
The Start of the Search

Riku was running outside of the village as he used his spirit sight to track people around his area trying to find Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji or Kiba. He needed a hint of where they went. He kept searching for a while in the forest until he felt a huge spike in chakra near him. Feeling that he immediately rushed towards the location only to find Choji who had butterfly wings made of chakra on his back and he also looked slimmed down. He was fighting a tall man who had a long spiky orange hair and his skin was turning red. Seeing this he started to rush to the fight, Choji was currently beating up the other guy as each of his punches had an amazing amount of force behind it. As Choji kept pushing the other guy back his enemy looked scared. He tried to talk to Choji to calm him down but at that moment Choji punched him knocking him out as it seemed that he had pushed Choji to snap. As Choji won Riku finally got there to him as Choji was starting to collapse. Riku caught Choji just in time as he was exhausted.

Riku: Choji good work.

Choji: Thanks Riku. But looks like this is it for me.

Riku: What do you mean?

Choji: The red pill multiplies my strength by a great amount but it also means that the drawback will be death.

After saying that Ino was arriving with a medical nin with her. The medical nin was a woman with straight black hair that went to her shoulders and onyx eyes. Seeing them arrive he picked up choji.

Riku: We need to get him help he ate the red pill. I have a feeling you know what that means Ino.

Ino: Yes I do. We need to get him back to the village right now. Lady Shizune please help to heal him as we get back to the village.

Shizune: Of course.

The medical nin who seemed to be named Shizune walked to Choji as she was healing him and RIku started to run as Shizune was healing him as they were heading back to the village. They got to the village quickly and rushed to the hospital.

Riku: Alright I am going back to find Sasuke with the rest. From what I could tell there will probably more people that are stopping the Sasuke retrieval team I have to hurry and help them.

Ino: Okay be safe. Shizune and I will heal Choji until Lady Fifth comes. Then we will come out again and help whoever is injured.

Riku: Alright I will head out.

Riku left them going to tack them again. This time realizing how deadly the stakes were he decided to not conserve his chakra as much as possible and use his sever release armor. He activated the armor and ran at incredible speeds to catch up to the rest of the group. He did the same thing lie before where he used spirit sight to find them. But this time as he was using the sever release armor he found them quickly as the amount of space that he traveled in this short time was a phenomenal amount. The person that he found this time was Neji in a bad condition with what looked like arrows in him fighting a guy whichRiku spotted through spirit sight who had six arms and had black hair in a ponytail with onyx eyes. But that wasn't it the guy that he was fighting had spikes on his shoulders and elbows he also had fangs and more creepy features it was like the guy that Choji was fighting. He saw this guy create a bow and arrow that was aimed at Neji. He decided to use his speed to get to the guy that Neji was fighting. He appeared behind him brought out the Kiba and coated them with sever release. He slashed through the bow and arrow destroying them. The shinobi was surprised by the sudden appearance of Riku and started to defend himself but Riku was faster as he used the other Kiba to cut the guy quickly leaving a huge cut across his chest. The enemy fell from the branch as he collapsed to the ground below. Seeing that he defeated the enemy Riku rushed towards Neji who was just standing there waiting for the next attack.

Riku: Neji, you alright.

Neji: What? Where is he?

Riku: I took care of him.

Neji: Thanks.

Neji started to relax and pull out the arrows in him.

Riku: Why the change of heart?

Neji: What?

Riku: Why help Naruto?

Neji: He opened my eyes to what I was doing wrong with my life he also gave me hope and I am thankful?

Riku: Well, thanks for the help. Ino and Shizune will be here soon they are going around and healing the injured of the team.

Neji: Ok I will wait for them don't worry about me. Go on ahead they went that way.

Riku: Alright.

Hearing what Neji said he ran in the direction that he pointed in.

Thanks for the support.

I am sorry to say that I probably won't post till Friday or Saturday because I have finals this week.

Feels bad,

The_Hrixrixcreators' thoughts