
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

Continuing The Search

"What the hell Itachi, was that supposed to happened? I thought you only get the Mangekyo Sharingan from losing your loved ones?" Kisame asked Itachi who breathed in and out calmly.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan is awakened by the trauma suffered from witnessing the death of someone dear. So that means..... " Itachi looked down at Naruto's body.

" Watch out Itachi!!! "

Itachi widened his eyes as Satsuki appeared in front of him. He immediately dispersed into a flock of crows as black flames engulfed where he was previously standing.

"Stupid bitch!! Don't think you're hot shit just because your eyes changed shapes!! " Kisame shouted as he swung Samehada at Satsuki who glared at it. Her left eye widened as Samehada suddenly had black flames engulfing it.

The sentient blad started screaming in agonizing pain as Kisame immediately let it go, knowing what would happen to him if he held it for any longer.

'She has the dame flames as itachi.' Kisame thought to himself. Satsuki looked at Samehada who was screaming in pain.

"You're not who I want." She whispered as the black flames disappeared from the blade. The sentient blade laid there, weakened from the hellish pain it went through.

The flock of black crows flew beside Kisame and came together, forming Itachi's body. Kisame picked up Samehada and rubbed it, providing it some comfort.

'So she has Amaterasu like me. This will be troublesome.' The male Uchiha thought before he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and calmly looked at Satsuki.

"This is your last chance to retreat, foolish sister. Put down the flame barrier, give us Naruto and we'll let you go. " Itachi tried to bargain with Satsuki.

" I'll never hand him to the likes of you!! " Satsuki shouted angrily. Kisame grinned.

"So you're the protective type eh? Don't worry Itachi, I'll be quick, guard dogs will go down after a couple of good hits." Kisame muttered menacingly.

" Quickly Kisame, I sense Jiraiya outside of this Amaterasu barrier. He might be able to seal the flames with Fūinjutsu. " Itachi warned his teammate.

Kisame was about to charge towards Satsuki but the battlefield was suddenly engulfed in a large wave of terrorizing killing intent.

Itachi narrowed his eyes and looked at where Naruto was. He widened his eyes a little as the blonde Chunin was nowhere to be found. He tried to sense for the blonde's chakra but by then it was too late. The same blonde was already in front of him.

Itachi was suddenly wrapped around by a red bubbly tail in the face. He was raised up to the air and was them slammed onto the ground violently.


Itachi's nose broke from the impact of the slam. Kisame tried to help his teammate but he was forced to dodge a couple of red bubbly fox tails sent towards him.

He looked at Naruto and grinned savagely. The blonde was standing there with the hole in his chest slowly healing.

He was also in his version 1 form, having a dense shroud of Kurama's chakra around him. He also had paws of chakra around his hands and nine swaying tails sprouting from his body.

'Thanks Kurama.' He thanked the fox residing in him.

'Only this once, brat.' Kurama replied silently. Naruto looked at Kisame and threw Itachi at him with the tail that was wrapped around the male Uchiha.

Kisame caught him. Itachi coughed out blood a little before standing up straight. Naruto weaved a single hand seal and a Shadow Clone also in the version 1 cloak appeared beside him.

It rushed towards one side of the Amaterasu Barrier with a scroll in hand. Satsuki appeared beside Naruto.

"That clone is gonna let that Sannin in right?" Kisame asked Itachi who nodded in response.

"Have Samehada eat the flames Kisame, these conditions have become unfavorable, we are leaving." Itachi said. Kisame sighed at how heartless Itachi was. Even though Samehada was sentient, the Uchiha seemingly didn't give a shit.

But he also knew that fighting one of the men hailed as the strongest ninja in the elemental nations was not the brightest idea, even for ninja as powerful as they were.

Suddenly, the flaming barrier disappeared.

"Oh no you don't!!" Itachi looked at Jiraiya who was running towards them as he made several hand seals.

"Summoning: Toad Mouth Trap!!!" Jiraiya slammed his hands down onto the ground and before the two Akatsuki members could get any farther, a pink fleshy wall formed in front of and around all of them.

"You are trapped within the oesophagus of a giant toad from Mount Myōboku: Rock Lodging!!"Jiraiya declared loudly while narrowing his eyes at the two Akatsuki members.

The fleshy walls began to close in on the pair, forcing them to make a run for it. As they neared one of the walls, Itachi closed his left eye.

"Amaterasu!" Black flames appeared on the fleshy wall, destroying it and letting them escape.

"Damn! Almost had them!" Naruto growled angrily as Jiraiya looked at him in concern.

"Sorry I couldn't get here in time—"

"Come with me, Naruto." Satsuki declared as her eyes returned to her onyx black ones. Naruto also returned to normal. The hole in his chest was healed, leaving a scar on it.

"Okay?" Naruto confused about Satsuki's sudden order but followed it nonetheless. The Uchiha grabbed his hand and started dragging him.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow at the scene before he shook his head and smiled.

"Ah, young love."



In a forest, Naruto stood awkwardly as Satsuki walked away from him. He stared at her and then at her left hand, the hand that almost killed him if not for Kurama's chakra coming to the rescue.

"Naruto...." Satsuki whispered, gaining the blonde's full attention.

"Do you know that I screamed your name when I stabbed you? " Satsuki asked, making Naruto confused and tilt his head.

" Do you know that I cried my heart out when I thought you were dead? "Satsuki asked shakily, making Naruto widen his eyes.

" Do you know that I unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan because I saw you laying there lifelessly in front of me?" Satsuki slowly turned towards him.

Naruto gasped as he saw her Mangekyo Sharingan activated. But that wasn't the important part he was focusing on, he was looking at the tears that were flowing from her eyes and down Satsuki's face.

"Naruto you idiot.... Do you know that I care for you?" Satsuki whispered shakily. Naruto was shocked, Satsuki Uchiha was crying, in front of him no less.

"Satsuki...." He whispered as Satsuki started wiping the tears off her face but her tears couldn't stop flowing out her eyes.

"Don't scare me like that ever again.... I don't know what I would do without you being here with me...." She sobbed as Naruto slowly walked towards her.

"There there Satsuki...." Naruto whispered as he hugged her tenderly and started to caress her back. Satsuki hugged him tightly, not letting go of him for one single bit.

"I'm sorry...." She whispered and sobbed. Naruto sighed and gently ran his fingers through her raven hair.

"Satsuki, I gotta ask you something...." Naruto muttered as he reluctantly released the hug so that he could look at her.

"Kakashi sensei told me about how the Uchiha could unlock the Mangekyo by watching someone dear to them die. And uh.... When you thought I was dead, you unlocked the Mangekyo right? " Naruto asked while scratching his head, thinking about how he could approach this subject without making it sound creepy. Satsuki listened, intrigued at what the blonde wants to say.

"So uh, do you like love me or something?" Naruto asked while grinning nervously at her. Satsuki's face immediately turned crimson as she looked at the blonde with widened eyes.

'How did he even....' Satsuki thought. She wanted to reply with the truth, but her pride got in the way.

"Wh-what gave you that idea?!" Satsuki asked while crossing her arms while being her usual tsundere self. Naruto smirked, knowing he got her.

"If you'd just care for me normally, you wouldn't have cried and acted like you wanted to destroy the world around you. And also, you wouldn't have activated the Mangekyo Sharingan too." Naruto got her backed against the wall with logic and facts.

"So, please answer truthfully." Naruto added before grinning savagely at her. Satsuki rubbed her hands nervously as she tried to avoid his gaze.

"F-fine! I like you a little too much to be considered liking! Is that what you wanted?!" Satsuki shouted while closing her eyes, not wanting to see the blonde jinchuriki's shit eating grin.

She gritted her teeth angrily as she heard the blonde laughing to himself. She opened her eyes and glared at him.

"What's so funny?!" She asked angrily. Naruto laughed before looking at her warmly.

"I didn't think that you, the Ice Princess of Konoha was ever capable of loving someone." Naruto teased her. Satsuki huffed and looked away.

"I'm not the same person you knew a year ago. And so what if I'm capable of loving someone? Is it really that funny?! " Satsuki asked. Naruto crossed his arms, wanting to mess with her even more.

" If you really do love me, kiss me on the lips." Naruto challenged confidently, fully expecting her to get angry and try to hit him.

"Tch, fine."

"Huh? What's that I hear? Was that you chickening out—MMH!!!"

Naruto widened his eyes in disbelief as Satsuki appeared in front of him, grabbed his collar and pulled him in for an aggressive but tender kiss.

" Chu~!!! "

Naruto smirked and closed his eyes, kissing the Uchiha back. The two Shinobi enjoyed their first kiss with each other for a while before releasing it.

Naruto grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head while Satsuki looked away from him with a flustered expression and a bright crimson blush on her face.

" So uh.... You wanna go on a date with me?"

"Y-yeah.... S-sure.... What should I wear?"

"Your ninja attire will do just fine. I don't think I can stop myself from laughing seeing you wear a dress of something other than your Shinobi outfit. "

" Is that supposed to mean something asshole?! "

To be continued...