof.

The Holo project begins to appear, to former 12 Konoha see awe to the strange object as for Shikaku he quiet.

'master Jiraiya what is this's said tenten.

'Well tenten this is a Holo project you can call it advance computer where they both two live now' said Jiraiya with a sad tone

'Please confirm your ID' said autonomous Holo, Jiraiya begin to confirm his ID with his card and then put him on the left side.

And Jiraiya begin using Holo computer to search the file, the Holo computer make awe to former 12 Konoha, and then Jiraiya begin to see the file, and then played to former 12 Konoha what was first the code of arm of UNSC and then the planet who make them in awe and then 10 seconds later is the same planet that makes all team surprised and scares about it, and the unknown to him is the subtitle of the voice said 'Human your destruction is the will of God and we are their instrument' that makes to former 12 Konoha chill and scary about it and then the destruction of unknown to him, that makes Jiraiya know what the situation that all team see about and then the fight between Covenant and UNSC that make to former 12 Konoha scare that unknown species attack the Human but what makes question above them there is not chakra on human, and then they see the video on first-person seeing about an unknown advance tool.

And what they surprised

'Come you covies I know that you are the weak as your prophet' said a female person mocking elites, the elite begin to mad and charge at him but luckily she dodges and then begins using his weapon to knock the elite and then begin shooting at him.

'Hinata' said Neji, Neji said make the all team in this room is surprised what Neji said, and then what surprised them is how brutal Hinata fought and execute his enemies.

And then the video begins to end.

The room fell with mixed responses all the former team seeing this as unbelieve that was Hinata doing, how brutal it was she fighting.

'I know that you all have some questions, but I will explain the called themself UNSC or United Nation Space Command and what creature it was is Elite they part of group call covenant, and then what you see of that person is Hinata' said Jiraiya.

The former 12 Konoha begin to be surprised what Jiraiya said and then

'and what it was a strange armor person' said tenten.

'that was spartan the most elite super soldier on UNSC group and what you know is that were Naruto and Hinata on spartan branches' said Jiraiya

That makes me surprised by both of the team, and then Shikaku begin to ask about what is UNSC, Jiraiya begin to tell that UNSC is a branch of the Navy, Scientific, and Exploration unit from UEG or United Earth Government but now they are used as Emergency government.

And they all begin to ask a question about all of Hinata and Naruto's doing, then Jiraiya begins to tell that Covenant finally reach Humanity home that was Hinata and Naruto doing their task to defend and fight the covenant.

'how bad it was now' said Tsunade, 'it's bad Tsunade but we finally win against the covenant because there is rebel fight within covenant lead by Arbiter to fight the Prophet but know I will be going to frontline' said Jiraiya with a serious tone.

'I want to you to keep this secret if the information is leaked there will be public panic against the extraterrestrial and then Council demand of Naruto and Hinata to return ' said Jiraiya when he finally put his Holo project and then he asks Tsunade that he will be left to a long time because he must join with Naruto, and Hinata to fight again the covenant.

Tsunade nods and then Jiraiya begins to leave them all by using the Teleportation jutsu that he created.

See you later at bab 12 the Alliance