

Riku started to gather his things as he would leave to start his training with the samurai. It took him some time to convince his mother that he would go away for 2 years to train with the samurai. His mother was against him going as it was 2 years away from home but his father eventually was able to convince her as he told her it would discipline him and help his training by the samurai teaching him their ways. After he got permission from his parents, he felt that he needed to say goodbye to the rest of his friends. The first one that he decided to visit was Naruto and he knew where to find him which was at Ichiraku Ramen. He got there and saw Naruto eating his normal ramen.

Riku: Hey.

Naruto: Hey.

Riku: I decided that I would do the same as you and leave the village to train for 2 years.

Naruto: Oh where and who is going to train you for 2 years?

Riku: I am going to train at the Land of Iron with the leader of the samurai Mifune this is to improve my swordsmanship.

Naruto: Oh why only your swordsmanship?

Riku: Because that is the area that I am struggling with the most. All of my jutsu I can improve on my own. As well as since swordsmanship is one of the main areas in my fighting style it will help me tremendously.

Naruto: Oh ok. When do you leave?

Riku: In a few days.

Naruto: Well that is about when I will leave as well but let's have some ramen before we leave.

Riku: Alright.

Riku ordered some ramen as well as he sat down with Naruto eating a meal together as they talked more about their lives. After he decided to go to find his other friends to say goodbye to them as well as he went to the third hokage's house to say goodbye. He arrived and saw the third hokage relaxing on his porch.

Riku: Hello Lord Third.

Hiruzen: Hello young Riku what brings you here?

Riku: I came to say thank you for the help with the water release I have gotten down the basics. But I will be leaving in a few days to train with the samurai in the Land of Iron.

Hiruzen: Ahh you got Mifune to teach you. This will be the best for you and support your decision.

Riku: Thank you Lord Third I will see you again in two years.

He then decided to go to the Yamanaka flower shop as he could find Ino there and then go to the clans near there to say goodbye to his other friends. He arrived at the flower shop and found Ino and asked her to talk. They went to a nearby park to sit and chat.

Riku: I came to tell you that I will be leaving for 2 years to train in the Land of Iron with the samurai.

Ino: Do you really need to?

Riku: Yes this is the best opportunity that I will get for improving my swordsmanship.

Ino: Well although I prefer you stay here I do not want to be the reason that you stay here. So just make sure that you come back home safely.

Riku: Of course.

Ino: It is getting late don't worry about telling the others I will make sure that they come to say goodbye when you leave just focus on getting ready.

Riku: Thank you.

Riku left to continue packing his things.

The day that Riku would leave soon arrived. He grabbed his things as he was ready to leave. He first went to Ryu's grave as today would be the day that Ryu's newly repaired sword would be displayed near his grave. Mifune brought out the sword and placed it in a sheath that he also forged and placed it on the grave as he said a few words. The samurai took their turn saying their prayers to Ryu as well and finally Riku went up.

Riku: Thank you Ryu sensei. You have taught me so much and you even thought of helping me in your last moments I hope you continue to watch over me and enjoy your afterlife.

Riku and the rest of the samurai started to go to the entrance of Konoha as they started to leave the village and Riku saw many of his friends who came to see him off. There was his parents there, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji and many others that he meet during the chunin exams as well as classmates.

Riku: Well thanks for coming to see me off. I will come back a lot stronger.

Yukine: Stay safe and be responsible.

Hayato: Remember to learn as much as you can.

Naruto: Make sure you get stronger.

Sakura: Make sure to train well.

Kakashi: Make Ryu proud.

Ino: Please just come back safely.

Shikamaru: Training for 2 years what a drag.

Choji: Do they have good food in the Land of Iron?

Riku: Thank you guys see you in 2 years.

He went up to all of them as he hugged all of them saying goodbye to them.