
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

A Little Brother From Another Mother

Naruto was staring at the rock in front of him. He looked up to see that his 100 Shadow Clones were doing the same and were waiting for him to speak. He then looked at Asuma who was training Team 10, leaving Naruto to his own devices.

"Since we haven't been able to find a waterfall with a good ledge to stand on, I want you to start cutting a rock using wind chakra. When you manage to split a rock down the middle, try cutting a rock into four pieces and increase the number of cuts you can make from there." Naruto ordered. Without saying any more, the Clones sat down and went into action.

[Wind Manipulation: Lvl 20

Requires 10% less wind chakra to Wind Style Jutsu.]

Naruto came up with a couple of new wind manipulation exercises after absolutely mastering the shit out of the Leaf Cutting Exercise.

Naruto had read that the next step after cutting a leaf was to cut a waterfall. Since there were no waterfalls that he had found that could be properly utilized for his wind training, he had decided to refine his cutting ability through other means.

The first thing he had done was make shapes in the leaves that he would cut. Simple ones had first, squares, circles and the like, and then more complex shapes like animals and people.

This was the next training method Naruto had invented that he felt would be another good step in his wind elemental training. He had actually gotten the general idea from a book he had read.

It was a much older book that he had found when looking for theories on connecting to one's chakra through meditation exercises. The book he had found, which was a book from Suna on some of the older methods of wind manipulation theories had claimed that a master of the wind element should be able to cut straight through a boulder using wind chakra.

Not only that, but the cut would be so smooth that the entire surface on either side would be completely flat. He had at first tried to cut a boulder, but soon realized that with the level of his wind manipulation was at, such a complex and difficult task was next to impossible.

So he went onto the next best thing which was cutting a rock. He felt that while it was not as good, it would still be a major advancement in his elemental training. After all, if he could cut a rock into several pieces than it should be much easier to cut flesh and bones.

Before starting, Naruto also created 100 more Shadow Clones. He set 50 of them to work on the more advanced form of Muay Thai and try to combine the taijutsu styles they know into a useable form.

[Taijutsu: Lvl 40

Increase punching strength by 20%]

[Chakra Control: Lvl 39

Jutsu requires 19.5% less chakra]

He set the other 50 to work on his chakra control. His chakra control had gotten better but was still, and probably always would be an issue that he would need to constantly work on.

"We've gotten up to five leaves on one hand, so start adding leaves to the other. I want at least two added by the end of this session. And rather than walk on the water's surface, I want you to run until you drop."

"Got it Boss!!"




A week later....

"Hello, my cute little Genin. Those are nice outfits you got there." Kakashi gave his students a wave as he walked onto a bridge where the three Genin were. He looked at Sakura and Satsuki who donned new outfits that were more durable and useful than their old ones. [Pics]

"Thanks sensei. Why did you call us here?" Sakura asked him. Kakashi gave them an eye smile as he took out three pieces of paper out from his pouch.

"You know sensei, you're still one minute late." Satsuki commented as she grabbed a piece of paper from Kakashi's hands.

"Ah, I had to help an old lady cross the street, only to find out that she was a missing ninja and I was forced to fight her. " Kakashi replied with an amused tone while looking cheerfully at Satsuki.

"At least you tried." Satsuki grumbled. Kakashi chuckled.

" Applications for the Chunin exams." Naruto whispered to himself while reading the words in the piece of paper.

" Though this is just a nomination, whether you take this exam is up to you. If you wish to take it should sign those papers and turn them in at Room 301 by 4pm tomorrow. That is all. See ya." Kakashi waved at them before disappearing via the Body Flicker Jutsu. Naruto looked at his teammates.

"Well we all know what we're doing. We all have dreams to work towards. I wanna be Hokage, Sakura's gonna be the greatest Medic-nin in the whol world and Satsuki is gonna be my Shadow Hokage when I become the Hokage." Naruto stated. Satsuki raised an eyebrow at him.

" Since when did I say that? And since when did I allow you to decide that for me?" Satsuki asked him while crossing her arms. Naruto grinned at the female Uchiha.

"You never said it. But I decided it when you said that you won't let me die on my journey to become Hokage." Naruto explained. Satsuki snorted before turning around to walk away from them.

" You probably need to find someone else for that, Naruto. I'm gonna go train with Hayate sensei now." Satsuki whispered with a small smile and a blush on her face. Naruto laughed as he looked at Sakura.

"That's means yes in the Uchiha language." Naruto explained, making Sakura giggle. They started walking through the streets of Konoha. Sakura looked at Naruto from the corner of her eye.

She never knew why she hated him when she was in the Academy save for the last year. But she guessed she hated him because she was immature and judged his appearance without getting to know him better.

Naruto made her laugh, made her smile and he cheers her whenever she feels insecure or sad. And he also made her have this intoxicating but also indescribable feeling in her heart whenever she thought about him. Ino would probably say something about Naruto being husband or boyfriend material and she wouldn't be wrong about that.

'What if Naruto was my boyfriend?' Sakura thought but immediately blushed vividly the second after. Naruto looked at her and tilted his head.

'She must be thinking about boys if she's having that expression. It should be me and I hope it is.' Naruto thought confidently before hearing a noise from behind him. He turned around and saw a square box behind him with a rock texture painted on it. It also had two eye holes in the front.

Sakura looked at it curiously and wanted to say something but Naruto put his index finger on her lips, making her flustered at his actions.

"Follow me." He whispered silently. Sakura nodded repeatedly as they started walking. The box followed them as they turned a corner.

The box suddenly stopped as it turned the corner Naruto and Sakura did. They didn't see the blonde or the pink haired beauty anywhere.

"Konohamaru-kun where did the boss go?" asked a female voice from the box.

"I don't know, it's like he disappeared!" Konohamaru exclaimed.

They were just about to lift the box up when Naruto appeared behind them. Grinning he sat down on them, listening to their muffled grunts and shouts of surprise.

"Hey who's on top of us? Get off!"

"I think my glasses broke!"

"What's going on?"

Hearing their shouts made Naruto laugh loudly while Sakura giggled, watching it on the sidelines.

"If you keep using these shitty ass disguises you'll never get the upper hand on me. Believe it."

"Ha! I'm not surprised you saw through it boss! Now can you get off?! "

" Yeah yeah.... Kids these days... "Naruto grumbled as he stood up. He stood up to the fron as the box of exploded.

"*Cough!* I think we used too much gunpowder. *Cough!*" A nasally voice said. Naruto gave the kids a nonchalant look that would nake Kakashi proud.

"So what do you kids want?" The three kids looked up at him before they broke into their introduction.

"Hey I'm Moegi Kazamatsuri! And I'm the sassiest kunoichi in school!" Moegi introduced herself. Moegi wore goggles just like Naruto did when he was an academy student. She has orange hair tied up, with red elastics, into two very large pigtails. She also has a perpetual blush.

"I'm Udon Ise and I like algebra!" Udon went next. Udon has short brown hair and dark eyes. He is characterised by the drip of snot always seen hanging from his nose and his circular glasses.

He wore a simple blue shirt which zipped up the middle, a pair of brown pants, sandals and a pair of goggles to represent his membership in the Konohamaru Ninja Squad.

"And I'm the strongest ninja in the village, Konohamaru Sarutobi!" The leader of the Konohamaru Ninja Squad and grandson of Hiruzen, Konohamaru introduced himself cheerfully.

Konohamaru has short spiky brown hair, blue eyes, and a small chip in his tooth. He wears Naruto's old goggles and his clothing consists of grey shorts and a yellow shirt with a red Konoha symbol printed on it.

"And together we're the Konohamaru Ninja Corps!" the three said in unison. Naruto and Sakura smiled at how cheerful the three kids are.

Naruto chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah I know, you guys have done this like thirty times already this month alone. And also Konohamaru, the strongest ninja in this village currently is your gramps, who is the Hokage." Naruto smirked at Konohamaru who huffed and looked away from him.

"So what do you three want now? I'm busy right now." Naruto looked at Sakura when he finished his sentence. Sakura blushed, mistaking Naruto's words as him going on a date with her.

"You promised you'd play ninja with us today boss!" Konohamaru stated as he crossed his arms.

"Did I really?" Naruto hummed and tilted his head.

" You did boss! C'mon, please play ninja with us!" The three started giving him the puppy dog eyes, something Naruto somehow resisted.

"Hey, I've been giving gramps that look before you three were even born, it won't work on me." Naruto smirked as they immediately became gloomy. He liked the trio whom he had taken to calling the Chibi Brigade, they always seemed to brighten his day.

"But I suppose I've got enough time to play ninja with you. You wanna join, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked Sakura who shrugged.

" Sure, as long as you don't make me the damsel in distress. " Sakura replied as she joined the group. Konohamaru looked at Sakura and Naruto. He smirked slyly.

" So boss, is she your girlfriend?" Konohamaru asked him. Sakura immediately blushed brightly at his question. Naruto grinned broadly at him.

"How'd you know?"



To be continued.....